
Warts are small, fleshy, painless growths on the skin or mucus membranes, often with a black spot in the middle. There are several types of Warts including Common, Plantar, Filiform and Venereal. They are caused by various strains of Papillomavirus and may infect different parts of the body. They are contagious, and may spread from one part of the body to another. Common Warts most commonly affect the hands and fingers. Sexually transmitted Warts appear on the genitals or anus. Platar Warts regularly affect the feet.

Around 4% of Warts terminate with spontaneous cure.

Modern Treatment
Modern treatment strategies usually involve cutting off the tops of the Warts, then applying some juice or tincture which should be applied regularly for a week or two. Burning (Cauterizing) the Warts has been done traditionally and is still used today in modern medicine, although Freezing with topical application of liquid nitrogen is now more common. Salicylic acid, acetic acid or a variety of other acids may be used. Podophyllotoxin is also applied. In severe cases, internal medication may also be required.

Traditional Treatment
Traditional treatment invariable use topical treatment, often with toxic medicines, caustics, or medicines which have demonstrated anti-viral activity. Acupuncture treatment has also been used successfully in China, with one study claiming 87 of 90 cases being successfully treated. “Fire-Needle” therapy (applying red hot acupuncture needles) has also been used.

Magical Cures
Warts are interesting in that more than almost any other disease, various “Magical” cures have long been used to cure Warts, and there is a long tradition of such cures being successful. In modern times Hypnotherapy has been claimed to be up to 80% effective in Wart treatment, confirming that there is a psychogenic component.

A recent study in Europe found that about one quarter of patients self-treated Warts with Folk treatments, and around half had used a combination of both Pharmacy and Folk remedies in their treatment. (See here)

Western Tradition


Copper Sulphate

Black Hellebore
1. Epsom Salts: The Lancet (1909) stated: ‘1 dram doses twice or thrice daily successful in removing Warts’.


1. Apply one of the following juices several times daily: Celandine, Dandelion, Elderberry, Fig, Lemon, Garlic, Aloe Vera
2. Topical application of Duct tape has been effective, this apparently starving the Wart of oxygen.
3. Topical application of Swedish Bitters has been effective when continued.
4. Cinnamon Oil is ‘an excellent remedy for Warts; a drop is applied every day to each Wart; they disappear in a few days, leaving no scars’ (Lancet, 1915)
5. Thuja tincture can be applied topically.
6. The milky juice of various Spurges (Euphorbia spp.) has been applied.
7. Burn Willow bark, mix with vinegar and apply (Culpeper). The Physicians of Myddvai recommended mixing the unburnt bark of Willow with Vinegar for topical application.
8. Beat Agrimony with Vinegar to a paste and apply.
9. Rub fresh Purslane juice on the Warts.
10. Crush Sheep feces, boil with honey and apply.
11. Apply the Liver of a he-Goat while warm.
12. Decoct Myrrh with Honey and Cassia bark and apply. (Avicenna)
13. Add Alum and Zinc sulphate to a strong decoction of Oak bark and use as a wash.

Syrup of Fumitory Compound
Powder for Warts
Powder to Remove Genital Warts
Diachilon Plaster (Emplastrum Diachilon)

Chinese Classification

Pulsatilla Bai Tou Weng
Brucea Ya Dan Zi
Prunus mume Wu Mei
Potentilla Wei Ling Cai

Xiao Feng San

Magical Wart Cures
1. Take a stick of Elder, cut 9 notches in it, rub the warts on the notches, then seal the stick in an envelope and leave at a crossroads. Supposedly, the person who picks up the envelope will get the Warts.
2. Count the Warts, collect as many grains of Wheat or Peas or Pebbles as there are Warts, and throw them one at a time over the left shoulder without looking back. A variation says to put them in a packet and throw the packet over the shoulder.
3. Rub the Warts with a Fig leaf, then bury the leaf. The Warts will disappear.
4. Rub the Warts with a live Snail, then bury the Snail. As the Snail withers, the Warts will disappear.
5. “Steal” a little bit of Beer or Pork fat, rub the Warts, then bury the Beef or Fat. AS it decays, the Warts will decay.
6. Take small pieces of freshly baker Bread, one piece for each Wart. Roll the pieces into balls the size of the Wart, and bury them.
7. Find a tree stump that is hollow and has collected water (traditionally called “Spunk Water”). Put the hand (or other part with Warts) into this Water. Some claimed it only worked with an Oak stump. Some said it must be done at midnight while repeating these words: “Barleycorn, barleycorn, cornmeal shorts, Spunk water, spunk water,
Swaller these warts!”
8. Go to a Crossroad at midnight, mark a cross on the ground and spit on it.
9. Take a Spider that crawls on walls, crush it while alive, put on a cloth and apply.

Special Formulas

Topical application for Warts
Boil in Wine and apply topically

Topical application for Genital Warts
Burn fresh Mullein to ashes, mix with a quarter part Rhubarb root powder. Mix with a little of the patients own saliva to form a paste, put in on linen cloth and apply to the place. (Mynsichts)

The following 3 remedies are topical remedies patented for use in the treatment of Warts in China:

Common Warts:
    Isatis root (Ban Lan Gen)
    Isatis leaf (Da Qing Ye)
    Lithospermum Zi Cao
    Curcuma tuber Yu Jin
    Cyperus rotundus Xiang Fu
    Red Peony root (Chi Shao)
    Job’s tears (Yi Yi Ren)
    Earthworm (Di Long)

Verruca Plana (Flat Warts)
    Patrinia Bai Jiang Cao
    Isatis root (Ban Lan Gen)
    Prunella Xia Ku Cao
    Purslane (Ma Chi Xian)
    Turmeric (Jiang Huang)
    Hedyotis Bai Hua She She Cao
    Orange peel (Ju Hong)

Venereal Warts
    Gentian Long Dan Cao
    Polygonum cuspidatum Hu Zhang
    Red Peony root (Chi Shao)
    Turmeric (Jiang Huang)
    Lithospermum Zi Cao
    Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying)
    Finger Ctron (Fo Shou)
    Raw Pinellia (Sheng Ban Xia)

Case Histories
When I was a teenager, one of my good friends was one of 4 brothers. The second eldest brother had many Warts all over his foot when he was younger. The doctor tried to burn, then freeze them off, but more would grow back and they would multiply in number. Eventually he was referred to a specialist at the Children’s hospital in Melbourne. Further intervention was tried, but with no effect. He ended up with dozens of Warts over his feet and between his toes. His parents at the time owned a hotel opposite the beach on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, Australia. One of the regulars in the bar was an elderly European man who had heard of the problems the family had in treating the Warts. One day he looked at the boy and said “at Sunset, walk along the beach collecting one pebble for every Wart, and then one by one through them over your left shoulder and don’t look back”. He did as he was told and within a few weeks all Warts disappeared.
  I knew the family well and was told the story by his mother, and it was confirmed by the boy and his brothers. This goes to show that such treatments can still be effective, even when Western medicine has failed.

In another case, a child came with numerous warts on the feet. Western treatment including burning and freezing had failed to cure the problem. I advised cutting off the top of the warts, soaking them with a Bitters formula based on Swedish Bitters, then covering with Duct tape once the tincture dried. The case fully resolved within a few weeks.

See also:
The Charming of Warts