
Tumor means an abnormal swelling or growth in the body. Classically, Tumors were divided into Each of the 4 Humors in the Western Tradition.
  • Phlegmone from Blood humor–their key signs being Redness and Inflammation. This class includes Bubo, Carbuncles, Furuncle, Rosacea etc.
  • Erysipelas from Bile humor–signified by Heat, Burning and Itching. It includes Herpes, Shingles, Lupus, Pruritus, Burns etc.
  • Edema from Phlegm humor–soft, pale and edematous. They include Edema, Water Swellings, Scrofula, Nodes and Ganglions.
  • Scirrhus from Melancholy–cold, hard with dull or dark color. They include Fibroids, Leprosy, Morphew and Cancer.

Each type is treated as appropriate to the Humor. In addition, the various qualities can help differential diagnosis of diseases such as Eczema. That with Burning and Itching being from Bile Humor, that with Redness and Inflammation being associted with Blood Heat, while that with Oozing are caused by Phlegm.

See also


Western Tradition

TCM Classification

Tumors in general
Decoction of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Decoction of Dodder of Thyme (Rhasis)
Decoction of Figwort
Decoction of Woods
Decoction for Cancer
Decoction for Cancer (Model Botanic Guide to Health)
Decoction for Scrofula
Decoction to Open the Body (Riverius)
Compound Syrup of Vinegar (Mesue)
Wine for Scrophula (Renodeus)
Wine of Pill Millipedes
Water for Cancer
Powder for Struma
Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca Major) (M.)
Powder for Mixed Humors (Mesue)
Sweet Powder of Musk (Diamoschu Dulce)
Bitter Powder of Musk (Diamoschu Amarum)

Troches of Agrimony
Troches of Wormwood Lesser (Mesue)
Troches of Wormwood Greater (Mesue)
Troches for Hardness of the Liver
Troches Proven for Hardness of the Liver (Nicholas)
Pills of Agrimony Lesser (Mesue)
Pills of Agrimony Greater (Mesue)
Indian Pills (Mesue)
Pills for Mixed Humors (Mesue)
Pills of Fumitory (Avicenna)
Pills of Rhubarb (Greater) (Pil. de Raved Sceni) (Mesue)
Pills of Euphorbium
Electuary of Figwort (Avicenna)
Antidotum Immortale

Kanchanara Guggulu (Ayurveda)

Oil of Walnuts
Oil of Bay
Oil of Costus
Oil of Dill
Oil of Rue
Oil of Violet
Oil of Toads
Meliot Plaster Compound (Mesue)
Apostles Plaster
Diachilon Plaster
Diachilon Plaster with Orris

Plaster Against all Tumors
Ointment of Agrippa
Ointment of Martiatum

Tumors from Heat and Toxin
Decoction for Cancer
Decoction for Cancer (Model Botanic Guide to Health)
Decoction of Figwort
Decoction of Woods
Syrup of Fumitory Greater (Mesue)
Water for Cancer
Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue)

Tumors from Blood Stagnation
Tincture of Myrrh
Tincture of Saffron
Tincture of Frankincense
Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes
Bruise Powder (Mesue)

Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca Major) (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Mesue)
Troches of Saffron (Nicholas)
Troches of Gum Lacca (Mesue)
Trochs of Myrrh (Rhasis)
Troches of Rhubarb (Mesue)

Troches Praised for Liver Hardness (Nicholas)
Pills of Bdellium (Mesue)
Pills for Fibrosis of the Liver (Riverius)
Oil of Costus
Oil of St Johns wort
Oil of Saffron Simple
Oil of Saffron Compound
Diachilon Plaster
Diachilon Plaster with Orris
Diachilon Plaster with Gums

Plaster of Saffron (Nicholas)

Hard Tumors and Swellings
Powder of Gum Lacca Greater (Dialacca Major) (Mesue)
Powder of Gum Lacca Lesser (Dialacca Minor) (Mesue)
Oil of Sweet Almonds
Oil of Sesame
Cerate of Hyssop
Diachilon Plaster
Diachilon Plaster with Gums

Hard Tumors and Fibroids from Melancholy
Decoction for Cancer

Decoction of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Decoction of Dodder of Thyme (Rhasis)
Syrup of Fumitory Greater (Mesue)
Syrup of Rose with Senna
Syrup to Purge all Humors of Frankfurt
Arabic Confect Purging Melancholy (Confect. Hamech)
Indian Pills (Mesue)

Pills for Mixed Humors (Mesue)
Pills of Fumitory (Avicenna)
Pills of Azurite (Mesue)
Pills of Lapis Lazuli (Mesue)
Electuary of Senna (Diabalzemer)

Antidotum Immortale
Plaster by the Grace of God (Plastrum Gratia Dei)
Diachilon Plaster with Gums
Plaster of Bayberries
Plaster of Hemlock

Tumors from Phlegm (Fluid, Edematous)

Decoction Against Scrofula (Fuller)
Powder for Scrofula (Wirtzung)
Powder for Scrofula (Bononiense)
Powder for Scrofula (Renodeus)
Powder of Burnt Sponge (Gabelhover)
Greater Polycrest Pills
Tincture of Rue
Tincture of Bees
Tincture of Myrrh and Aloes (topically)
The Blessed Laxative (Nicholas)
Diachilon Plaster with Gums

Kanchanara Guggulu
Heat & Toxin with Phlegm and Blood Obstruction
Tumor or Swelling which is red, hot to touch, firm or hard, with dull and heavy pain. Tongue will be red with a yellow coating, pulse is swift. 
Zhen Ren Huo Ming Yin
Dian She Wan

Phlegm Tumors
Tumors or Swellings that are white or pale, perhaps puffy and edematous, with a pale tongue and a wet coat with a soft or slow pulse.
Er Chen Tang
Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang

Blood Stasis
Chronic Tumor that is fixed, hard to the touch, with a choppy pulse.
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Chest)
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang (abdomen)
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Lower abdomen)
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (esp. Uterus)
Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan
Di Dang Tang

Special Formula

    Sage,                half handful eal

Fennel seed    1 dram ea.
    Polypody          half dram ea.

    Rosemary flr.
    Sage flr.,
Betony flr.         1 pugil ea.
    Juniper             10
    Bay berry         2
    Water               4 lbs.
Boil to half, and aromatize with Clove and Cinnamon, 2 scruples each, and add sugar 2 oz.
To purge more strongly, add Rhubarb 1 dram, Agaric half dram, Senna 1 oz. (
Libellus de tumoribus, 1556)

    Pills of Agaric
    Pills of Colchicum
    Pills of Fumitory, of each 1 scruple
Mix with Syrup of Fumitory and form 9 pills.