Zataria, Satyr

Saatar Faarsi, Al-Saatar, Satyr (Unani)
Picture Zataria multiflora
Hooker, W.J., Hooker, J.D., Icones Plantarum [Hooker’s Icones plantarum] (1883)

Botanical name:

Zataria multiflora (syn. Z. bracteata)
Three varieties are known in Unani:
  1. Sahraayi (Wild)
  2. Kohi (Found on hills)
  3. Bustaani (Cultivated)

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Very Warm, dry. Pungent. The wild is hottest


‘Dissolvent, Carminative, Attenuant, and highly detergent drug’ (Avicenna)


1. Clears Wind-Heat:
-Cough, Bronchitis

2. Clears Liver Heat:
-Liver heat or inflammation

3. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-also for Stones

4. Moves Qi, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, mild Dysmenorrhea
-used for Premature Labor Pains

5. Moves Qi, Promotes Digestion:
-nausea, loss of appetite, colic
-abdominal or epigastric distention
-Colitis, Hernia, mild constipation

6. Kills Worms
‘It expels worms and tapeworms’ (Avicenna)

7. Externally:
-chewed for Toothache and loose teeth
-Vaginosis, Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis. it is applied topically (wash or oil in an ointment base
-applied topically to Herpes


Infusion: 5–7 grams, or 1 in 10 taken in half–1 oz. doses.
Powder: 1–3 grams


1. Peppermint
2. Wild Thyme (Mother of Thyme)
3. Savory appears to be used under the name Satyr also.

Main Combinations:

1. Liver inflammation, take Zataria internally with vinegar and beat the herb with vinegar and apply topically.
2. Liver disease, Zataria, Chicory, Yarrow, Fumitory, Dodder, Black Nightshade fruit, Rhubarb, Swertia, Agrimony, Galangal (as in the proprietary medicine Kabideen)
3. Cough, decoct Zataria with Figs
4. Asthma, Whooping cough, Bronchitis, Zataria with Anemone pulsatilla in decoction.
5. Diarrhea from weakness of the Stomach and Intestines, Zataria with Chicken Gizzard skin, Chebula, Red and White Behen, Citron peel (as in
Majoon-E-Sangdana Murgh)
6. Nausea, loss of appetite, colic, Zataria, Hyssop, Mint, Caraway, Calamus, Nutmeg, Ginger, Fennel
7. Colitis, Irritable bowel, Zataria, with Triphala, Lesser Cardamon, Fennel, Calamus, Ginger, Long Pepper, Bdellium (as in
Majoon-E-Muqil of Unani)
8. Purgative in Bile disorders, Zataria with Polypody
9. Tongue tied, Zataria decoction with Shailjit

Major Formulas:

Majoon-E-Sangdana Murgh


None noted

Main Preparations used:

Distilled Water