Urtica, Nettle

Anjuraa, Bhichu Ghans (Unani)
Sisona (Ayurveda)
Xun Ma 荨麻
Za rgod  ཟ་རྒོད་ (Tibet)
Picture Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491

Picture Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530

Picture Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578

Picture Flora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886

Botanical name:

Urtica dioica
Related species are used including Roman Nettle, U. pilulifera.
Greater, Lesser, Roman and Dead Nettles (Lamium) were recognised in Western texts.
In TCM, a number of Urtica species have been used and are regarded as synonymous to U. dioca although mostly in Folk Medicine. These include:
  1. U.
  2. U. cannabina
  3. U. lobata
  4. U. urens
  5. U. utillis
  6. U. laetevirens
In Tibetan Medicine, U. tibetica (Za phyi a ya) and U. triangularis (Za rgod) are used.

Parts used:

Herb; Seed; Root

Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Slightly Bitter, Pungent.
“The seeds are more dry”. (Avicenna)




1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Clears Gravel: (West, TCM)
-difficulty Urinating and Edema
-‘expels Gravel and Stones’ of the kidney or bladder;
-Gout, Arthritis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism and Rheumatoid Arthritis
-Prostate disorders including Prostatitis, especially with difficult urination

‘of force against Jaundice’. (Salmon, Root)
-useful in the treatment of Diabetes, being best for late-onset Diabetes and Diabetics with Damp and Obesity.

2. Clears Damp and Phlegm:
-Nettle tops were traditionally eaten in Spring to clean out the cold, moist and phlegmatic excesses left after Winter.
-lymphatic congestion and swellings including Scrofula.
-Hypertension related to obesity and for Renal Hypertension.

-excessive watery Diarrhea.

3. Opens the Lungs, Clears Phlegm, Stops Wheezing:
-Shortness of Breath, Wheezing and Asthma (juice can be taken with Honey or the leaves are burnt and the smoke inhaled);
-boiled with Barley cream to bring up thick phlegm from the chest;
-Pleurisy, and swelling of the Throat.
-Tuberculosis, especially in the early stages.
-Allergies and Hay Fever.

4. Benefits Liver, Blood and Uterus, Promotes Menstruation:
-promotes menstruation; for ‘suffocation and strangling of the Womb’. (decocted in wine to promote menstruation)
-Taken during pregnancy to strengthen the Fetus, aid the Kidneys, ease Leg cramps as well as promoting an easy delivery, easing pain and preventing hemorrhage.
-traditionally for Blood Deficiency, Anemia, and to nourish the Womb to promote Fertility.

5. Stops Bleeding, Benefits Circulation:
-stops bleeding of the Lungs, Stomach, Nose, Kidneys and Uterus;
-Postpartum Hemorrhage, Excessive Menstruation.
-improves the tone and elasticity of veins and capillaries.

6. Promotes Circulation: (West, Tibet)
-traditionally used to promote eruption of Rashes such as Measles and Small Pox
-disorders of the Heart and Circulation.
-promotes circulation by clearing Phlegm and Damp,
and promoting Blood flow.
-local species in Tibetan Medicine for Heart disease

7. Promotes Milk:
-Increases Milk in nursing mothers; benefits milk quality.

8. Externally:

-fresh plant used externally in the form of its sting is the strongest, safe method of causing stimulation of blood supply to an area; applied to muscular aches and pains.Schroder said ‘Chirurgions rub a part that wants nourishment with Nettles, to attract the Blood’.
-juice or decoction is used for Polyps, Old and Stinking Sores, Fistulas, Corroding Scabs, Gangrenes, Scabs, Itch etc. in any part of the body.
-used for the Nettle Rash itself (infusion of the young leaves being taken, or the Oil or juice applied).
-applied to Green Wounds, Dislocated Joints, Aches and Gouts. The ointment or wash is good for cold, numb Joints.
-The infusion or tincture (diluted with equal parts of water) is a good application to Burns.
-internally and externally for stubborn Eczema, poor conditioned Ulcers
-for Edematous Swellings, Edema, Swelling of the Legs (wash or bath)
-wash of Nettles is good for preventing Hair Loss, to promote
Hair Growth and remove Dandruff; Kneipp boiled the plant in Vinegar and Water as a very useful Hair Wash; but to stimulate Hair Growth, the scalp is rubbed with Nettle juice.
-gargled for sores and inflammations of the Mouth and Throat
Its plaster with vinegar ruptures cold Abscesses and is useful for removing their hardness”. (Avicenna)
-“Its ashes mixed with salt are useful in cases of Dog Bites, malignant Ulcers and various types of Cancer”. (Avicenna)

1. Benefits the Kidneys, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones:
-Gravel; ‘a singular remedy against the Stone’
(Salmon); (seed paste with Rose water)
-difficulty urinating
-Aphrodisiac, nourishes Sperm, used for Impotence and Infertility
-obstructions of the Womb coming from cold; “
They open the mouth of uterus and enable it to receive the sperm”. (Avicenna)
-also recommended for Obesity. (20-30 seeds taken morning and night)

2. Clears Phlegm, Opens the Lungs, Stops Cough:
-Cough, Whooping Cough
-Asthma, Shortness of Breath (taken with Honey)
-leaf powder or ash has been inhaled (snuff) to relieve Asthma attacks. (Unani)
-Lung Abscess, Lung inflammation, Pleurisy
The seeds are useful when nose becomes insensitive to smell”. (Avicenna)
-seeds have also been used for Goiter.

3. Resists Poison:
-the seed is a counter-poison to Venomous creatures, Hemlock, Henbane, Nightshade, Mandrake, Mushrooms and Mercury as well as Snakes, Scorpions and Mad Dog bites

-Seed has been taken for Fever

1. Strengthens the Kidneys, Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-specifically used
for Prostatitis, Prostate Adenoma, and Prostatic Hyperplasia.
-more strengthening than the herb so is better in chronic Kidney conditions, and for the elderly.

2. Clears Phlegm, Opens the Lungs:
-Wheezing, Shortness of Breath, and to clear tough Phlegm.


1. Seed, herb and root can be used in similar doses.
2. It was often decocted in Wine.
INFUSION or DECOCTION of the HERB, ROOT and/or SEED: 3–9 grams, up to 15 grams (or ½–1 oz. of the herb steeped in 500mls–1 liter boiling water taken over the day);
TINCTURE of the HERB or ROOT (1:5 in 25% alcohol): 2–4 mls, up to 6 or 8 mls, 2–3 times daily;
POWDERED HERB, ROOT or SEED: 500mg–3 grams; doses of around 15–20 seeds were often taken 3 times daily;
FRESHLY EXPRESSED JUICE, mixed with equal quantity of Water: 10–30mls., or 1 tablespoonful doses taken 2–3 times daily. A small handful can be juiced with Carrots. ‘From a half to one ounce of the expressed juice of the fresh plant has been given at intervals of a few hours without untoward results’ (Ellingwood). Some of the older authors gave up to 4 oz. of the fresh juice.

Main Combinations:

1. Difficult, burning or painful urination:
i. Nettle with Birch, Couch Grass, Horsetail
ii. Nettle with Chickweed, Horsetail, Lance-leaf Plantain (Fischer)
2. Kidney and Bladder Stones:
i. Nettle with Horsetail and Yarrow (Tschirner)
ii. Nettle with Ginger, Cinnamon, Parsley seed, Asparagus seed, Basil seed, Parsley seed (as in Stone–Breaking Powder)
3. Edema, fluid retention, Phlegm diseases, Nettle with Kelp
4. Prostatitis with difficult urination, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:
i. Nettle with Dandelion
ii. Nettle, Agrimony, Juniper
iii. Nettle root, Water Lily root, Dandelion root
iv. Nettle leaf, Saw Palmetto, Agrimony
v. Nettle root, Schisandra, Withania, Madder, Shilajit
5. Diabetes:
i. Nettle with Bilberry leaf
ii. Nettle with Yarrow and Agrimony
iii. Nettle leaf, Alfalfa, Comfrey leaf, Horsetail, Ginger
iv. Nettle leaf, Raspberry leaf, Licorice, Fennel seed
v. Nettle, Mulberry leaf, Tarragon, Cinnamon, Dandelion (this has been studied)
6. Rheumatism:
i. Nettle with Birch leaf, Linden and Elder flower (Tschirner)
ii. Nettle with Agrimony, Birch leaf, Celery seed, Rosehip (as in Infusion for Rheumatoid Arthritis)
iii. Nettle with Horsetail, Elder flower, Dandelion, Birch leaf
iv. Nettle, Celery seed, Frankincense,, Black Pepper
7. Tumors and Cancer:
i. Nettle with Calendula and Yarrow (Treben)
ii. Nettle, Agrimony, Black Nightshade
8. Anemia:
i. Nettle with Thyme
ii. Nettle with Birch leaf, Walnut leaf and Sage
9. ‘Spring Cure’, Nettle with Elder flower, Prunus spinosa, Birch leaf (Kroeber)
10. Allergic Rhinitis:
i. Nettle, Calendula, Fennel seed
ii. Nettle, Rose hips, Lemon grass
11. Hemorrhage, Nettle with Mistletoe and Shepherd’s Purse (Tschirner)
12. Leukorrhea, White Dead Nettle, Rose, Nettle seed, Rosemary, Acorns, Bistort; infuse in white wine, add Venice Turpentine, distil. (as in Astringent Aromatic Liquor from Formulaire de Montpellier, 1822)
13. Menopausal Hypertension, Nettle with Linden flower, Broom tops, Ladies Slipper (Wonders in Weeds)
14. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Nettle, Carrot seed, Fennel seed (Persian remedy)
15. Dandruff, prepare a wash of Nettle, Horsetail and Rosemary
16. Vulnerary Decoction, Nettle with Ladies Mantle, Bugle, Agrimony, Comfrey, St. Johns wort, Plantain, Pontic Rhubarb, Tormentil (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)

1. Kidney and Bladder Stones: Nettle seed with Amber, Parsley seed
2. Strengthen the Kidneys and lower Back, and increase Semen, Nettle seed with Almond, Walnut, Pistachio, Sesame, Orchis, Ginger, Sea Holly root, Asparagus root (as in Antidote for Cold Lumbar, for Venery, and Defect of Semen of Nicholas)
3. Aphrodisiac with Sea Holly, Parsnip root, Orchis, preserved Walnuts, Pine nuts, Aniseed, Rocket seed, Ash seed, Nettle seed, Clove, Cinnamon (as in Aphrodisiac Electuary of Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
4. Asthma, Elecampane, Licorice, Orris, Maidenhair, Hyssop, Coltsfoot, Aniseed, Fennel seed, Nettle seed
5. Pleurisy or Abscess of the chest, Nettle seed is taken with Violet
6. Promote Menstruation, Nettle seed with Myrrh (Avicenna)
7. Excess Menstruation, Nettle seed with Mussel shell, Coral, Deer horn, Nutmeg, Tormentil, Red Earth, Plantain seed

1. Jaundice, Nettle root with Saffron
2. Hemorrhage. Nettle root with Comfrey, Yarrow, Plantain, Pomegranate peel (as in Styptic Decoction)
3. Diabetes, Nettle root, Vervain, Caraway (as in Decoction for Diabetes from Heat)

Major Formulas:

Infusion for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Decoction for Diabetes from Heat (Wirtzung)
Decoction for Cancer (Fuller)
Styptic Decoction
Tincture for Suppressed Menstruation
Powder of Lord George of Elt (Gabelhover)
Powder of Mussel Shells Compound
Stone–Breaking Powder (Lithontripticon) (Nicholas)
Electuary for Asthma (2) (De morbis internis curandis, 1551)
Electuary for the Lungs (Lemery)
Electuary of Orchid (Diasatyrion) (Nicholas)
Warming Confection for Infertility (Wirtzung)
Antidote Experienced Against Cold Gout & All Feet Pain
Antidote for Cold Lumbar, for Venery, and Defect of Semen (Nicholas)


Generally Safe.

Main Preparations used:

Tincture of Nettle, Extract of Nettle, Syrup of Nettle

1. Extract of Nettle.
i. take Leaves and Stalks of Nettle, Bruise them in a stone mortar, then express the juice, and evaporate to the consistence of an Extract.

2. Syrup of Nettle:
i. Juice of Nettle, depurated by boiling, then strained, White Sugar (equal parts). Boil slowly to the consistency of syrup.

Urtica dioica-Derived Phytochemicals for Pharmacological and Therapeutic Applications.
Influence of Harvesting Time on the Chemical Composition of Wild Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.).
Screening of pharmacological uses of Urtica dioica and others benefits.
[Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.)–botanical characteristics, biochemical composition and health benefits].
Pharmacological and toxicological evaluation of Urtica dioica.
Mechanism of action of stinging nettles.

Introducing Urtica dioica, A Native Plant of Khuzestan, As an Antibacterial Medicinal Plant.
Antimicrobial activity of methanolic extracts of Sambucus ebulus and Urtica dioica against clinical isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Screening antimicrobial activity of various extracts of Urtica dioica.
High-antibacterial activity of Urtica spp. seed extracts on food and plant pathogenic bacteria.
Antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiulcer and analgesic activities of nettle (Urtica dioica L.).

Taraxacum officinale and Urtica dioica extracts inhibit dengue virus serotype 2 replication in vitro.
Antiviral activity in vitro of Urtica dioica L., Parietaria diffusa M. et K. and Sambucus nigra L.
Current lead natural products for the chemotherapy of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activity of Freeze-Dried Alcohol-Water Extracts from Common Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Elastomer Vulcanizates.
Urtica spp.: Phenolic composition, safety, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.

Urtica spp.: Phenolic composition, safety, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.
Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Urtica dioica leaf extract in animal models.

Screening of analgesic activity of Tunisian Urtica dioica and analysis of its major bioactive compounds by GCMS.
Antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiulcer and analgesic activities of nettle (Urtica dioica L.).

Immunomodulatory effect of Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) in broiler chickens.
Chemical Composition and Immuno-Modulatory Effects of Urtica dioica L. (Stinging Nettle) Extracts.
Biochemical and hemato-immunological parameters in juvenile beluga (Huso huso) following the diet supplemented with nettle (Urtica dioica).
Effects of drugs of plant origin on the development of the immune response.
In vitro immunomodulatory activity of flavonoid glycosides from Urtica dioica L.

In Vivo Pharmacological Testing of Herbal Drugs for Anti-Allergic and Anti-Asthmatic Properties.
Efficacy of Supportive Therapy of Allergic Rhinitis by Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) root extract: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled, Clinical Trial.
Nettle extract (Urtica dioica) affects key receptors and enzymes associated with allergic rhinitis.
Natural treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis.
Randomized, double-blind study of freeze-dried Urtica dioica in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Natural treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis.

In Vivo Pharmacological Testing of Herbal Drugs for Anti-Allergic and Anti-Asthmatic Properties.
Urtica dioica attenuates ovalbumin-induced inflammation and lipid peroxidation of lung tissues in rat asthma model.

Phytochemical, Anti-diabetic and Cardiovascular Properties of Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae): A Review.
Protective effect of Urtica dioica leaf hydro alcoholic extract against experimentally-induced atherosclerosis in rats.
Cardiovascular effects of Urtica dioica L. in isolated rat heart and aorta.
Cardiovascular effects of Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae) roots extracts: in vitro and in vivo pharmacological studies.

Inhibition of rat platelet aggregation by Urtica dioica leaves extracts.
Platelet anti-aggregant property of some Moroccan medicinal plants.

Effects of Urtica dioica extract on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic rats.

Phytochemical, Anti-diabetic and Cardiovascular Properties of Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae): A Review.
Urtica dioica L. leaf extract modulates blood pressure and oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Mechanisms underlying the antihypertensive properties of Urtica dioica.
Acute diuretic, natriuretic and hypotensive effects of a continuous perfusion of aqueous extract of Urtica dioica in the rat.

Exploring the Urtica dioica Leaves Hemostatic and Wound-Healing Potential.

Can Urtica dioica supplementation attenuate mercury intoxication in Wistar rats?

Effects of urtica dioica extract on experimental acute pancreatitis model in rats.

[Gastroprotective action of the nettle extract in experimental peptic ulcer].
Antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiulcer and analgesic activities of nettle (Urtica dioica L.).

Ameliorative effect of IDS 30, a stinging nettle leaf extract, on chronic colitis.

Hepatoprotective potential of antioxidant potent fraction from Urtica dioica Linn. (whole plant) in CCl4 challenged rats.
Protective effect of Urtica dioica on liver damage induced by biliary obstruction in rats.

Ameliorative effect of cotreatment with the methanolic leaf extract of Urtica dioica on acute kidney injury induced by gentamicin in rats.
Protective effect of Urtica dioica L. on renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat.

Botanical medicines for the urinary tract.
Acute diuretic, natriuretic and hypotensive effects of a continuous perfusion of aqueous extract of Urtica dioica in the rat.

Exercise and Urtica Dioica extract ameliorate mitochondrial function and the expression of cardiac muscle Nuclear Respiratory Factor 2 and Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor Gamma Coactivator 1-alpha in STZ-induced diabetic rats.
Effects of Urtica dioica on Metabolic Profiles in Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical Trials.
Evaluation of the Antidiabetic Potential of Extracts of Urtica dioica, Apium graveolens, and Zingiber officinale in Mice, Zebrafish, and Pancreatic β-Cell
Exercise and Urtica dioica extract ameliorate hippocampal insulin signaling, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and cognitive function in STZ-induced diabetic rats.
Urtica dioica Whole Vegetable as a Functional Food Targeting Fat Accumulation and Insulin Resistance-a Preliminary Study in a Mouse Pre-Diabetic Model.
Effects of endurance exercise and Urtica dioica on the functional, histological and molecular aspects of the hippocampus in STZ-Induced diabetic rats.
Efficacy and Safety of a Traditional Herbal Combination in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
The effect of nettle (Urtica dioica) supplementation on the glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Urtica Dioica Distillate Regenerates Pancreatic Beta Cells in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.
Iranian medicinal plants for diabetes mellitus: a systematic review.

Effect of Urtica dioica on memory dysfunction and hypoalgesia in an experimental model of diabetic neuropathy.

Dietary Plants for the Prevention and Management of Kidney Stones: Preclinical and Clinical Evidence and Molecular Mechanisms
Protective effect of Urtica dioica methanol extract against experimentally induced urinary calculi in rats.

Patient consensus on mode of use of nettle sting for musculoskeletal pain.
Nettle sting for chronic knee pain: a randomised controlled pilot study.

Scientific basis of botanical medicine as alternative remedies for rheumatoid arthritis.
Effects of the antirheumatic remedy hox alpha–a new stinging nettle leaf extract–on matrix metalloproteinases in human chondrocytes in vitro.
Plant extracts from stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), an antirheumatic remedy, inhibit the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-kappaB.
Protective effect of Urtica dioica in induced neurobehavioral changes, nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity after chronic exposure to potassium bromate in rats.
Urtica dioica extracts abolish scopolamine-induced neuropathies in rats.
Effects of Nettle on Locomotor Activity and Anxiety Behavior in Male Wistar Rats After Pesticide Intoxication.
Beneficial effects of Urtica dioica on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in rats: protection against acetylcholinesterase activity and neuronal oxidative damage.
Neuroprotective Effects of Herbal Extract (Rosa canina, Tanacetum vulgare and Urtica dioica) on Rat Model of Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease.

The beneficial effects of nettle supplementation and exercise on brain lesion and memory in rat.
Beneficial effects of Urtica dioica on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in rats: protection against acetylcholinesterase activity and neuronal oxidative damage.

Neuroprotective Effects of Herbal Extract (Rosa canina, Tanacetum vulgare and Urtica dioica) on Rat Model of Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease.

Antidepressant and anxiolytic like effects of Urtica dioica leaves in streptozotocin induced diabetic mice.
Urtica dioica extract attenuates depressive like behavior and associative memory dysfunction in dexamethasone induced diabetic mice.

Antidepressant and anxiolytic like effects of Urtica dioica leaves in streptozotocin induced diabetic mice.

Antiepileptic effects of antioxidant potent extract from Urtica dioica Linn. root on pentylenetetrazole and maximal electroshock induced seizure models.

Urtication (flogging with stinging nettles) and flagellation (beating with rods) in the treatment of paralysis.

Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Activity of Freeze-Dried Alcohol-Water Extracts from Common Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) and Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) in Elastomer Vulcanizates.

Serenoa repens and Urtica dioica Fixed Combination: In-Vitro Validation of a Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
Urtica Dioica Root Extract on Clinical and Biochemical Parameters in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Randomized Controlled Trial.
Nutraceutical treatment and prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.
Combined Sabal and Urtica Extracts (WS® 1541) Exert Anti-proliferative and Anti-inflammatory Effects in a Mouse Model of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia.
The histological and histometrical effects of Urtica dioica extract on rat’s prostate hyperplasia.
What do we know about phytotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Phytotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia. A minireview
The efficacy of stinging nettle (urtica dioica) in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: a randomized double-blind study in 100 patients.
A review of animal and human studies for management of benign prostatic hyperplasia with natural products: perspective of new pharmacological agents.
Ameliorative effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in rats.
Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study.
[Efficacy of a combined Sabal-urtica preparation in the symptomatic treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Results of a placebo-controlled double-blind study].
[Stinging nettle root extract (Bazoton-uno) in long term treatment of benign prostatic syndrome (BPS). Results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled multicenter study after 12 months].
Extracts from fruits of saw palmetto (Sabal serrulata) and roots of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica): viable alternatives in the medical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and associated lower urinary tracts symptoms.

Evaluation of 5α-reductase inhibitory activity of certain herbs useful as antiandrogens.

Protective effect of Urtica dioica L against nicotine-induced damage on sperm parameters, testosterone and testis tissue in mice

The effect of lutein and Urtica dioica extract on in vitro production of embryo and oxidative status in polycystic ovary syndrome in a model of mice.
Efficacy of a Persian Herbal Remedy and Electroacupuncture on Metabolic Profiles and Anthropometric Parameters in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Bioactivity-guided isolation of flavonoids from Urtica dioica L. and their effect on endometriosis rat model.

Urtica dioica in comparison with placebo and acupuncture: A new possibility for menopausal hot flashes: A randomized clinical trial.

Urtica dioica agglutinin, a V beta 8.3-specific superantigen, prevents the development of the systemic lupus erythematosus-like pathology of MRL lpr/lpr mice.

Antimutagenic and antioxidant activity of a protein fraction from aerial parts of Urtica dioica.

Therapeutic Perspectives of Molecules from Urtica dioica Extracts for Cancer Treatment.
Study of anticancer and antibacterial activities of Foeniculum vulgare, Justicia adhatoda and Urtica dioica as natural curatives.
Complementary alternative treatments used by patients with cancer in eastern Turkey.
Anticancer Effects of Urtica Dioica in Breast Cancer.
Urtica dioica inhibits cell growth and induces apoptosis by targeting Ornithine decarboxylase and Adenosine deaminase as key regulatory enzymes in adenosine and polyamines homeostasis in human breast cancer cell lines.
Urtica dioica extract suppresses miR-21 and metastasis-related genes in breast cancer.
Urtica dioica Extract Inhibits Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis and Related Gene Expression of Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro and In Vivo.
Effects of Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica L.,) on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Rat Model of Mammary Gland Cancer.
The Urtica dioica extract enhances sensitivity of paclitaxel drug to MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells.
Effects of Urtica dioica dichloromethane extract on cell apoptosis and related gene expression in human breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-468).
Antioxidant and apoptotic effects of an aqueous extract of Urtica dioica on the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line.
The Protective Role of Urtica dioica Seed Extract Against Azoxymethane-Induced Colon Carcinogenesis in Rats.
Cytotoxic effects of Urtica dioica radix on human colon (HT29) and gastric (MKN45) cancer cells mediated through oxidative and apoptotic mechanisms.
The Herbal Medicine Utrica Dioica Inhibits Proliferation of Colorectal Cancer Cell Line by Inducing Apoptosis and Arrest at the G2/M Phase.
Urtica dioica Extract Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis in HepG2 and HTC116 as Gastrointestinal Cancer Cell Lines.
Cytotoxic effects of Urtica dioica radix on human colon (HT29) and gastric (MKN45) cancer cells mediated through oxidative and apoptotic mechanisms.
Urtica dioica agglutinin (a plant lectin) has a caspase-dependent apoptosis induction effect on the acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line.
Nettle Tea Inhibits Growth of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells In Vitro by Promoting Apoptosis.
The Agglutinin of Common Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) Plant Effects on Gene Expression Related to Apoptosis of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Line.
Urtica dioica L. inhibits proliferation and enhances cisplatin cytotoxicity in NSCLC cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum-stress mediated apoptosis.
Examination of the Association Between 3,4-Divanillyltetrahydrofuran Lignan (Urtica dioica Origin) and Prostate Cancer Cells by 131I Radiolabeling.
Nutraceutical treatment and prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.
A screening of growth inhibitory activity of Iranian medicinal plants on prostate cancer cell lines.
Urtica dioica dichloromethane extract induce apoptosis from intrinsic pathway on human prostate cancer cells (PC3).
Aqueous extract of Urtica dioica makes significant inhibition on adenosine deaminase activity in prostate tissue from patients with prostate cancer.
Antiproliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells by a stinging nettle root (Urtica dioica) extract.

Ameliorative influence of Urtica dioica L against cisplatin-induced toxicity in mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma.

The Unexplored Wound Healing Activity of Urtica dioica L. Extract: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study.
Exploring the Urtica dioica Leaves Hemostatic and Wound-Healing Potential.
Antioxidant and wound healing potential of saponins extracted from the leaves of Algerian Urtica dioica L.