Ulcers & Fistulas
An Ulcer is an open sore on the skin or mucosa which fails to heal. Ulcers are often associated with bacteria which hinders normal healing. Poor nutrition or chronic diseases may predispose to Ulcers. In elderly and diabetic patients, Ulcers of the lower limbs are often caused by poor circulation.
A Fistula is an abnormal passage formed between two organs, or between an organ and the exterior of the body. They can come after an inflammation or infection, or may be caused by Surgery or Trauma.
Both conditions require similar approaches. Heat (redness, inflammation) indicating infection, requires medicines with antibacterial effects. Medicines to promote healing may then be applied.
Western Tradition |
TCM Classification |
1. Make an infusion of Willow root and drink often. 2. Beat Artichoke root, boil i water and use as a wash. 3. Willow leaf, Walnut leaf, Plantain leaf, decoct and drink. 4. China root (1 oz.), Raisins (½ pound), Licorice, Aniseed (6 drams each).. Steep overnight, then boil to half. On the second day use 1 ½ oz. of China root, on the third day 2 oz., fourth day 2 ½ oz., fifth day 3 oz. Continue at that dose for 21 days cures all Ulcers. If the bowels are bound, Use Prunes instead of Raisins. Also take a purge of Rhubarb before starting, at 10 days, and at the end. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) 5. Bull Bile mixed with Vinegar is applied to all types of Ulcers of the Head Ulceribus malis conferunt – Evil ulcers Wine Decoction of Centaury Potion for Virulent and Corrosive Ulcers Pilulae Aggregative minor Hiera Logadii Ointment of Centaury Plaster of Calamine Plaster of Red Clover Chronic Ulcers Kaisor Guggulu Apostles Plaster Cerate Diadictamnus Plaster Barbarum Majus Plaster of Calamine ‘Plaster of the Jew of Steten’ Tincture of Alum Ointment of Tutty Ointment of Ceruse Oil of Juniper berries Oil of Mezereon Oil of Ash tree Ulcers, Stubborn and Difficult to Cure Kaisor Guggulu Oil of Mezereon Oil of Ash tree Oil of Juniper Berries Ointment of Lead Ointment of Ceruse Apostles Plaster Plaster of Calamine ‘Plaster of the Jew of Steten’ Plaster of Red Clover Malignant Ulcers Potion for Virulent and Corrosive Ulcers Electuary for Internal Bruising Ointment of Lead Ointment of Tutty Egyptian Ointment Oil of Sulphur Plaster of Calamine Plaster of Red Clover To Purge Foul Ulcers Hiera Logadii Pil. Aggregative Minores (Mesue) Fill Ulcers with Flesh Ointment Basilicum Majus Ointment of Tutty Galen Apostles Ointment Graita Dei Ointment of Litharge Oil of Fir |
Chronic and Non-healing Ulcers Ba Zhen Tang Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang Ren Shen Yang Rong Tang Fang Feng Tong Shen San Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan Si Miao Yong An Tang |
LEG ULCER Long Birthwort Aloe Myrrh Powder and mix with Honey of Roses and apply. DEEP SORES OR ULCERS OF THE LEGS Chicken Bile Turpentine Ceruse Mix to form an Ointment, apply often. FISTULA IN THE BREAST Wash it daily with Wine decocted with Myrrh. Then take: Sarcocolla Aloes Chicken Bile Powder, mix with Honey, put in a little bag and place into the Fistulas. (Secrets of Alexis) |
1. Standard practice was the application of Egyptian Ointment topically while taking Hiera Logadii internally. 2. Take 1 dram of Myrobalan powder every morning; either Chebula, Black (if from melancholy) or Yellow (if from Bile) 3. Plantain juice can be put into a Fistula to help heal it. 4. Distilled Water or Spirit of Black Nightshade is good to wash Fistulas. Hiera Logadii Syrup of Dodder Apostles Plaster Arabian Plaster Egyptian Ointment Alphesericum Ointment DECOCTION OF MADDER AND RED CABBAGE Madder Red Cabbage with seed Take equal parts of each; boil until three-quarters has been consumed, strain, add Honey and boil until thick. Give 2 spoonfuls twice daily. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) POWDER FOR FISTULA & ULCERS Plantain Ribwort Plantain Primrose Daisy eqal parts Powder, take a dram 3 times daily DECOCTION FOR FISTULA Cloves Pimpernel Valerian Mousear Herb Robert Tansy equal parts Seeth it all in white Wine, and give it to the Patient to drink twice or thrice a day’. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) FISTULA OF THE BREAST: Wash it daily with Wine in which Myrrh has been boiled. Then mix Sarcocolla and Aloe with Honey, adding a little Bile and put into a linen bag and insert in the Fistula ‘and with this most certainly you shall have your purpose’. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) POWDER FOR FISTULA Alum Green Copperas 2 lb. each boil in water, then add Verdigris powder (4 oz.) and boil until the water has evaporated and it becomes a hard mass. Powder, add Armenian (Red) Earth (4 oz.). To be applied topically. (Natura exenterata, Philiatros, 1655) |
SALVE FOR FISTULAS AND OLD, FOUL ULCERS Verdigris 1 oz. Sarcocolla ½ oz. Gum Ammoniac. ½ oz. Pound them with vinegar, then mix with Honey to a salve. “good for fistulas, to cleanse any filthy, dirty ulcer, and to eat the dead flesh”. (Formulary of al Samarqandi) CAUSTIC FOR FISTULAS (1) Cantharides 4 drams Unslaked Lime 5 drams Powder, make into a paste with Alkali Water and keep as a paste. To be applied only to unhealthy tissue, avoiding healthy tissues. (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913) CAUSTIC FOR FISTULAS (2) Unslaked Lime Vegetable Alkali Cantharides Orpiment Realgar Sal Ammoniac equal parts Powder, form a paste with Alkali Water, then apply to the affected parts, being careful to avoid healthy tissue. (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine‘, Budge, 1913) In the former 2 recipes the surrounding healthy tissues can be protected weith this: Mix Sarcocolla in water and dip strips of wool in the mixture and apply around the Fistula. After the Fistulas have been burned with one of the above caustic medicines, apply roasted Sesame seed powder mixed with Sheep oil (lanolin?). Use this as a palkster until the Fistulas are removed. (Syrian ‘Book of Medicine’, Budge, 1913) |