

Picture Hippocrates was the first to note that ‘All disease begins in the Stomach’. It is therefore not surprising that Traditional Medicine plays great attention to Diet in the management of Health and Disease.
Of prime importance is:
  • Eating in Moderation
  • Chewing thoroughly
  • Eating according to your constitution
  • Avoiding Food that aggravates a Disease
  • Not eating until previous food has left the Stomach



Lifestyle, like Diet, can aid Health and Healing, or Aggravate a disease. Adequate Rest, Exercise, good quality Air and avoiding undue Stress and Emotion are important in maintaining Health and avoiding Disease, and in Healing.


Picture Cupping has been used in most medical systems since ancient times. Cupping draws out excess of Blood, Qi, Cold, Damp, Heat or Wind. It effectively acts as a powerful local anti-inflammatory. It often brings out Bruising, however it does not cause Bruising: Bruising only develops when there has been internal stagnant blood. In addition, Cupping is very relaxing.

Acupuncture, Moxa and Bloodletting

Picture While Acupuncture is fairly unique to Chinese Medicine, Bloodletting is common to most systems to a greater or lesser extent. The ancient Greeks had an elaborate system of Bloodletting and used many points for many conditions. Being a cleansing procedure, it drains off excess. It is good for clearing excess Heat and for Blood Stagnation marked by fixed pain. Moxa applies warmth to specific points by burning herbs.

Herbal Medicine

Picture Herbal Medicine is a cornerstone of nearly all Traditional Medicine. Literally thousands of herbal medicines have been used to treat every imaginable condition, many having been used for many centuries. An ever-growing number of medicines are being scientifically proven to have clinical effects that support traditional uses. Today, Traditional Medicine regularly uses formulas that have been used for many centuries, sometimes 2000 years or more!

External Medicine

Picture External Medicine is the application of Oils, Ointments, Plasters and other external medicines. They treat the topical area while internal medicines treat the whole body.

Sometimes medicines are applied to specific points of the body, sometimes heat is applied (as above) or compresses of hot water, for example. Treating internal conditions with external remedies is a very ancient form of treatment.