Urtica dioica Related species are used including Roman Nettle, U. pilulifera. Greater, Lesser, Roman and Dead Nettles (Lamium) were recognised in Western texts. In TCM, a number of Urtica species have been used and are regarded as synonymous to U. dioca although mostly in Folk Medicine. These include: 1. U. angustifolia 2. U. cannabina 3. U. lobata 4. U. urens 5. U. utillis 6. U. laetevirens In Tibetan Medicine, U. tibetica (Za phyi a ya) and U. triangularis (Za rgod) are used.
Parts used:
Herb; Seed; Root
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Slightly Bitter, Pungent. “The seeds are more dry”. (Avicenna)
HERB: 1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Clears Gravel: (West, TCM) -difficulty Urinating and Edema -‘expels Gravel and Stones’ of the kidney or bladder; -Gout, Arthritis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism and Rheumatoid Arthritis -Prostate disorders including Prostatitis, especially with difficult urination –‘of force against Jaundice’. (Salmon, Root) -useful in the treatment of Diabetes, being best for late-onset Diabetes and Diabetics with Damp and Obesity.
2. Clears Damp and Phlegm: -Nettle tops were traditionally eaten in Spring to clean out the cold, moist and phlegmatic excesses left after Winter. -lymphatic congestion and swellings including Scrofula. -Hypertension related to obesity and for Renal Hypertension. -excessive watery Diarrhea.
3. Opens the Lungs, Clears Phlegm, Stops Wheezing: -Shortness of Breath, Wheezing and Asthma (juice can be taken with Honey or the leaves are burnt and the smoke inhaled); -boiled with Barley cream to bring up thick phlegm from the chest; -Pleurisy, and swelling of the Throat. -Tuberculosis, especially in the early stages. -Allergies and Hay Fever.
4. Benefits Liver, Blood and Uterus, Promotes Menstruation: -promotes menstruation; for ‘suffocation and strangling of the Womb’. (decocted in wine to promote menstruation) -Taken during pregnancy to strengthen the Fetus, aid the Kidneys, ease Leg cramps as well as promoting an easy delivery, easing pain and preventing hemorrhage. -traditionally for Blood Deficiency, Anemia, and to nourish the Womb to promote Fertility.
5. Stops Bleeding, Benefits Circulation: -stops bleeding of the Lungs, Stomach, Nose, Kidneys and Uterus; -Postpartum Hemorrhage, Excessive Menstruation. -improves the tone and elasticity of veins and capillaries.
6. Promotes Circulation: (West, Tibet) -traditionally used to promote eruption of Rashes such as Measles and Small Pox (Salmon); -disorders of the Heart and Circulation. -promotes circulation by clearing Phlegm and Damp, and promoting Blood flow. -local species in Tibetan Medicine for Heart disease
8. Externally: -fresh plant used externally in the form of its sting is the strongest, safe method of causing stimulation of blood supply to an area; applied to muscular aches and pains.Schrodersaid ‘Chirurgions rub a part that wants nourishment with Nettles, to attract the Blood’. -juice or decoction is used for Polyps, Old and Stinking Sores, Fistulas, Corroding Scabs, Gangrenes, Scabs, Itch etc. in any part of the body. -used for the Nettle Rash itself (infusion of the young leaves being taken, or the Oil or juice applied). -applied to Green Wounds, Dislocated Joints, Aches and Gouts. The ointment or wash is good for cold, numb Joints. -The infusion or tincture (diluted with equal parts of water) is a good application to Burns. -internally and externally for stubborn Eczema, poor conditioned Ulcers -for Edematous Swellings, Edema, Swelling of the Legs (wash or bath) -wash of Nettles is good for preventing Hair Loss, to promote Hair Growth and remove Dandruff; Kneippboiled the plant in Vinegar and Water as a very useful Hair Wash; but to stimulate Hair Growth, the scalp is rubbed with Nettle juice. -gargled for sores and inflammations of the Mouth and Throat -“Its plaster with vinegar ruptures cold Abscesses and is useful for removing their hardness”. (Avicenna) -“Its ashes mixed with salt are useful in cases of Dog Bites, malignant Ulcers and various types of Cancer”. (Avicenna)
SEED 1. Benefits the Kidneys, Promotes Urine, Clears Stones: -Gravel; ‘a singular remedy against the Stone’ (Salmon); (seed paste with Rose water) -difficulty urinating -Aphrodisiac, nourishes Sperm, used for Impotence and Infertility -obstructions of the Womb coming from cold; “They open the mouth of uterus and enable it to receive the sperm”. (Avicenna) -also recommended for Obesity. (20-30 seeds taken morning and night)
2. Clears Phlegm, Opens the Lungs, Stops Cough: -Cough, Whooping Cough -Asthma, Shortness of Breath (taken with Honey) -leaf powder or ash has been inhaled (snuff) to relieve Asthma attacks. (Unani) -Lung Abscess, Lung inflammation, Pleurisy -Consumption -“The seeds are useful when nose becomes insensitive to smell”. (Avicenna) -seeds have also been used for Goiter.
3. Resists Poison: -the seed is a counter-poison to Venomous creatures, Hemlock, Henbane, Nightshade, Mandrake, Mushrooms and Mercury as well as Snakes, Scorpions and Mad Dog bites -Seed has been taken for Fever
ROOT: 1. Strengthens the Kidneys, Clears Damp, Promotes Urine: -specifically used for Prostatitis, Prostate Adenoma, and Prostatic Hyperplasia. -more strengthening than the herb so is better in chronic Kidney conditions, and for the elderly.
2. Clears Phlegm, Opens the Lungs: -Wheezing, Shortness of Breath, and to clear tough Phlegm.
1. Seed, herb and root can be used in similar doses. 2. It was often decocted in Wine. INFUSION or DECOCTION of the HERB, ROOT and/or SEED: 3–9 grams, up to 15 grams (or ½–1 oz. of the herb steeped in 500mls–1 liter boiling water taken over the day); TINCTURE of the HERB or ROOT (1:5 in 25% alcohol): 2–4 mls, up to 6 or 8 mls, 2–3 times daily; POWDERED HERB, ROOT or SEED: 500mg–3 grams; doses of around 15–20 seeds were often taken 3 times daily; FRESHLY EXPRESSED JUICE, mixed with equal quantity of Water: 10–30mls., or 1 tablespoonful doses taken 2–3 times daily. A small handful can be juiced with Carrots. ‘From a half to one ounce of the expressed juice of the fresh plant has been given at intervals of a few hours without untoward results’ (Ellingwood). Some of the older authors gave up to 4 oz. of the fresh juice.
Main Combinations:
1. Difficult, burning or painful urination: i. Nettle with Birch, Couch Grass, Horsetail ii. Nettle with Chickweed, Horsetail, Lance-leaf Plantain (Fischer) 2. Kidney and Bladder Stones: i. Nettle with Horsetail and Yarrow (Tschirner) ii. Nettle with Ginger, Cinnamon, Parsley seed, Asparagus seed, Basil seed, Parsley seed (as in Stone–Breaking Powder) 3. Edema, fluid retention, Phlegm diseases, Nettle with Kelp 4. Prostatitis with difficult urination, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: i. Nettle with Dandelion ii. Nettle, Agrimony, Juniper iii. Nettle root, Water Lily root, Dandelion root iv. Nettle leaf, Saw Palmetto, Agrimony v. Nettle root, Schisandra, Withania, Madder, Shilajit 5. Diabetes: i. Nettle with Bilberry leaf ii. Nettle with Yarrow and Agrimony iii. Nettle leaf, Alfalfa, Comfrey leaf, Horsetail, Ginger iv. Nettle leaf, Raspberry leaf, Licorice, Fennel seed v. Nettle, Mulberry leaf, Tarragon, Cinnamon, Dandelion (this has been studied) 6. Rheumatism: i. Nettle with Birch leaf, Linden and Elder flower (Tschirner) ii. Nettle with Agrimony, Birch leaf, Celery seed, Rosehip (as in Infusion for Rheumatoid Arthritis) iii. Nettle with Horsetail, Elder flower, Dandelion, Birch leaf iv. Nettle, Celery seed, Frankincense,, Black Pepper 7. Tumors and Cancer: i. Nettle with Calendula and Yarrow (Treben) ii. Nettle, Agrimony, Black Nightshade 8. Anemia: i. Nettle with Thyme ii. Nettle with Birch leaf, Walnut leaf and Sage 9. ‘Spring Cure’, Nettle with Elder flower, Prunus spinosa, Birch leaf (Kroeber) 10. Allergic Rhinitis: i. Nettle, Calendula, Fennel seed ii. Nettle, Rose hips, Lemon grass 11. Hemorrhage, Nettle with Mistletoe and Shepherd’s Purse (Tschirner) 12. Leukorrhea, White Dead Nettle, Rose, Nettle seed, Rosemary, Acorns, Bistort; infuse in white wine, add Venice Turpentine, distil. (as in Astringent Aromatic Liquor from Formulaire de Montpellier, 1822) 13. Menopausal Hypertension, Nettle with Linden flower, Broom tops, Ladies Slipper (Wonders in Weeds) 14. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Nettle, Carrot seed, Fennel seed (Persian remedy) 15. Dandruff, prepare a wash of Nettle, Horsetail and Rosemary 16. Vulnerary Decoction, Nettle with Ladies Mantle, Bugle, Agrimony, Comfrey, St. Johns wort, Plantain, Pontic Rhubarb, Tormentil (Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764)
NETTLE SEED: 1. Kidney and Bladder Stones: Nettle seed with Amber, Parsley seed 2. Strengthen the Kidneys and lower Back, and increase Semen, Nettle seed with Almond, Walnut, Pistachio, Sesame, Orchis, Ginger, Sea Holly root, Asparagus root (as in Antidote for Cold Lumbar, for Venery, and Defect of Semen of Nicholas) 3. Aphrodisiac with Sea Holly, Parsnip root, Orchis, preserved Walnuts, Pine nuts, Aniseed, Rocket seed, Ash seed, Nettle seed, Clove, Cinnamon (as in Aphrodisiac Electuary of Dispensatorium medico pharmaceuticum Palatinatus, 1764) 4. Asthma, Elecampane, Licorice, Orris, Maidenhair, Hyssop, Coltsfoot, Aniseed, Fennel seed, Nettle seed 5. Pleurisy or Abscess of the chest, Nettle seed is taken with Violet 6. Promote Menstruation, Nettle seed with Myrrh (Avicenna) 7. Excess Menstruation, Nettle seed with Mussel shell, Coral, Deer horn, Nutmeg, Tormentil, Red Earth, Plantain seed
NETTLE ROOT: 1. Jaundice, Nettle root with Saffron 2. Hemorrhage. Nettle root with Comfrey, Yarrow, Plantain, Pomegranate peel (as in Styptic Decoction) 3. Diabetes, Nettle root, Vervain, Caraway (as in Decoction for Diabetes from Heat)
Tincture of Nettle, Extract of Nettle, Syrup of Nettle
1.Extract of Nettle. i. take Leaves and Stalks of Nettle, Bruise them in a stone mortar, then express the juice, and evaporate to the consistence of an Extract.
2. Syrup of Nettle: i. Juice of Nettle, depurated by boiling, then strained, White Sugar (equal parts). Boil slowly to the consistency of syrup.