Western Classification of the Materia Medica
The Traditional Western Materia Medica was classified in a very functional and logical way. The effects of Medicines like the effects within the body were termed ‘Faculties’ of which there are 4.1. Primary Faculties: Temperature: Hot, Cold, Dry and Moist (see here)
2. Secondary Faculties: effects as a direct result of the Primary Faculties:
Heat: opens, rarifies, attenuates, attracts
Cold: thickens, congeals, stops, repels
Dry: knits, hardens, dries, astringes
Moist: softens, mollifies, moistens and lubricates
3. Tertiary Faculties: effects not related to the Primary Faculties and were sometimes caused ‘Hidden’ or ‘Occult’ Faculties. They are either found by experience or some special signature.
4. According to Part: Medicines were also classified according to Organ or Part.
2. Secondary Faculties Internal Medicines a. Aperients Opening Medicines i. Warming Aperients ii. Cooling Aperients b. Attenuaters Digestives; Preparatives c. Inciding Medicines Cutting or Incisive Medicines d. Attenuaters of Congealed Blood Resolve Stagnant Blood e. Lenitive Mild, softening and laxative f. Purifying Cleansing g. Cleansing Abstersive h. Carminatives Discussers of Wind i. Antispasmodics Clear Internal Wind j. Rarefying Dispersing k. Resolvent Dissolvents l. Emollients Mollifying; Demulcent; Softening m. Drawing Attracting Medicines n. Repellents Repercussives; Repulsives o. Astringent Thickening; Binding p. Hemostatic Styptics; Stop Bleeding q. Anodyne Ease Pain r. Narcotics & Hypnotics Strongly Relieve Pain and promote Rest s. Strengthening Corroborating or Tonic Medicines External Medicines t. Glutinate Helps join Wounds u. Suppuratives Ripeners, Maturatives v. Expel Pus Helps clean Wounds w. Sarcotics Remove what is hindering Healthy Healing x. Incarnative Promotes Growth of good Flesh y. Corrosive Eating; Destroying z. Cicatrizing Help promote growth of skin over Wounds |
3. Tertiary Faculties a. Sudorifics and Diaphoretics Medicines to Promote Sweat b. Febrifuge and Antipyretic Medicines for Fever c. Alexipharmic Medicines for Poison d. Cordials and Cardiacs Medicines for the Heart i. Warming Cardiacs ii. Cooling Cardiacs e. Diuretics Clear Damp and Promote Urine f. Lithontriptic Break Stones g. Emmenagogue Medicines to Promote Menstruation h. Lactagogue Medicines to Promote or Increase Milk i. Aphrodisiacs Medicines to Stimulate Desire j. Increase Semen Increase Semen quality and quantity k. Expectorant Medicines that Clear Phlegm i. Clear Hot Phlegm ii. Clear Cold Phlegm l. Anti-tussive Medicines for Cough i. Cool Medicines for Hot, sharp, thin Phlegm ii. Warm medicines for Cold, Thick Phlegm m. Arthritic Medicines Medicines for Arthritic Disease i. Warming Arthritics ii. Cooling Arthritics n. Vulnerary Medicines for Trauma o. Emetics Medicines to Induce Vomiting p. Masticatories & Sternutatories Medicines that clear Phlegm from the Head q. Anthelmintic Medicines for Worms and Parasites 4. According to Part a. Cephalic Medicines for the Head b. Opthalmic Medicines for the Eyes c. Cardiac Medicines for the Heart d. Pectoral Medicines for the Lungs e. Stomachic Medicines for the Stomach f. Splenetic Medicines for the Spleen g. Hepatic Medicines for the Liver h. Nephritics Medicines for the Kidneys i. Uterine Medicines for the Uterus j. Nervine Medicines for the Nerves k. Arthritic Medicines for the Joints |