Worms & Parasites

Worms and Parasites have long been recognised in all Traditions as a pathology associated with Disease. Worms and Parasites may be classified as Internal or External; that is, those such as are found inside the body, like intestinal worms, and external parasites such lice.

In Traditional Medicine theory, the environment needs to be suitable for any infection to occur. Those with ‘abundant humors’, that is, an excess of undigested filth in their body are more liable to be affected with parasites. So typically, a degree of Food Stagnation along with improper diet will feed Worms and Parasites.

It is common practice in the treatment of Worms to take a medicine which ‘Kills’ the Worm, followed by a medicine to purge the Worms from the body. Some medicines said to Kill the Worm actually just disable it by having a narcotic-like effect, allowing them to be dislodged and purged with the subsequent medicine.

By necessity, some of the stronger medicines used for Worms and Parasites are toxic, and these are generally necessary in more severe infestations, as well as some of the more obstinate or dangerous parasitic infections which tend to be more common in tropical regions.

The Tropical countries often have various Worms and Parasites that are both not found in cooler European climates, and can be responsible for severe illness. For this reason, it is worthwhile focusing on some of the Materia Medica and Formulas of the Eastern Traditions in the treatment of Worms and Parasites.

Ayurvedic Group for Herbs and Parasites
In Ayurveda Krimighna is the name of the group used for Worms:
Moringa pterygosperma, Madder, Costus speciosus, Embelia ribes, Vitex negundo, Cardiospermum halcacabum, Tribulus terrestris, Clerodendron siphonanthus, Salvinia cucullata

Western Tradition

Simples to Kill Worms
Carline Thistle root

Male Fern
Tansy seed
Pumpkin seed
Hop water
Pomegranate root-bark

Medicine According to Type of Worm:

General for All Worms:
Garlic, Pumpkin seed, Tansy seed, Male Fern, Embelia ribes, Betel nut, Mallotus

Betel nut, Carrot seed, Clove, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Garlic, Embelia ribes, Fern root, Pomegranate root-bark, Pumpkin seed, Omphalia Lei Wan, Torreya Fei Zi

Pumpkin seed, Betel nut

Round Worm:
Betel nut, Clove, Garlic, Hyssop, Pomegranate root bark, Pumpkin seed, Wormwood, Mango kernel, Omphalia Lei Wan, Torreya Fei Zi
1. Wormwood, Rue, Peach leaf (equal parts, decocted)
2. Tansy, Wormwood, Camomile (equal parts, decocted)

Pumpkin seed

Carrot seed, Melia azadirachta, Mallotus

Simple Treatments for Worms

1. Male Fern (2-9 grams of the powder, or 0.5-1 teaspoonful), followed by a purge; of the Oil: 5-30 drops; of the Fluid Extract: 1-4 fl. drams)
2. Root bark of Pomegranate (5 grams of the powder, taken morning and night, followed by a purgative); used for Tape-, Round- and Pin- Worm
3. Tansy seed (or herb): 20-40 grains of the powder; or a small cupful of the infusion morning and night.
4. Garlic, eaten on an empty stomach, or taken in Milk
5. Cut an onion small, cover with water and steep overnight. In the morning drink the water.
6. Equal parts of Basil and Mint juice taken every morning.
7. Aloe, burnt Deer horn, Wormseed (equal parts)
8. Deer horn, Salt (2 drams each). Boil in 4 spoonfuls of water and drink
9. Vinegar taken in doses of 2 teaspoonfuls diluted with water can clear Worms, especially in children.
10. Egg yolk, a little Chalk, and 4 spoonfuls of vinegar are mixed and taken first thing in the morning for 3 mornings, followed by a purgative. ‘This is a noble medicine and often proved’. (Brunschwig, 1561)
11. Worms in Children, quench red hot iron in Goat Milk and give to the Child.
12. ‘Burn the horn of a ram, and make the patient drink the powder [in water], and the worms will die.’ (Syrian “Book of Medicine“)

1. Garlic paste is spread between 2 pieces of cloth is applied above and below the navel in children.
2. Wormwood juice (2 parts), Ox Bile (1 part), mix and annoint of the belly. (Brunschwig, 1561)
3. Worms in Children:
    White Dittany
    Wormseed                       1 scruple ea.
Powder and add enough Butter to form an Ointment. Fill half a Walnut shell with it and bind to the navel. “In one night it will remedy him, it is a thing which has been well proven”. (Secrets of Alexis)

Compounds for Worms

Wormwood Wine
Byzantine Syrup – Simple & Compound (Mesue)
Syrup of Wormwood
Syrup of Rhubarb
Syrup of Chicory with Rhubarb
Electuary Against Worms
Lesser Cumin Composition (Diospoliticum) (Galen)
Diacalaminth (Galen)
Dialacca Majores (Mesue)
Diaturbith with Rhubarb
Lesser Pills of Cochia
Theriac of 4 Ingredients (Diatessaron)

Garuda 5 (Khyung Lnga) (Tibetan)
Eliminator of Undying Micro-organism (Tibetan)
Costus 13 (Tibetan Medicine)

TCM Classification

Bing Lang-Betel nut
Chang Shan–Dichroa
Da Suan–Garlic
Fei Zi–Torreya seed
Guan Zhong–Cyrtomium
Qian Dan–Minium (Lead)

He Shi–Carpesium fruit
Ku Lian Pi–Melia root bark
Nan Gua Zi–Pumpkin seed
Shan Jun Zi–Quisqualis
Wu Yi–Elm cake
Chinese Formulas for Worms

Fei Er Wan
Hua Chong Wan
Li Zhong An Hui Tang
Lian Mei An Hui Tang
Wu Mei Wan

  Pumpkin seed (60 grams).
  Betel nut (30 grams)
Take a concentrated decioction of Pumpkin seed, followed 2 hours later with a concentrated decoction of Betel nut. About 4 hours later there will be diarrhea with Tapeworms. If the heads are not in the stool, repeat after 2 weeks. This formula is called Qu Tiao Tang (Expel Tapeworms Decoction).



Alum – strong wash topically
Aniseed essential oil
Bitter Almond Oil
Broom (Cytisus) – the juice boiled in oil ‘is the safest and surest medicines to kill Lice in the Head or Body of any’. (Culpeper)
Cannabis – herb boiled in oil and applied
Daphne Gnidium
Datura – herb boiled in oil and applied
Delphinium denudatum
Fern root – decoction of the herb or root as a wash, or the oil in which the herb has been boiled
Fumitory – juice mixed with vinegar
Hellebore, Black – wash topically
Henbane – decoction or herb boiled in oil
Hyssop – oil applied for Lice
Ivy leaf – a strong decoction of the leaf is used as a wash for ‘vermin in children’s head’ (Lice)
Laurus (Bay tree)
Lavender Essential Oil
Neem Oil
Nigella – strong wash or oil
Scabious – strong wash is used for Lice
Stavesacre seed – acid tincture used topically
Storax – mixed with Oil (1:1)
– ‘Wearing day and night next the skin in a muslin bag bits of Sulphur acts sufficiently as a preventative and curative of Lice’. (BMJ, 1915)
Tamarisk – strong decoction kill Lice and Nits
Veratrum album, White Hellebore
Vernonia cinerea – seed decoction as a wash
Wild Rue – strong wash or vinegar tincture

Salt water was also used as a wash (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913)

Picrasma quassioides, Ku Mu – tincture can be used to kill head lice
Sophora, Ku Shen – strong decoction is used as a wash for Lice
Stemona, Bai Bu -strong decoction or tincture for Lice and Fleas

Lesser Pills of Cochia

1. ‘The powder of Harts tongue drunk in wine, doth suffer neither lice nor knits to live on the body, much less if it be made into oyntment’. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655)

1. ‘Crab Lice’ in the genitals, mix ashes with oil and apply. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
2. Powder Against Lice: Stavesacre seed, Long Pepper (equal parts). Powder. For topical application.
3. Ointment Against Lice:
i. Pyrethrum, Mustard seed (2 oz.), Parsley seed (4 oz.), Lard (32 oz.), Anise oil (2 drams); powder the herbs, mix into the lard and add the oil. (Niemann)
ii. Stavesacre seed (1 part), Lard (3 parts). Infuse with heat for several hours, express. (Pharmacopoeia medici practici universalis, Bruxelles, 1817)
iii. Stavesacre seed (2 drams), White Hellebore root (1 ½ dram), Tobacco leaf (1 dram), Oil of Tobacco (sufficient), Wax (a little). Infuse, when strained add Oil of Lavender (8 grains). Mix. (Niemann)