Trochisci de Rhabarbaro
Troches of Rhubarb
Western, Unani
Powder; with white wine that has been boiled, or with Dodder water, form Troches of 1 dram.
Opens Liver Obstructions, clears Heat and Damp, resolves Swelling, moves Qi
1. Obstruction, Pain and Tumors of the Liver, Spleen and Bowels;
2. Fever from Liver Heat or Obstruction;
3. Internal Abscesses;
4. Edema from Heat;
5. Jaundice;
6. Cachexia;
7. beginning of Consumption.
8. They are useful in Chronic Diseases coming from a poor state of the Liver, and at the end of chronic conditions to prevent the return.
9. Used classically for conditions arising from Cold and Bile
1 scruple–1 dram, up to 1 1⁄2 or 2 drams in wine, or an appropriate vehicle, for 7 days. In the treatment of Edema, or various Chronic conditions, 2 drams was taken twice weekly on an extended basis.
None noted
A similar version is found. in The Medical Formulary of al Samarqandi
Indian Spikenard
Agrimony extract
Fennel seed
Aniseed 2 drams ea.
Rhubarb 10 drams
Used for Coldness and Obstruction of the Liver.
“This does assuage the pain of Liver, and delivers it from obstructions, it does cure inward Impostumes, old griefs, the Dropsy, Yellow Jaundice, and restores again good color; the drink of them is a present remedy for those which be of evil liking or in a Consumption; many physicians do use them in Hot Agues, and when the body begins to fall in a Consumption”. (Nicholas Prepositas)
“These Troches are used at the end of Long Sicknesses, especially the Jaundice, Dropsy [Edema] and Cachexia. It serves also for the cure of those that are troubled with pains, swellings and obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Mesentery”. (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
“Trochisks of Rhubarb are good against the cold and bilious affections, the obstructions, dolours [pain], Tumours, and depraved actions of the Liver: they help also the present or the imminent Dropsy [Edema], and the Jaundice”. (Renodeus)
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Troches of Rhubarb
Western, Unani
Source / Author:
Herb NameRhubarbAgrimony juice thickened Bitter Almonds Red Roses Asarabacca Madder Indian Spikenard Wormwood Aniseed Celery seed |
Powder; with white wine that has been boiled, or with Dodder water, form Troches of 1 dram.
Opens Liver Obstructions, clears Heat and Damp, resolves Swelling, moves Qi
1. Obstruction, Pain and Tumors of the Liver, Spleen and Bowels;
2. Fever from Liver Heat or Obstruction;
3. Internal Abscesses;
4. Edema from Heat;
5. Jaundice;
6. Cachexia;
7. beginning of Consumption.
8. They are useful in Chronic Diseases coming from a poor state of the Liver, and at the end of chronic conditions to prevent the return.
9. Used classically for conditions arising from Cold and Bile
1 scruple–1 dram, up to 1 1⁄2 or 2 drams in wine, or an appropriate vehicle, for 7 days. In the treatment of Edema, or various Chronic conditions, 2 drams was taken twice weekly on an extended basis.
None noted
A similar version is found. in The Medical Formulary of al Samarqandi
Indian Spikenard
Agrimony extract
Fennel seed
Aniseed 2 drams ea.
Rhubarb 10 drams
Used for Coldness and Obstruction of the Liver.
“This does assuage the pain of Liver, and delivers it from obstructions, it does cure inward Impostumes, old griefs, the Dropsy, Yellow Jaundice, and restores again good color; the drink of them is a present remedy for those which be of evil liking or in a Consumption; many physicians do use them in Hot Agues, and when the body begins to fall in a Consumption”. (Nicholas Prepositas)
“These Troches are used at the end of Long Sicknesses, especially the Jaundice, Dropsy [Edema] and Cachexia. It serves also for the cure of those that are troubled with pains, swellings and obstructions of the Liver, Spleen and Mesentery”. (Charras, French Pharmacopoeia)
“Trochisks of Rhubarb are good against the cold and bilious affections, the obstructions, dolours [pain], Tumours, and depraved actions of the Liver: they help also the present or the imminent Dropsy [Edema], and the Jaundice”. (Renodeus)
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