Vinum Absinthii
Wormwood Wine
Steep them together in a vessel close stopped.
‘Although this Wine has a bitter and unpleasant taste, yet has it nevertheless a marvelous great virtue, and is used above all other herb Wines. First of all it kills Worms, it withstands Poison, and it expels the hurtful Phlegm; and if one drink the same often, it cleanses and strengthens all inward parts that they cannot receive such matter, it dries the vapours of the Stomach, that they cannot ascend into the Head, it makes an Appetite, it opens all obstructions of the inward parts, viz. of the Liver and Spleen, and it takes away also the Yellow Jaundice which is caused thereby, it frees from the Palsy, the Falling Sickness, and all Lameness, it restores lost Speech, it strengthens the weakened Joints if the same be well rubbed and fomented with it; and if mens or beasts Wounds be washed with it, then is the same kept fair and clean, and suffers no foul flesh to grow in them, but heals them: it cures also all Scald Heads if the same be washed with it.
‘If any one would go to sea, then is he to drink certain days before some of this Wine, for that thereby shall he be freed of the Seasickness’.
‘Moreover, this wine is an especially preservative against the Plague, and against all Venomous Air, if one take a good draught thereof, before that such patients be visited; it brings also Sleep with it, and takes away heavy Dreams. But by reason the common people have not always this wine in readiness, the juice of Wormwood may be tempered amongst wine, and be used in stead of the Wormwood wine. This wine is meet for many more other diseases’. (Wirtzung)
This wine was much used for many conditions, and was the most used herb wine in Europe for a long time.
It opens all obstructions caused by Heat and Phlegm, and is used for Cachexia and Jaundice etc. It was also used to promote Urine, and to prevent Edema.
It promotes Appetite and Digestion, clears Wind, eases Colic, Kills and expels Worms. Also used for Nausea and Motion Sickness.
Also used for Epilepsy, Paralysis, and after Apoplexy for Lost Speech etc.
Externally, it was much used for Wounds, Wasting of the Limbs, Weakness of the Limbs or Joints, Swellings, Aches and Pains. It as also used as a wash for scaly skin diseases.
Take a small glassful every morning
None noted
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Wormwood Wine
Source / Author:
Herb NameWormwoodWine (Rhenish or canary) |
Steep them together in a vessel close stopped.
‘Although this Wine has a bitter and unpleasant taste, yet has it nevertheless a marvelous great virtue, and is used above all other herb Wines. First of all it kills Worms, it withstands Poison, and it expels the hurtful Phlegm; and if one drink the same often, it cleanses and strengthens all inward parts that they cannot receive such matter, it dries the vapours of the Stomach, that they cannot ascend into the Head, it makes an Appetite, it opens all obstructions of the inward parts, viz. of the Liver and Spleen, and it takes away also the Yellow Jaundice which is caused thereby, it frees from the Palsy, the Falling Sickness, and all Lameness, it restores lost Speech, it strengthens the weakened Joints if the same be well rubbed and fomented with it; and if mens or beasts Wounds be washed with it, then is the same kept fair and clean, and suffers no foul flesh to grow in them, but heals them: it cures also all Scald Heads if the same be washed with it.
‘If any one would go to sea, then is he to drink certain days before some of this Wine, for that thereby shall he be freed of the Seasickness’.
‘Moreover, this wine is an especially preservative against the Plague, and against all Venomous Air, if one take a good draught thereof, before that such patients be visited; it brings also Sleep with it, and takes away heavy Dreams. But by reason the common people have not always this wine in readiness, the juice of Wormwood may be tempered amongst wine, and be used in stead of the Wormwood wine. This wine is meet for many more other diseases’. (Wirtzung)
This wine was much used for many conditions, and was the most used herb wine in Europe for a long time.
It opens all obstructions caused by Heat and Phlegm, and is used for Cachexia and Jaundice etc. It was also used to promote Urine, and to prevent Edema.
It promotes Appetite and Digestion, clears Wind, eases Colic, Kills and expels Worms. Also used for Nausea and Motion Sickness.
Also used for Epilepsy, Paralysis, and after Apoplexy for Lost Speech etc.
Externally, it was much used for Wounds, Wasting of the Limbs, Weakness of the Limbs or Joints, Swellings, Aches and Pains. It as also used as a wash for scaly skin diseases.
Take a small glassful every morning
None noted
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