Tormentilla, Tormentil

Septfoil, Septifolium, Pentaphyllum, Heptaphyllum
Picture Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563

Picture Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599

Picture Flora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886

Picture Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION

Botanical name:

Potentilla tormentilla
Wild and Alpine varieties were differentiated

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Cool, very dry. Bitter




1. Clears Heat and Damp, Stops Leakages:
-‘Tormentil is most excellent to stay all kinds of fluxes of blood or humours in man or woman, whether at nose, mouth or belly’
-Diarrhea, Dysentery, Gastroenteritis and Cholera etc.
-acute and chronic Enteritis and Colitis

2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:
-expels all Venom and Poison;

-‘brings forth’ the eruption of Measles and Pox, thereby promoting quicker recovery.
-acute infections of the mouth or throat, as well as for hot
and sore Eyes.

3. Stops Leakage, Prevents Miscarriage:
-‘an assured remedy against Abortion if it proceed from the over flexibility or weakness of the inward Retentive Faculty’;
-Threatened Miscarriage

4. Kills Worms:
-powder was taken in Plantain juice for Worms in children.

5. Externally:

-Bruising, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, Running Sores, Itches, Eruptions, Herpes;
-‘The Juice of the Leaves and Roots used with a little Vinegar, is also a special Remedy against the running Sores of the Head or other parts, Scabs also and the Itch, or any such Eruptions in the Skin proceeding of Salt and sharp Humors’ (
-Foul Sores and Ulcers of the mouth and genitals;
decoction makes a very good gargle in Ulcerated Mouth and Throat.
-strong decoction is used as a wash for Hemorrhoids, including Bleeding
-applied externally to Sciatica
-topically to Nodes, Scrofula and Lymphadenitis.
-strong decoction applied constantly on lints reputedly cures Warts.
-applied topically to relieve Toothache
-douches for Leukorrhea and foul-smelling Vaginal Discharge
-in Enemas for chronic Diarrhea
-wash for sore or red Eyes


POWDER: 500mg–4 grams (2–4 grams in wine or water to stop diarrhea);


1. Both Salmon and Gerard said it was similar to Cinquefoil, but stronger.
2. In America, Tormentil is used similarly to Cranesbill, and they are considered largely interchangeable.

Main Combinations:

Bistort & Tormentil

1. To stop all Leakages including Diarrhea, Dysentery, Incontinence, Leukorrhea, Tormentil has long been combined with Bistort
2. Diarrhea and Dysentery:
i. Tormentil with  … available in PRO version
ii. Tormentil with … available in PRO version
iii. diarrhea in children, Tormentil with … available in PRO version
3. Threatened Miscarriage:
i. Tormentil with … available in PRO version
ii. Tormentil with … available in PRO version
4. Excessive Menstruation:
i. Tormentil with  … available in PRO version
ii. Tormentil with … available in PRO version
iii. Tormentil with  … available in PRO version
5. Bleeding, Tormentil … available in PRO version
6. Hemoptysis, Tormentil … available in PRO version
7. Gastroenteritis, Tormentil … available in PRO version
8. Stomach Ulcer, Tormentil … available in PRO version
9. Hernia, Tormentil with … available in PRO version
10. To preserve from Infection during epidemics:
i. Tormentil with … available in PRO version
ii. Tormentil with … available in PRO version

Major Formulas:

Decoction of Tormentil (Gabelhover)
Decoction for Excessive Menstruation
Decoction of Timaei (modified)
Astringent Decoction
Universal Vulnerary Decoction (Joseph Du Chesne)
Powder of Tormentil Compound (Grieves)
Powder Against Miscarriage
Powder Against Abortion (Corpus Pharmaceutico, 1697)
Powder for Excessive Menstruation (Wirtzung)
Powder of Nutmeg Compound
Orvietan Antidote


1. Not used in constipation
2. Not used in full doses on an extended basis

Main Preparations used:

Distilled Water of the whole Herb in flower