Wasp Nest, Feng Fang 蜂房
Feng Fang, Lu Feng Fang (TCM)De Animalibvs Insectis, Ulisse Aldrovandi, 1602
Wasp nest (Polistes spp)
(Photo by Ljn1111) (Wikimedia)
Wasp Nest at the Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam, 2016)
Entomological name:
Polistes spp.
A large number of species supply the market:
- Polistes olivaceus
- P. japonicus
- P. yokohamae
- P. mandarinus
- P. formosana
- P. olivaceus
- Parapolybia varia
Parts used:
Nest of various species of Wasp
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral (slightly Warm), Sweet. Toxic.
T. External Medicines
1. Resists Poison, Clears Wind, Stops Itching, Stops Pain:
-Skin rashes, Itching, Scabies, Tinea (externally)
-Sores, Boils, Carbuncles (externally)
-Sudden Childhood Epilepsy (as a bath)
-traditionally for Madness, Lunacy, Possession (internally)
2. Resists Poison, Resolves Swellings:
-internally for Lymphatic Swellings, Scrofula, Tumors
-Acute Suppurative Lymphadenitis
-Breast Abscess, Mastitis, Fibrocystic Breast
-highly regarded by some TCM practitioners in the treatment of Cancer.
3. Clears Wind, Expels Damp, Eases Pain & Itching:
-Wind-Damp Joint or Muscle pain
-Wind-Damp Skin Rashes
4. Warms the Kidneys, Stimulates Yang:
-Impotence, Spermatorrhea
-ashed nest is taken with wine.
5. Promotes Milk:
-sometimes used to promote Breast Milk
6. Externally:
-washes for Toxic Swellings and Sores, Scrofula, Phlegm Nodules
-washes for Itching, Scabies, Tinea, Ringworm
-decoction held in the mouth for severe Toothache, including that due to caries
-topically to Wasp Stings
1. Promotes Urine (like Bees); Edema, Gravel and Stones
2. Ashes have bee given for Fevers (West)
3. Powder or ashes have been used topically to promote Hair Growth (like Bees)
1. It is advisable to only used the stir-fried or carbonised product internally.
Decoction: 3–6 grams
Powder of the Prepatred, Stir-Fried or Carbonised Nest: 1–3 grams
Most used externally as a wash, 10 grams per liter, or as an appropriate amount of the powder.
1. Prepared Wasp Nest:
Wasp Nest is usually gathered, then steamed. Dead Wasps are removed, and it is left to dry in the sun, and it is ready for use.
2. Dry-Fried Wasp Nest:
The Wasp Nest is stir-fried in a dry wok until yellowed and slightly scorched. This reduces toxicity and facilitates powdering.
3. Calcined Wasp Nest:
The nest is calcined in a sealed pot until red hot, then removed when cool and powdered. This enhances efficacy, reduces toxicity and also allows for it to be powdered easily.
Main Combinations:
Sores, Swellings, Masses, Cancer
1. Toxic Sores with redness, heat, swelling and pain:
i. Deep abscesses and Sores, Carbuncles, Internal Tumors, Osteoma, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang), Snake Slough, ashed Human hair. Ash them all together.
ii. Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with raw Arisaematis Tian Nan Xing, raw Aconite (Cao Wu) and Alum (Bai Fan) mixed with rice wine to a paste for topical application
2. Toxic Swellings: Divide a nest in half; bake one half and keep the other half fresh. Then beat equal amounts of the 2 together. This can be taken orally in doses of 2-4 grams, or mixed with vinegar for local application. It is suitable for boils, carbuncles, as well as acute lymphadenitis, mastitis, tumors’
3. Itchy Wind Rash, Urticaria:
i. Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Cicada Slough (Chan Tui), made into a tincture.
ii. Roasted and powdered, it is mixed with Snake Skin, and taken in doses of 1 dram, three times daily. A wash made with Wasps nest and Sodium Sulphate can be used externally.
4. Swollen Sore Throat, Wasp Nest, White Dead Silkworms, Frankincense, equal parts. Ash them together.
5. Mastitis:
i. Wasp Nest, 6 grams of dry-fried Wasp Nest in decoction.
ii. the dry-fried and powdered Wasp Nest was given in doses of 1–2 grams every 6 hours with alcohol. This was used on a group of 25 woman with acute mastitis with 23 being completely recovered and an effectiveness rate of 92%.
6. Breast Abscess, The ash is taken in water for breast abcesses
7. Hard sores or lumps of the breast, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying) and Fosythia Lian Qiao applied topically.
8. Scrofula:
i. Wasp Nest, Self Heal, Frankincense
ii.. Purulent Scrofula, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Figwort (Xuan Shen) and Astragalus Huang Qi as a paste or ointment.
9. Tumors:
i. Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Figwort (Xuan Shen) and Arisaematis Tian Nan Xing.
10. Cancer:
i. Breast Cancer, 6 grams of the ashed Nest are decocted in a small glass of water for 6 minutes and taken as a dose.
ii. Breast Cancer, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Cremastra Shan Ci Gu, Zedoary (E Zhu), Coix Yi Yi Ren, Akebia fruit (Ba Yue Zha) (Ru Yi Ping, an empirical Chinese Cancer formula)
iii. Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Oldenlandia Bai Hua She She Cao and Scutellaria Bai Zhi Lian
iv. Lung Cancer, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Atractylodes Bai Zhu, Astragalus Huang Qi, Cornus Shan Zhu Yu, Paris Chong Lou
v. Liver Cancer, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Zedoary (E Zhu), Cremastra Shan Ci Gu, Nux Vomica (Ma Qian Zi), Bezoar (man-made)
11. Edema, the ashed Nest is taken with wine
12. Aphrodisiac, 2 drams of the ashed Nest ‘stimulate erection of the penis, possible of copulation with ten woman’. It was also applied topically.
13. Pain and swelling of the Joints, Wasp Nest, Scorpion
14. Arthritis, Rheumatism:
i. severe pain of, prepare a tincture of Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with raw Aconite (Aconitum Cao Wu, Aconitum Chuan Wu, or Aconitum napellus), to be painted on topically.
ii. severe pain of Arthralgia, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Scorpion (Quan Xie) and Centipede (Wu Gong)
iii. Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Ephedra Ma Huang, Cinnamon twig (Gui Zhi), Aconitum Fu Zi, Sinomenium Qing Feng Teng, Saposhnikovia Fang Feng
iv. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Wasp Nest (Feng Fang) with Scorpion (Quan Xie) and Centipede (Wu Gong), Earthworm (Di Long), Viper (Wu Shao She), Dang Gui, Licorice
15. Dysentery, Wasp Nest, Coptis Huang Lain
16. Paralysis of the extremities, It is ashed and mixed with Garlic and soot and applied to the extremities.
17. Gum or Teeth pain:
i. Wasp Nest, Myrrh. Decoct and use as a mouth wash.
ii. Toothache, Wasp Nest, Sichuan Pepper (Hua Jiao), Asarum Xi Xin, form a decoction and gargle.
iii. Toothache, powder eqaul parts with Scorpion and apply
18. To promote hair growth: ‘Mice dung, with the ashes of burnt Wasps, and burnt Hazelnuts, made into an Ointment with Vinegar of Roses, do trimly deck a bald head with hairs, being annointed with it’. (Culpeper’s School of Physick)
19. Fistulas, the powder is mixed with Pig fat and applied.
20. Tinea, Wasp nest, Centipede (Wu Gong), Alum, powder and apply
Major Formulas:
Not used in marked deficiency, impaired Renal function or open Sores.
Metabolites can be toxic, irritate the Kidneys which may lead to Nephritis.
Main Preparations used:
1. Therapeutic arthropods and other, largely terrestrial, folk-medicinally important invertebrates: a comparative survey and review
2. Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Different Species of Vespa Hornets
3. The Immunomodulatory Effects of Nidus Vespae on Human Peripheral Blood Immune Cells In Vitro
4. Feiyanning Formula Induces Apoptosis of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells by Activating the Mitochondrial Pathway
5. Multidrug Resistance of Gastric Cancer: The Mechanisms and Chinese Medicine Reversal Agents
6. Preliminary Study on the In Vitro Antitumor Effects of Nidus Vespae on Gastric Cancer
7. A Study on Screening of Osteosarcoma U2OS Cell Inhibiting Active Components from Nidus Vespae
8. Venom-based peptide therapy: insights into anti-cancer mechanism
9. Effects and possible mechanism of Ruyiping formula application to breast cancer based on network prediction