Tormentillae, Tormentil
Septfoil, Erect Cinquefoil, Septifolium, Pentaphyllum, Heptaphyllum
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(A Manual of Organic Materia Medica)
Botanical name:
Potentilla tormentilla (syn. Potentilla erecta, Potentilla laeta, Tormentilla erecta
Wild and Alpine varieties were differentiated
Parts used:
Temperature & Taste:
Cool, very dry. Bitter
1. Clears Heat and Damp, Stops Leakages:
-‘Tormentil is most excellent to stay all kinds of fluxes of blood or humours in man or woman, whether at nose, mouth or belly’ (Culpeper)
-Diarrhea, Dysentery, Gastroenteritis and Cholera etc.
-acute and chronic Enteritis and Colitis
-adjunct in Jaundice.
-Leukorrhea from Damp-Heat
-Incontinence and as an aid in the treatment of Diabetes.
–chronic Internal Ulcers
2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-expels all Venom and Poison;
-‘it is much used against Pestilent diseases: for it strongly resisteth putrefaction, and procureth Sweat’ (Gerard)
-Plague, Epidemic Fevers and Infectious diseases including Pox and Measles
-‘brings forth’ the eruption of Measles and Pox, thereby promoting quicker recovery.
-acute infections of the mouth or throat, as well as for hot and sore Eyes.
-‘Andreas Valesius is of the opinion that the decoction of this root is no less effectual to cure the French Pox than Guaiacum or China [root]’.
-‘especially beneficial in the Small Pox if there be a flux in the belly’.
-Likewise a celebrated English Doctor Thornton claimed remarkable cures of Small Pox, Ague, and Whooping Cough.
3. Stops Leakage, Prevents Miscarriage:
-‘an assured remedy against Abortion if it proceed from the over flexibility or weakness of the inward Retentive Faculty’;
-Threatened Miscarriage
4. Kills Worms:
-powder was taken in Plantain juice for Worms in children.
5. Externally:
-Bruising, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, Running Sores, Itches, Eruptions, Herpes;
-‘The Juice of the Leaves and Roots used with a little Vinegar, is also a special Remedy against the running Sores of the Head or other parts, Scabs also and the Itch, or any such Eruptions in the Skin proceeding of Salt and sharp Humors’ (Culpeper)
-Foul Sores and Ulcers of the mouth and genitals;
-strong decoction makes a very good gargle in Ulcerated Mouth and Throat.
-strong decoction is used as a wash for Hemorrhoids, including Bleeding Hemorrhoids.
-applied externally to Sciatica
-topically to Nodes, Scrofula and Lymphadenitis.
-strong decoction applied constantly on lints reputedly cures Warts.
-applied topically to relieve Toothache
-douches for Leukorrhea and foul-smelling Vaginal Discharge
-in Enemas for chronic Diarrhea
-wash for sore or red Eyes
LONG INFUSION OR DECOCTION: 5–10 grams, up to 15 grams taken in 3 equal doses throughout the daily; or 1 oz. boiled and steeped in 1 liter of water which can be taken over the day. Usually, 1 teaspoonful is used per cup of cold water, bring to the boil, then strain;
Of the POWDER: 500mg–4 grams (2–4 grams in wine or water to stop diarrhea);
Of the TINCTURE (1:10): 1–3 mls, usually 10–30 drops.
1. Both Salmon and Gerard said it was similar to Cinquefoil, but stronger.
2. In America, Tormentil is used similarly to Cranesbill, and they are considered largely interchangeable.
Main Combinations:
Bistort & Tormentil
1. To stop all Leakages including Diarrhea, Dysentery, Incontinence, Leukorrhea, Tormentil was long combined with Bistort
2. Diarrhea and Dysentery:
i. Tormentil (1 dram), Mastic (2 drams), Gum Arabic (½ oz.). (Formulaire Magistral et Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1823)
ii. Tormentil with Comfrey, Licorice
iii. Tormentil with Ginger, Galangal, Marshmallow root
iv. Tormentil with Mastic, Ginger, Galangal (as in Decoction of Tormentil)
v. diarrhea in children, Tormentil with Thyme, Camomile and Peppermint (Traditional German Remedy)
vi. Dysentery, Tormentil, Sorrel seed, Plantain seed, with Syrup of Quibce and Conserve of Rose (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
vii. Tormentil with Pomegranate flower, Pomegranate bark, Cinchona (Saunders)
viii. Tormentil with Couch Grass root, Pomegranate bark, Sumac, Barberry, Deer horn shavings, decoct and add Honey. (Memorial Pharmaceutique, 1824)
ix. Tormentil, Oak bark, Pomegranate bark (2 drams each), Water, Milk (1 lb. each), boil 15 minutes, adding towards the end Cinnamon (2 drams). (Pharmacopoeia medici practici universalis, Bruxelles, 1817)
x. Sealed Earth (6 oz.), Cinnamon (4 oz.), Tormentil, Gum Arabic (3 oz. each), Long Pepper (½ oz.) (Geneva)
3. Threatened Miscarriage:
i. Tormentil with Clove, Nutmeg, Pearl, Coral (as in Powder Against Miscarriage)
ii. Tormentil with Pearl, Amber, Red Coral, Mastic, Plantain seed, Red Sandalwood, Sealed Earth, Clove (as in Powder Against Abortion)
4. Excessive Menstruation:
i. Tormentil with Nutmeg, Plantain seed (as in Powder for Excessive Menstruation)
ii. Tormentil with Comfrey, Sorrel, Gum Arabic, Tragacanth, Plantain (as in Decoction for Excessive Menstruation)
iii. Tormentil with Mussel shell, Coral, Nutmeg, Red Earth, Plantain seed (as in Powder of Mussel Shells Compound)
5. Bleeding:
i. Tormentil with Shepherd’s Purse
ii. Internal Bleeding, Trauma: Tormentil (½ oz.), Rose, St. Johns wort (2 drams each), Red Sandalwood, Mummy (Mumiya, Shilajit), Dragons Blood (1 oz. each), Catechu, Myrrh (½ oz. each), Nutmeg (1 dram), Alcohol (20 oz.). Digest, filter. (Pharmacopoeia Generalis, 1783)
6. Hemoptysis, Tormentil with Comfrey, Plantain, Marshmallow, Licorice, Shepherd’s Purse, Self Heal, St Johns wort (as in Decoction of Timaei)
7. Gastroenteritis, Tormentil with Wormwood and Gentian (Weiss)
8. Stomach Ulcer:
i. Tormentil with Comfrey, Licorice
ii. Tormentil with Angelica, Wormwood, Calendula, Sanicle (Rose)
9. Hernia, Tormentil with Sage, Agrimony, Solomans Seal, Plantain, Comfrey root (as in Decoction for Hernia)
10. To preserve from Infection during epidemics:
i. Tormntil with Zedoary, Angelica and Theriac (Herbarium Horstianum, 1630)
ii. Tormentil with Pimpernel root, Cinnamon, Aloeswood, Juniper, Ginger, Blessed Thistle, Angelica (as in Powder Against Toxicity and Venom)
iii. Tormentil with Armenian Earth, Earth of Lemnos, Pearl, Red Coral, Angelica, Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Saffron and Camphor (as in Preservative Confection)
11. Gargle:
i. Tormentil with Honey of Roses
ii. Tormentil with Sage and Alum
12. Herpes, Tormentil infused in vinegar and applied
13. Itchy and swollen Hemorrhoids, boil Tormentil in vinegar and use as a wash. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)
Major Formulas:
Decoction of Tormentil (Gabelhover)
Decoction for Excessive Menstruation
Decoction of Timaei (modified)
Astringent Decoction
Universal Vulnerary Decoction (Joseph Du Chesne)
Powder of Tormentil Compound (Grieves)
Powder Against Miscarriage
Powder for Excessive Menstruation (Wirtzung)
Powder of Nutmeg Compound
Orvietan Antidote
1. Not used in constipation
2. Not used in full doses on an extended basis
In animal studies no adverse effects were noted after a single doses of up to 6.8 g/kg orally in mice and rates.
Drug Interactions:
1. Tannic acid forms insoluble compounds with many Antibiotics. This will hinder their absorption and effectiveness.
Main Preparations used:
Distilled Water of the Root or whole Herb in flower
1. Distilled Water of Tormentil
i. Tormentil root (1 part), Water (2 parts). Distil 1½ parts.
Extra Info
- Research
–Tormentillae rhizoma–Review for an Underestimated European Herbal Drug
–Potentilla—A review of its phytochemical and pharmacological profile
–Mineral composition of rhizomes Potentilla erecta L.
–Antimicrobial effect of an aqueous extract of Potentilla erecta rhizome
–Antimicrobial activity of different extracts from rhizome and root of Potentilla erecta L. Raeuschel and Potentilla alba L. Rosaceae
–Phenolic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and in-vivo wound healing properties of Potentilla erecta L. root extract in diabetic rats
–Antimicrobial, antibiofilm-forming and some biochemical properties of Potentilla erecta rhizome extract
–Antimicrobial activity of Potentilla species
–Antimicrobial activity of extract from aerial parts of potentilla (Potentilla reptans L.)
–Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties of Potentilla erecta–A traditional medicinal plant from the northern hemisphere
–Phenolic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and in-vivo wound healing properties of Potentilla erecta L. root extract in diabetic rats
–Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties of Potentilla erecta â A traditional medicinal plant from the northern hemisphere
–Potentilla erecta extract inhibits arterial thrombosis in rat
–Investigating In Vitro the Hemostatic Effect of Some Medicinal Plants
–Phenolic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and in-vivo wound healing properties of Potentilla erecta L. root extract in diabetic rats
–Anticariogenic activity of the crude ethanolic extract of Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch