Vateria, Sarja
White Dammer, Indian CopalSarja, Sarjaka, Sarjasa (Ayurveda)
Raal Safed, Kahruba Shamai (Unani)
Hur (Avicenna)
Kundurukam (Siddha)

Hayne, F.G., Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der
Arzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse (1805-1846)
Botanical name:
Vateria indica (syn. V. malabarica)
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, Dry. Pungent
1. Calms the Mind, Benefits the Heart:
-Insomnia, Anxiety
-Heart weakness
2. Moves the Blood, Stops Bleeding:
-Wounds, Ulcers
-Bleeding, excess Menstruation
3. Resists Poison:
-Boils, Abscesses, skin eruptions
4. Stops Cough:
-Chronic Bronchitis
5. Astringes to Stop Leakage:
6. Externally:
-applied to Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout
-Boils, Abscesses, Carbuncles
-Syphilitic Ulcers, Nasal Ulcers
-powder is dusted over Witlow
-Cracks and Fissures
-applied with Honey to the eyes, it strengthens eyesight (Avicenna)
500mg–2 grams in Powder.
Used topically in oils and plasters.
1. Vateria is used as a substitute for Amber in Unani medicine.
2. Vateria is also a substitute for Shorea robusta.
3. Pine resin has been used as a substitute for Vateria, principally for external use.
1. As noted above, the resin of Vateria is commonly used in formulas for Amber in Unani. Both are typically used under the name Kahruba, although Kahruba Shamai is the correct name for Vateria. Therefore, its uses are generally as for Amber.
2. Avicenna (Canon) said “It is said that the gum of the Roman kind of white dammer is called kahraba (yellow amber)”.
Main Combinations:
1. Diarrhea:
i. Vateria with Jaggery (Ayurveda)
ii. Vateria with Coriander seed, Cumin, Fennel seed, Ginger, Aegle (Unani)
2. Syphilis, Vateria with Ghee and Long Pepper
3. Heart tonic:
i. Vateria with Pearl, Red Coral, Saffron, Aloeswood
ii. and Palpitations, Vateria with Silkworm Cocoon, Basil seed, Borage flower, Red Coral
4. Rheumatoid Arthritis, topically as an ointment, Vateria with Madder and Hemedesmus.
5. Cracks in the feet, Vateria with Rock Salt, Honey and Oil
Major Formulas:
These formulas list Kahruba (Amber) for which Vateria is used as a substitute:
Khamira Abresham Sada
Khamira Marvareed
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Nothing at Present
Nothing at Present