Trochite, Entrochus
This page from Historia Lapidum Figuratorum Helvetiae, Lang (1708) shows several types of Stones: at the top is various types of Trochite and Entrochus. Lesser Star Stones (fossil coral type) amd Greater Star Stone (Astroites Stellis Maximus). The latter is dealt with under Astroites, Star Stone.Metallotheca Vaticana Opus Posthuman, 1719
Asteria, Astroites
Gesner, De Rerum fossilium, 1565
Trochites are fossil Crinoid stems
Asteria or Astroites are Star-shaped fossil Crinoids
According to Salmon (Seplasium) Astroites have the following effects:
1. powdered and taken was said to be excellent for Plague
2. to expel Worms
3. for Vertigo and Apoplexy
4. removing Melancholy
5. strengthening all the principal organs.
6. It was regarded as highly alkaline, and therefore good to remove acid humors.
4–6 grains.
Note the term Astroites is used for both these Star-shaped fossils, as well as round stones with fossil star-shaped organism embedded within. See Astroites, Star Stone.