Vernonia anthelmintica
Purple Flea-bane, Worm Seed FleabaneKalijiri, Somaraj, Krsna Jiraka (Ayurveda)
Kaddu Cirakam (Siddha)
Shabit al-fahuz, Kali zeeri (Unani)
Vernonia anthelmintica
Burman, J., Thesaurus Zeylanicus, 1737
Vernonia anthelmintica
(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia)
Vernonia anthelmintica
(Photo by Kingbossix) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Vernonia anthelmintica (syn. Centratherum anthelminticum, Serratula anthelmintica)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Hot, dry. Pungent
1. Kills Worms:
-Roundworm, Threadworm, Tapeworm
2. Warms the Yang, Clears Cold:
-Edema, Urinary retention
-Cold and Damp blocking the Stomach; Diarrhea
-useful for pain and inflammations caused by cold or phlegm obstruction
-The seeds were considered aphrodisiacs
3. Clears Wind, Stops Itching:
-chronic skin diseases with Wind-Damp; Eczema, Psoriasis, Leprosy, Leucoderma and Vitiligo
-chronic Fever
4. Clears Phlegm, Stops Cough and Wheezing:
-Catarrh, Cough, Asthma
5. Externally:
-leaf juice or seed decoction is applied topically to skin diseases
-applied to Ulcers
-Seed, Leaf or Root can be used externally for Rheumatic affections
Not commonly used internally except for Worms; more frequently used topically.
Powder: 1–3 grams
In Chronic skin diseases such as Psoriasis and Leprosy, the seed has been used alone and is recommended to be taken every morning for 1 year after inducing perspiration with exercise or sitting in the sun. Diet should be primarily Milk and Rice.
Appropriate amount for topical application.
1. Tragacanth
2. Emblic Myrobalan
3. Rose oil or distilled water (topically)
1. Caraway (Unani)
2. Santonica (Waring)
3. Cassia tora seed (Ayurveda)
Main Combinations:
1. Chronic Skin diseases:
i. Vernonia seed with Black Cumin seed (Ayurveda)
ii. Vernonia seed with Emblic Myrobalan
iii. Vernonia seed with Psoralea (Ayurveda)
iv. Vernonia seed with Psoralea, Galangal, Turpeth, Plumbago (Uyghur medicine)
v. Psoriasis, Vernonia seed with Psoralea, Polygonum multiflorum (He Shou Wu), Dang Gui, Saposhnikovia (Fang Feng), Cnidium fruit, White Diattany (Bai Xian Pi), Prunus mume (Wu Mei), Mustard seed, Clove (as in Kali Ziran Tincture, Uyghur medicine)
vi. Leprosy, Psoriasis, Vernonia seed, Sesame seed (equal parts, dose: 1 dram)
vii. Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Vernonia seed with Sesame seed, Black Pepper
viii. Leucoderma, Vernonia seed (4 parts), Orpiment (1 part), form a paste with Cow’s Urine and apply to the white patches.
ix. a paste to apply to chronic skin diseases with itching, Vernonia seed with Cassia tora seed, Turmeric and Sea Salt (equal parts), made into a paste with whey and Kanji (rice vinegar). (Ayurveda)
x. An oil for all types of skin diseases can be prepared by making a strong decoction of Vernonia seed and Cassia tora seed, then boiling them with Cow urine and herbs including Plumbago, Ginger, Turmeric, Pongamia, Neem, Black Pepper, Nerium odorum, Realgar and Orpiment. (as in Somaraji Taila)
2. Worms:
i. Vernonia seed with Embelia ribes (Round- and Thread-worm)
ii. Vernonia seed with Pyrethrum, Ginger, Turpeth (Uyghur medicine)
3. Joint and Muscle Pain, Edema, Phlegm Cough, Vernonia seed with Neem leaf
4. Ulcers: Vernonia seed with Psoralea seed, Poppy seed, Coconut kernel, Nigella (equal parts), powder with vinegar and apply as a paste to the Ulcer. (Siddha)
Major Formulas:
Somaraji Taila
Kali Ziran Tincture (Uyghur medicine)
None noted. Avoid overdose.