Vishtinduk Vati
Pills of Nux Vomica
Powder the purified Nux Vomica and form pills or tablets of 65mg each.
Sometimes the pills are covered with Silver leaf.
Settles Wind, Stops Spasms, Eases Pain, Strengthens Nerves and Heart, Promotes Digestion
1. Neuralgia
2. Paralysis, Facial Paralysis
3. Lumbago, Sciatica
4. Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
5. Fatigue, chronic low energy
6. Indigestion, Poor appetite
7. Abdominal pain
8. Chronic constipation, especially with chronic use of laxatives.
9. Bradycardia
10. Hypotension
11. Heart weakness
12. Productive Cough, Asthma
13. Erectile dysfunction, Impotence
14. Enuresis, loss of bladder control
15. Chills of chronic Fever or Malaria (not with High Fever)
16. Regarded as very effective for Opium withdrawal.
1 pill (65mg) twice daily, morning and night after meals with Milk.
In Ayurveda, Milk and Ghee are regarded as the best vehicles to take Nux Vomica.
If necessary, the dose can be increased to 2 pills, twice daily.
It is common practice in chronic use to take for 2–3 weeks, then have a week break before continuing with treatment. This prevent dependence.
1. Avoid overdose. Overdose may cause Dizziness, Tachycardia, Hypertension, Cramps and Convulsions.
2. Not used in high Fever or strong Heat conditions.
3. Not used in Hypertension or Tachycardia.
4. Not used in Convulsions
5. Not used during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, or in young children.
6. See our Monograph on Nux Vomica for more information of Cautions and Antidotes.
1. If an equal amount of Licorice powder is added, they will be both safer and more effective.
2. If Black Pepper is added, it forms Pills of Nux Vomica of Unani. This assists bioavailability and helps correct it.
3. For Heart weakness, combine with Arjuna and Withania.
4. Chronic Nerve or Muscle weakness, combine with Withania.
5. To stimulate and regulate digestion, combine with Triphala and Trikatu.
6. Chronic Constipation, take with 1 teaspoonful of Ghee (or other oil) for 2 weeks.
7. As an aphrodisiac it has been combined with Cannabis.
8. As an Exhilarant, combine with Saffron
Nux Vomica is extremely toxic, but is far less dangerous when purified according to traditional methods. It improves tone of muscles, nerves, digestive system and heart. It increases performance and stamina and can act as an aphrodisiac, increasing pleasure and prolonging time to ejaculation. It is also regarded as a good nervous tonic in the elderly (with appropriate medicines).
See our monograph on Nux Vomica for research.
How to Modify a Formula
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Pills of Nux Vomica
Source / Author:
Herb NameKupilu (Nux Vomica) purified |
Powder the purified Nux Vomica and form pills or tablets of 65mg each.
Sometimes the pills are covered with Silver leaf.
Settles Wind, Stops Spasms, Eases Pain, Strengthens Nerves and Heart, Promotes Digestion
1. Neuralgia
2. Paralysis, Facial Paralysis
3. Lumbago, Sciatica
4. Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
5. Fatigue, chronic low energy
6. Indigestion, Poor appetite
7. Abdominal pain
8. Chronic constipation, especially with chronic use of laxatives.
9. Bradycardia
10. Hypotension
11. Heart weakness
12. Productive Cough, Asthma
13. Erectile dysfunction, Impotence
14. Enuresis, loss of bladder control
15. Chills of chronic Fever or Malaria (not with High Fever)
16. Regarded as very effective for Opium withdrawal.
1 pill (65mg) twice daily, morning and night after meals with Milk.
In Ayurveda, Milk and Ghee are regarded as the best vehicles to take Nux Vomica.
If necessary, the dose can be increased to 2 pills, twice daily.
It is common practice in chronic use to take for 2–3 weeks, then have a week break before continuing with treatment. This prevent dependence.
1. Avoid overdose. Overdose may cause Dizziness, Tachycardia, Hypertension, Cramps and Convulsions.
2. Not used in high Fever or strong Heat conditions.
3. Not used in Hypertension or Tachycardia.
4. Not used in Convulsions
5. Not used during Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, or in young children.
6. See our Monograph on Nux Vomica for more information of Cautions and Antidotes.
1. If an equal amount of Licorice powder is added, they will be both safer and more effective.
2. If Black Pepper is added, it forms Pills of Nux Vomica of Unani. This assists bioavailability and helps correct it.
3. For Heart weakness, combine with Arjuna and Withania.
4. Chronic Nerve or Muscle weakness, combine with Withania.
5. To stimulate and regulate digestion, combine with Triphala and Trikatu.
6. Chronic Constipation, take with 1 teaspoonful of Ghee (or other oil) for 2 weeks.
7. As an aphrodisiac it has been combined with Cannabis.
8. As an Exhilarant, combine with Saffron
Nux Vomica is extremely toxic, but is far less dangerous when purified according to traditional methods. It improves tone of muscles, nerves, digestive system and heart. It increases performance and stamina and can act as an aphrodisiac, increasing pleasure and prolonging time to ejaculation. It is also regarded as a good nervous tonic in the elderly (with appropriate medicines).
See our monograph on Nux Vomica for research.
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures