Zinc oxide, Tutty
Flowers of Zinc, Calx of Zinc, Nihilum album, PompholixZincite (native Zinc oxide); however, this was not a traditional source for Zinc oxide.
Photo by Robert M. Lavinsky (Wikimedia)
Minerological name:
Impure Zinc oxide
Native ores of Zinc include:
1. Sphelerite–Zinc sulphide
2. Zincite–Zinc oxide
3. Calamine (Smithsonite)–Zinc carbonate
4. Hemimorphite–Zinc silicate
Parts used:
Traditionally from the chimneys of furnaces in which lead ores are roasted.
Today, pure Zinc oxide can be obtained. Zinc bhasma is also a source of (impure) Zinc oxide.
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, Dry; said to be the driest of all Metals (followed by Lapis Calaminaris). Bitter, Astringent
Zinc has a Specific Gravity of 7, and a melting point of 410˚C. It is highly reacted by acids and alkalies.
1. Strengthen the Kidneys, Stops Leakage:
-Night Sweats of Consumption
-Chronic Diarrhea, Dysentery
-Gonorrhea, Spermatorrhea
2. Settles Wind, Stops Spasms:
-Convulsions, Epilepsy, especially in children
-Neuralgia, Nervous Headache, Hysteria
-obstinate Hiccups
3. Clears Heat, Clears the Eyes:
-promotes Eyesight
-topically for Conjunctivitis
-used similarly to Calamine, but that is regarded as stronger for the eyes.
4. Externally:
-Wounds, Abrasions
-Burns, Scalds
-Eczema, Impetigo, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Pruritus, Acne, Herpes
-Ulcers, Varicose Ulcers
-Dermatitis, Bedsores
-protection for Excoriations
-to check excessive perspiration and absorb the discharge of weeping Eczema (Merc).
-long been used in Ayurveda for Eczema, Scabies, chronic Ulcers,
-wash for burning sensations of the body.
-topically in Eye preparations (Calamine is more commonly used)
Powder: 300–600mg (2–5 grains traditionally)
In treating Children, it was recommended to begin with quarter or half grain doses (15–30mg), increasing gradually to half or 1 grain (30–60mg), twice daily.
Zinc Bhasma: 50–250mg with Honey and Milk (Ayurveda)
Topically in Ointments or dusting powders, 5–20%
1. Heat raw Tutty to red, then quench in Rose water; repeat 3–5 times, or until it crumbles easily.
2. Make it red hot in a crucible, then extinguish it in Boy’s Urine; repeat this 7 times, then repeat 5 times in Fennel Water. Then grind it very fine on a marble with Rose Water until no grittiness can be felt between the fingers when rubbed between them. (Wirtzung)
Preparation of Zinc in Ayurveda:
1. Melt by adding a pinch of Ammonium Chloride, and pour in the Oil of Bassia latifolia seven times (Gems of the Siddha System).
2. Zinc is smelted in a ladle on fire, then dipped into Lime Water in an earthen vessel. This is repeated 7 times.
3. Zinc may also be purified by being melted, then poured into Milk 21 times. (This is often used in modern practice).
Main Combinations:
1. Childhood Convulsions, Epilepsy:
i. Zinc oxide (12 grains) Sugar (1 dram). Divide into 6 doses. Dose: one morning and evening. (Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, Augustin, 1822)
ii. Zinc oxide with Peony root
iii. Zinc oxide with Mugwort root
iv. Zinc oxide with Peony root, Crab’s Eyes
v. Zinc oxide (1 dram), Powdered Mistletoe, Powdered Charcoal (1 oz. each). Dose: 15–20 grains for a one year old. (Dispensarium Lippiacum, 1792)
vi. Zinc oxide, Extract of Henbane (1 grain each), Valerian root (1 scruple). Divide into 12 doses, take 1 powder 3 times daily. (Sobernheim, 1840)
vii. Zinc oxide (6 grains), Belladonna root (3 grains), Valerian (1 dram). Divide into 6 doses. Take 1 dose twice daily.
2. Neuralgia, Zinc oxide with Valerian
3. Scrofula, Zinc oxide (4 oz.), Cuttlefish bone, Egg Shells (2 oz. each), Scarlet cloth (1 ½ oz.). Burn together in a covered vessel, then powder. Dose: 18 grains twice daily. (Nouveau Formulaire Medicale et Pharmaceutique, 1820)
4. Sedative, Diaphoretic, for Epilepsy, Chorea, chronic Exanthemata, with Aconite (Picettario Clinico, Padua, 1825)
For the Eyes
5. To clear and benefit the Eyesight:
i. Tutty (½ dram), Aloe (1 dram), Rose Water, Fennel Water, Eyebright Water (1 oz. each). Mix. (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
ii. Tutty, Aloe (3 drams each), White Sugar (2 drams), Rose water, White Wine (6 oz. each). Mix, digest in a glass vessel, close stopped in the sun or gentle heat for 1 month, shaking daily, then decant the clear water for use. It is dropped into the eyes. Salmon tells of this being used to restore the sight of the Emperor of Constantinople in 1438.
iii. Tutty, Clove, Sugar Candy (1 oz. each), Camphor, Aloe (1 ½ drams each), Spanish Wine (48 oz.), Water of Pale Rose (6 oz.), Waters of Celandine, Fennel, Eyebright, Rue (2 oz. each). Macerate 15 days in the Sun, decant the clear Water.
6. Red, Sore and Inflamed Eyes:
i. Zinc oxide (½ scruple), fresh Butter (½ oz.), Mix to form an ointment. (Plenck)
ii. Red Opthalmic Ointment: Tutty (1 scruple), Hematite (2 scruples), Aloes (12 grains), prepared Pearl (4 grains), Viper fat (2 oz.). Mix. (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
iii. Astringent Collyrium for the Eyes, Zinc oxide (1 dram), mucilage of Quince seed prepared with Rose water (10 oz.). (Pharmacopoeia medici practici universalis, Bruxelles, 1817)
7. Conjunctivitis, Cataract, Glaucoma; steep Tutty in wine and apply the wine to the eyelashes and eyelids (not in the eyes). (Hildegard)
8. ‘Walleye’ (white streaks in the eye or an opaque white iris): Zinc oxide (6 grains–½ scruple), Walnut oil (15 grains), Lard (2 drams). Mix and apply twice daily with a brush. (Sobernheim, 1840)
9. Herpes: ggg
i. Elder Flower Ointment (1 oz.), Zinc oxide (1 dram)
ii. Tutty, Ceruse (1 oz. each), Oil of Rose, Capon fat (2 oz. each), Pine bark burnt (½ oz.)
10. Herpetic eruptions, persistent Psoriasis, chapped nipples and sore lips, Zinc oxide, Lycopodium seed powder (1 scruple), Ointment of Roses (½ oz.), Mix. (Sobernheim, 1840)
11. Herpes, Eczema, Ringworm, Freckles, Skin spots, Zinc oxide with Alum, Elecampane, Tobacco, decocted in White Wine Vinegar and applied hot. (Bateana)
12. Syphilitic Ulcers, Zinc oxide (12 grains), Copper Sulphate (4 grains), Honey of Roses (1 dram), Lime Water (2 oz.) (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
13. Pustular Erysipelas, Zinc oxide (1 oz.), Elder Flower water (1 ½ oz.). (Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, Augustin, 1822)
14. Dusting Powder, Zinc oxide (10%) with Starch and Boric acid.
15. Douche for the Womb: Mead (4 ½ oz.), Honey (2 oz.), White Vitriol (1 scruple). Used for putrid and running Ulcers, and foul Leukorrhea, used 4 or 5 times daily for 20 days (Salmon)
16. Hemorrhoids, Zinc oxide, Lycopodium powder (15 grains each), Lard (½ oz.), Rose water, Plantain water (sufficient to make an ointment). (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
BHASMA of Zinc:
1. Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Zinc Bhasma with Withania, Boswellia (Ayurveda)
2. Sore, Red, Tearing Eyes, prepare a collyrium of Licorice, Bile, Cuttlefish bone, Madder, Sandalwood, Red Earth, Barberry and Zinc Bhasma (Tibetan Medicine)
Major Formulas:
Plaster for Cancer (Wirtzung)
Water of Emperor Constantine for the Eyes
1. Medicinal Stone:
i. White Vitriol (4 oz.), Ammonium chloride (½ oz.), Alum, Ceruse, Armenian Earth (1 oz. each). Powder, mix and boil with sufficient vinegar to a hard stone. Dries Ulcers, heals Wounds; chronic Wounds and Sores, Erysipelas, Scabs, Eczema, Leprosy. To use, an ounce is dissolved in 1 pound water and used as a wash. 1 dram dissolved in Plantain or Rose water (8 oz.) is injected in for Gonorrhea. (Bateana)
1. Prolonged high intake may lead to Copper deficiency, poor immune response, and reduced levels of serum HDL.
2. According to Ayurveda, unpurified Zinc may cause ‘Phantom Tumors’ (abdominal tumors which come and go, usually caused by gas), chronic urinary disorders which includes Diabetes; Consumption, as well as obstinate Skin diseases. If not purified and prepared correctly, it may cause Gonorrhea, indigestion, flatulence, vomiting and dizziness.
1. Egg Whites may be freely given, followed by vomiting; when the stomach has emptied, Eggs and Milk may be given.
2. According to Ayurvedic texts, the ill effects of taking unpurified Zinc are remedied by taking Sida cordifolia and Chebulic Myrobalan fruit with Sugar for 3 days.
Main Preparations used:
Ointment of Zinc oxide
Chronic skin conditions, Eczema, Psoriasis, Pruritus, varicose Ulcers, Liver Spots, Ringworm, Herpes. Traditionally applied around the Eyes and on the eyelids for red, sore and inflamed Eyes.
i. Zinc oxide, finely sifted (1 part), Simple Ointment (5 parts by weight) (Edinborough)
ii. Zinc oxide (1 oz.), Prepared Lard (6 oz.). Mix. (London)
iii. Zinc oxide (2 oz.), Calamine (quenched in Plantain water) (1 oz.), Ointment of Rose (1 lb.). Mix. (London)
i. Zinc oxide (1 scruple), Camphor (1 scruple), Lard (6 oz.).
ii. Lard (6 oz.), Oil of Almonds (3 oz.), White Wax (2 oz.); melt together and add Zinc oxide (3 oz.), Camphor triturated with oil (3 drams). (Pharmacopee Usuelle, Louvain, 1821)