Tremors and Shaking
Tremors and Shaking are classed as Wind disorders in Traditional Medicine, so other medicines used for Wind diseases may also be applicable. Shaking with loss of sense was traditionally called Shaking Palsy and overlaps the modern diagnosis of Parkinsonism. Warming Pearl Powder was viewed as an especially effective medicine for Shaking Palsy.
Special Formulas:
1. Apply Cinamon oil to the crown of the Head and the part that is shaking or trembling. 2. Mix equal parts of Pig Blood with Aqua Vitae, then distil. Give 2 dram doses. This was to be used with the application of Cinnamon oil above. (Secrets of Alexis) EXPERT CONFECTION FOR TREMORS Black Myrobalan 30 drams Savin 10 drams Libani 7 drams Cyperus Calamus 5 drams Form a confect with Kermes. Dose: 1–2 drams. (De Morbis Internis Curandis, Mesue, 1551) TREMBLING OF THE BODY Costus Indian leaf Calamus Clove 1 oz. ea. Acacia Rose Tabasheer Indian nuts Olibanum ½ oz. ea. Powder and mix with Quince juice boiled with sugar and form an Electuary. Dose: as much as a Hazelnut. (Secrets of Alexis) ELECTUARY FOR TREMBLING FROM MELANCHOLY HUMOR Pine nuts (washed) 2 drams Almonds Raisins Pistachio Ginger Saffron White & Red Behen Zedoary Citron peel Balm 1 dram ea. Pearl Coral Clove Mace Cardamon ½ dram Sandalwood Tragacanth Gum Arabic 2 scruples Sugar 16 drams Dissolve Sugar in Balm water and make a confection with the rest in Powder. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615) |