Uva Ursi, Bearberry

Red Bearberry, Trailing Arbutus
Inbud-dub, Angur-e-khiras, Rech Dakh (Unani)
Picture Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1804

Picture Flora von Deutschland (20), Kohler, 1885

Picture Plantæ Utiliores, Burnett & Burnett, 1850

Botanical name:

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Parts used:

Leaf, fresh or dried

Temperature & Taste:

Cold, dry. Bitter, Sour


1. Clear Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-pain and mucus or blood in the urine (King’s)
-Cystitis, Dysuria, Urethritis, Pyelitis, Strangury, Nephritis
-acute and chronic infections of the Urinary Tract
-chronic Gonorrhea, Leucorrhea
-Arthritis, Rheumatism
-Gravel, Stones

2. Clears Deficient Heat, Benefits Yin:
-Hectic Fever, Consumption, Emaciation
-‘weight and dragging pain in the loins and perineum’ (Kings)

3. Clears Heat and Damp, Stops Leakage:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery

4. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-used to stop bleeding by Galen
-Diarrhea or Dysentery with Blood


POWDER: 1–3 grams (1–2 scruples of the leaf in powder);
INFUSION or BRIEF DECOCTION: 3–9 grams; or half an ounce boiled for 10 minutes in a pint of water, taken in wine-glassful doses.
COLD MACERATION: 10–12 grams macerated in 150mls cold water, to be taken over the day (Commission E)
TINCTURE (1:5 in 25% alcohol): 2–4mls.
FLUID EXTRACT: 1.5–2.5mls

Main Combinations:

1. Cystitis:
i. with urinary irritation, Bearberry with Marshmallow root
ii. with Damp, Bearberry with Juniper berry
iii. Beaberry with Couch Grass
iv. Bearberry with Agrimony, Hops
v. Bearberry with Yarrow, Plantain seed, Marshmallow root
vi. with frequent urine, Bearberry with Corn Silk
vii. with hematuria, Bearberry with Horsetail, Shepherd’s Purse
viii. Bearberry with Corn silk, Birch leaf, Licorice, Couch grass
ix. Bearberry, Myrrh, Golden Seal
2. Enuresis:
i. Bearberry with Oak bark, Linden flower, St. Johns wort (Kroeber)
ii. Bearberry, Agrimony, Camomile
3. Renal insufficiency:
i. Bearberry with Dandelion (Müller)
ii. Bearberry, Juniper
4. Nephritis, Bearberry with Tansy, Dandelion, Marshmallow root
5. Bladder Stones, Bearberry with Pellitory of the Wall (Albrecht)
6. Diabetes, Bearberry (10), Valerian (20), Lycopodium (30) (Aufrecht)
7. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy:
i. Bearberry with Saw Palmetto, Corn Silk, Nettle
ii. Bearberry with Horsetail, Agrimony
iii. Beaberry, Nettle root, Thuja
8. Arthritis, Bearberry with Juniper berry, Cinnamon, Licorice
9. Rheumatism, Bearberry, Celery seed, Nettle


1. Not used during pregnancy or during lactation. Best not used in children under 12.
2. Its use may cause nausea and vomiting in some people, especially in large doses. Large doses may also cause catharsis.

Main Preparations used:
