Verbascum, Mullein
High Taper, Torchweed
Della Materia Medicinale Andrea Valuassori, 1562 |
Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 |
Botanical name:
Verbascum thapsus (syn. V. thapsiforme), V. phlomoides
It has been used in TCM (Mao Rui Hua) but is not a commonly used medicine.
Parts used:
Leaf; Flower; Root
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral, dry. Sweet, Bitter
1. Clears Heat and Phlegm, Moistens Dryness, Stops Coughs: (West, Tibet, TCM)
-“Coughs, Ulcers of the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Asthmas” (Salmon).
-“The decoction is useful in chronic Cough“. (Avicenna)
-Asthma, Emphysema, Consumption, Blood in the Sputum; Pneumonia (TCM)
2. Clears Phlegm, Resists Poison, Resolves Swellings: (West, Tibet, TCM)
-Tonsillitis, Malignant Sore Throat, and various swellings and tumors of the throat (internally, and as a gargle);
-Scrofula, Lymphadenitis, various Nodes, Tumors and Cancer; Toxic Sores in TCM
3. Nourishes the Sinews, Stop Wind and Spasms:
-stiffness of the Sinews, Cramps, Convulsions (esp. Root); inflammatory conditions of the bones, sinews and joints
-Epilepsy; most used for Convulsion and Epilepsy in children
4. Clears Heat, Stops Leakages and Bleeding:
-leakages or bleeding from the Lungs or Bowels;
-painful Diarrhea, and Dysentery, with or without blood.
5. Benefits the Heart and Circulation, Moves the Blood:
-Palpitations, irregular heartbeats and Angina.
-varicose veins and ulcers.
-Long used for the pain and swelling of Hemorrhoids.
6. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-promotes Urine, helps clear Gravel and Stones;
-inflammation or irritation of the Urinary system, Orchitis, Chronic Cystitis, and Painful Urination.
-internally and externally for Rheumatic condition.
7. Tonic:
-Potter, in his Compend of Materia Medica (1902) said ‘highly praised as a substitute for Cod-liver Oil in phthisis and other wasting diseases’. (decocted in Milk or taken with Honey for this purpose)
8. Externally:
-“The decoction of the leaves of Mullein is useful in Swelling, Wounds and Ulcers. It is mixed with Honey and used as a plaster”. (Avicenna)
-leaves boiled in Vinegar and applied to Foul Sores and Ulcers, as well as various Swellings and Tumors.
-juice is rubbed onto Warts
-juice was used to draw Thorns and Splinters from the flesh
-catarrhal Deafness, degeneration of hearing
-Earache, Sores and Ulcers of the Ear.
-wash or poultice for heat and swelling of the Eyes (flowers steeped in Rose Water is good).
-mouthwash eases Toothache (esp. Root decoction). (Avicenna)
-contracted Sinews and Rheumatic complaints
-‘The seed bruised and boiled in wine, and laid on any member that has been out of joint, and newly set again, takes away all swelling and pain’ (Culpeper).
-Ashes of the herb made into a wash restore Grey hair to its original color.
INFUSION or BRIEF DECOCTION of the Leaf: 3–9 grams
POWDER of the LEAF: 300mg–1.5 grams, up to 3 grams
Used externally in oils, plaster, poultices, ointments and in douches, enemas and baths. As an enema for Intestinal infections, or to clean the bowels, a handful of the mixed leaves and flowers, fresh or dried, may be simmered, then steeped, strained and used.
Main Combinations:
1. Cold, Flu, acute Cough, Mullein … available in PRO version
2. Cough:
i. Mullein with … available in PRO version
ii. Mullein with … available in PRO version
iii. sore Throat, Hoarseness, Mullein with … available in PRO version
3. Bronchitis:
i. Mullein with … available in PRO version
ii. Mullein with … available in PRO version
iii. Mullein with … available in PRO version
iv. acute Cough and Bronchitis, Mullein with … available in PRO version
4. Asthma:
i. Mullein with … available in PRO version
ii. Mullein with … available in PRO version
5. Hemoptysis or Consumption, Mullein with … available in PRO version
6, Cancer:
i. Mullein with … available in PRO version
7. Fomentation for bleeding Hemorrhoids, Mullein with … available in PRO version
8. Wash for Stiffness and Cramps, Mullein with … available in PRO version
Major Formulas:
Infusion of Seven Flowers
Decoction for Cancer (Fuller)
Universal Vulnerary Decoction (Joseph Du Chesne)
Warming Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Calidum) (Avicenna)
Powder to Purge in Ascites (Nicholas)
Generally Safe.
Seed and fresh root are toxic in large doses.
Main Preparations used:
Distilled water of the Flowers, Infused Oil of the Flowers (repeated several times)