Hairy Tree Moss, Muscus arboreus, Old Man’s Beard Oak Moss, Muscus Quercnus (collected from Oak tree) Usna, Ushnah (Unani) Song Luo (TCM)
Usena Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485
Usnea Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491
Tree Moss, growing on Oak New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563
Tree Moss, growing on Oak Dodoens, Stirpium historiae pemptades (1583)
Botanical name:
Usnea barbata There are many species of Usnea, and a number of species appear to have been used. Others used include:
U. plicata
U. florida
U. hirta
U. longissima, U. diffracta (used in Unani and TCM)
Another tree moss species that has supplied Usena is Alectoria usneoides.
There were several varieties of Tree Moss listed in old Herbals (Salmon, Botanologia)
Common, like hair–Old Man’s Beard (most used);
Knobbed Tree Moss
Fennel-like Oak Moss
Tree-Moss with hollow heads
Oak Moss with Broad horned Leaves
Crusty dry Moss
Lungwort Moss, or Tree Lungwort
Salmon said Tree Moss is most gathered from: Oak which is best, or the Larch, Pine or Fir tree which are all excellent.
Parts used:
Dried Lichen
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, dry. Bitter
1. Clears Heat, Stop Leakage & Bleeding: (TCM, West) -Diarrhea, Dysentery, including that with Blood -Blood or Muscus in the Stool -Excessive Menstruation, Uterine Bleeding, Flooding, Spotting -Leukorrhea (West, TCM; effective against Candida) -prevents Miscarriage (Salmon) -Hemoptysis, Blood in the Urine
3. Clears Heat, Resists Poison: (TCM, West) -effective against gram-positive bacteria; anti-tubercular activity -Sunstroke; Headache from sun exposure -Headache of a bursting or throbbing nature -Malaria (TCM) -Snake Bite (TCM) -‘to cure the Fits of Agues’ (Salmon)
5. Clears Heart Fire, Guides Qi Down, Promotes Rest: -comforts the Heart; used for Palpitations -Sadness, Worry, Melancholy -’causes Deep Sleep’ (Avicenna, Serapio)
6. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine: -powder taken in wine or alcohol helps Edema (Salmon)
7. Externally: -in douches for Leumorrhea and excess Menstruation (Salmon) -powder applied stops Bleeding (TCM, West) -red, inflamed and itching skin conditions; skin sores and infections (West); Swollen Abscess (TCM) -gargle for mouth and throat inflammations (Commission E) -oil or ointment applied to the forehead and temples for Heat-type Headache (Salmon) -ancients used it in ointments for weakness of the limbs, to strengthen the Nerves and Joints, especially after Trauma or for Damp.
TREE LUNGWORT, LUNGWORT MOSS, otherwise called OAK LUNGS It is especially useful for Cold, Cough, Wheezing, Shortness of Breath and Consumption
1. Powder is best for Bleeding 2. Tincture is best for Dysentery Powder: 1–3 grams Tincture (1 in 5): can be taken in drop doses
Usnea is used similarly to Parmelia spp.
The related Lichen that grew on human skulls of those hung was classically used. It previously sold for its weight in Gold. You can read more here.
It is dried in a low oven, then beaten in a mortar and sieved. The white strands which don’t go through the sieve are discarded, the powder collected and kept i a well-sealed jar.
Main Combinations:
1. Palpitation, Usnea with Cinnamon, Clove, Saffron, Indian Spikenard (as in Electuary for Cold-type Palpitation) 2. Heart tonic, for Melancholy and Palpitations, Usnea, with Tabasheer, Sandalwood, Emblic Myrobalan, Rose, Silkworm Cocoon, Aloeswood, Mastic (as in Dawaul Misk Motadil Sada of Unani) 3. Topically to Stop Bleeding: Usnea with Armenian (Red) Earth (Salmon)
ELECTUARY OF USNEA (Serapio) Cinnamon Usnea Calamus Roman Spikenard Mastic Cassia wood 1 dram Squinanth flowers Costus Saffron Myrrh 3 drams Greater Cardamon Nutmeg Mace Aloeswood Musk ½ dram With Honey qs form a Confect. Used for the Heart, Palpitations, and promote cheerfulness.
Avoid long-term use or high doses. Toxic effects, including Hepatotoxicity, have been reported. See here