Tinospora, Guduchi

Guduchi (Ayurveda)
Cinthil Thandu (Siddha)
Gilo (Unani)
Zet al-Roomi, Zet al-Buta (Arabic)
Sle tres  སླེ་ཏྲེས  (Tibetan)
Kuan Jin Teng (TCM)
Picture Tinospora cordifolia

Picture Tinospora cordifolia with fruit
(Photo by Sanu N) (Wikimedia)

Picture Tinospora cordifolia stems as used in Tibetan Medicine.
(Adam, 2016)

Botanical name:

Tinospora cordifolia (syn. Menispermum cordifolium, Cocculus cordifolius)
Related species used similarly include T. crispa, T. malabarica (syn. T. sinensis, T. tormentosa) which are generally regarded as weaker.

Parts used:

Stem (Caulis) is most used; Stem and Root; sometimes the whole plant

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral/slightly Warm, Bitter


S. Medicines for Worms and Parasites
D. Clear Wind and Damp


1. Clears Heat and Damp:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery, Gonorrhea
-Epigastric pain from Heat

2. Clears Wind and Heat, Resists Toxin (TCM, Ayurveda, Tibetan):
-Fever, Intermittent Fever, Epidemic Fevers
-Sore Throat, Diphtheria
-Boils, Carbuncles
-skin diseases including Leprosy
-Venomous Bites including the bites of poisonous Insects and Snake bite

3. Clear Wind and Damp, Reduces Pain (Ayurveda, Tibetan Medicine, TCM):
-regarded as specific for Gout
-Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

4. Clears Hot Phlegm, Stops Cough:
-heat-type Cough, Bronchitis

5. Benefits Qi and Yin:
Rasayana: regarded as strengthening in Ayurveda; good for general debility, especially after Fever and chronic Illness
-premature ageing caused by depletion of 7 Body constituents (Tibetan Medicine)
-regarded as promoting Longevity.


1. To clear Phlegm and Ama, use with Ginger; for Ama-Vata (rheumatoid arthritis), with Ginger; for Ama Kapha, with Long Pepper, and for Ama Pitta, use with Neem.
Decoction (of the stem): 6–18 grams
Powder: 2–6 grams
Tincture (1:2 in 95% alcohol): 2–5 mls.

1. Tabasheer (Unani)
2. Cardamon (Eletarria)


1. Sophora flavescens (Ku Shen) is regarded as a substitute in Tibetan Medicine.
2. Stephania delavayi (syn. Stephania epigaea) is also used as a substitute in Tibetan Medicine. (Norbu)


1. This is a very special medicine in Ayurveda. It is bitter, astringent and pungent, and is slightly warming. In addition, it has a ‘post-digestion’ taste of being sweet (according to Ayurveda). It is regarded as good to clear Pitta/Bile and Kapha/Phlegm, while regulating Vata/Wind and digesting Ama (toxic residue of undigested food). It is also viewed as an Aphrodisiac and Sperm-promoting medicine, and promotes Longevity.
2. TCM also uses the root of T. sagittata and T. capillipes, called Jin Guo Lan. It is used very similarly to the Stem of T. cordifolia, being listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia for swollen sore Throat, boils and carbuncles, diarrhea and dysentery, and for Epigastric pain from Heat. Its dose in decoction is 3–9 grams.

Main Combinations:

1. Gout, Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis:
i. Tinospora has been combined in clinical trials in India with Galangal was positive results.
ii. Tinospora with Bdellium
iii. Tincospora and Costus (Wind-Damp type)
iv. clinical trials used a decoction of Tinospora with Ginger for Rheumatoid Arthritis and compared it to Ayurvedic formulas traditionally used for that condition such as Yograj Guggul. All treatments reduced pain and swelling, but the Tinospora and Ginger group was most effective. (Prem et al., J Res Ayurveda Siddha, 1980)
v. Tinospora with Ginger, Aloe
vi. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Tinospora with Bdellium, Myrrh, Ginger, Turmeric, Withania
vii, Tinospora with Triphala and Swertia (as in Tinospora 5, Tibetan Medicine)
viii. Tinospora with Shilajit and Chebulic Myrobalan (as in Tinospora 3 of Tibetan Medicine)
2. Hepatitis, Liver diseases:
i. Tinospora with Picrorhiza, Swertia
ii. Tinospora with Madder, Phyllanthus amarus, Long Pepper (Ayurveda)
iii. Tinospora with Picrorhiza, Madder, Emblic Myrobalan, Phyllanthus amarus
3. Cough, Asthma, Fever, Tinospora with Adhatoda and Turmeric
4. Clear Heat and Bile:
i. Tinospora with Emblic Myrobalan, Rose
5. Fever:
i. Tinospora with Andrographis, Picrorhiza and Ginger (Ayurveda)
ii. from Wind and Heat, Tinospora, White Sandalwood, Tabasheer, Safflower, Clove, Pomegranate, Long Pepper (Tibetan Medicine)
iii. Chronic Fever, Tinospora with Chebulic Myrobalan and Ginger (as in Nagaradi Kvatha Churna)
iv. Compelx Fever from mixed Humors, Tinospora with Coriander seed, Neem, Sandalwood (Ayurveda)
6. For Epidemic diseases and heat and toxin of the Blood including Small Pox, to Tinospora 5 add Adhatoda vasica and Bergenia purpurascens (Tinospora 7 of Tibetan Medicine)
7. Skin diseases:
i. Eczema, Inflammatory skin conditions, Tinospora with Neem, Centella, Madder, Psoralea
ii. inflammatory skin diseases, Tinospora, with Neem, Turmeric, Gotu Kola, Madder, Rose
iii. Chronic skin diseases including Leprosy, Tinospora with Madder, Triphala, Barberry, Neem bark (as in Powder of Musaffi Khas of Unani)
iv. obstinate skin diseases, Tinospoa with Picrorhiza, Emblic Myrobalan, Aconitum heterophyllum, Cyperus rotundus, Sandalwood, Barberry, Calamus, Asparagus, Swertia, Licorice, Fumitory, Cassia fistula, as a medicinal Ghee (Ayurveda)
v. Tinospora, with Hemidesmus, Neem, Madder, Sandalwood, Licorice
8. Acne:
i. Tinospora, Picrorhiza, Asparagus (Shatavari)
ii. Tinospora with Bdellium (Guggulu), Neem, Turmeric, Triphala
9. Toxic Swellings, Tinospora with Bergenia (Yan Bai Cai) and Swertia
10. Cold and Weak Digestion, Tinospora with Mustard seed, Ginger, Long Pepper (Ayurveda)
11. Diarrhea with Fever, Tinospora with Ginger, Cyperus rotundus, Aconitum heterophyllum (Atis)
12. Gastric reflux, Hyperacidity from Heat/Bile, with Emblic Myrobalan, Licorice
13. Immunodeficiency:
i. Tinospora with Picrorhiza, Swertia
ii. Tinospora with Withania
14. Insomnia, Tinospora with Rauwolfia, Indian Spikenard
15. Diabetes:
i. Tinospora, Shilajit
ii. Tinospora with Picrorhiza, Tribulus, Gymnema (Ayurveda)
iii. Tinospora, Gymnema, Turmeric, Emblic Myrobalan, Shilajit
16. Impotence:
i. Tinospora with Tribulus, Asparagus, Asparagus adcendens, Mucuna
ii. Tinospora with Sida cordifolia, Sesame seed, Asparagus racemosa (Shatavari), Mucuna, Emblic Myrobalan (Ashtanga Hridaya)
17. Seminal debility. Tinospora with Tribulus and Emblic Myrobalan
18. Female Debility, Tinospora with Tribulus, Curculigo, Mucuna
19. Hemorrhoids, Tinospora with Barberry, Aloe, Triphala, Neem (Ayurveda)

Major Formulas:

Candraprabha Vati (Pills Giving the Glow of the Moon)
Kaisor Guggulu (Bdellium Youthful Pill)
Musali Churna (Curculigo Powder)
Nagaradi Kvatha Churna
Punarnavadi Guggulu (Boerhaavia and Bdellium Pills)

Aloeswood 15 (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 17 (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 18 (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 31 (Tibetan)
Aloeswood 35 (Tibetan)
Asafetida 25 (Shin kun nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Catechu 25 (Seng ldeng 25) (Tibetan)
Cool Elixir 9 (Bsil bcud dgu pa) (Tibetan)
Emblic 25 (Skyu ru nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Frankincense 10 (Spos dkar 10) (Tibetan)
Garuda 8 (Khyung lnga mchu sder can) (Tibetan)
Gentiana algida 15 (Spang rgyan dkar po 15) (Tibetan)
Influenza Pills (Lo gyon ril bu) (Tibetan)
Inula 4 Decoction (Ma nu bzhi thang) (Tibetan) 
Nutmeg 14 (Dza ti bcu bzhi) (Tibetan)
Nux Vomica 13 (Ko byi bcu gsum) (Tibetan)
Principle 25 (Gtso bo nyer lnga) (Tibetan)
Swertia 5 Decoction (Tig ta lnga thang) (Tibetan)


1. Not used during Pregnancy or Postpartum
2. Several cases of Liver injury and acute Hepatitis have been reported with use of Tinospora.. (See here)

Main Preparations used:

A well-known medicinal plant, long in use in Hindu medicine, and considered to be cold and dry, or, according to Arabic and Persian writers, hot and dry in the first degree. In native practise it is much valued as an antiperiodic in fevers, and as a tonic and alterative ; it is also credited with aphrodisiac properties. The fresh plant is said to be more efficient than the dry, it is taken with milk in rheumatism, acidity of the urine and dyspepsia. The juice with Pakhanbed and honey is given in Gonorrhoea, and is an ingredient in Panshtiks given in Phthisis. The stem, if placed upon a bush in the open air, will retain its vitality through the hot season, and when the rains commence, put forth leaves and long whipcord like roots, which soon reach the ground. Guloe is very common on the Western Coast, and may always be obtained in the green state; the dry stem is to be seen in every is to be seen in
every drug shop; from it is prepared a kind of starch known in Hindustani as Giloe ka sat, and in some parts of India as Palo. It is prepared by powdering the stem and washing out the starch with water; the latter retains a little of the bitterness of the drug. Giloe appears first to have attracted the notice of Europeans in India at the early part of the present century, and to have been favourably spoken of by those who have tried it as a tonic, anti-periodic and diuretic, but it has never come into general use in European practice. It is now official in the Pharmacopoeia of India, and has lately (1884) been re-introduced to the notice of the profession in Europe as a specific tonic, antiperiodic and diuretic.’ (Vegetable Materia Medica of Western India, Dymock, 1885)
Traditional uses, hepatoprotective potential, and phytopharmacology of Tinospora cordifolia: a narrative review.
Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy): Phytochemistry, Ethnopharmacology, Clinical Application and Conservation Strategies.
Genus Tinospora: Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacology.
The chemical constituents and diverse pharmacological importance of Tinospora cordifolia.
Unveiling Various Facades of Tinospora cordifolia Stem in Food: Medicinal and Nutraceutical Aspects.
Therapeutic Application, Phytoactives and Pharmacology of Tinospora cordifolia: An Evocative Review.
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thomson polysaccharides: A review on extraction, characterization, and bioactivities.
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers: phytochemical composition, cytotoxicity, proximate analysis and their biological activities.
Unmasking the Many Faces of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia L.): A Fresh Look on its Phytochemical and Medicinal Properties.
From ayurvedic folk medicine to preclinical neurotherapeutic role of a miraculous herb, Tinospora cordifolia.
Chemistry and Pharmacology of Tinospora cordifolia.

The Antibacterial Effect of Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi) and Its Role in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance.
Antimicrobial efficiency of Tinospora cordifolia and Ocimum tenuiflorum against Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans.
Assessment of antimicrobial activity of different concentrations of Tinospora cordifolia against Streptococcus mutans: An in vitro study.
Antimycobacterial Activity and Safety Profile Assessment of Alpinia galanga and Tinospora cordifolia.
Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Activity of AHPL/AYCAP/0413 Capsule.

The Antibacterial Effect of Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi) and Its Role in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance.

Adhatoda vasica and Tinospora cordifolia extracts ameliorate clinical and molecular markers in mild COVID-19 patients: a randomized open-label three-armed study.
Pharmacological potential of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal and Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers on the experimental models of COVID-19, T cell differentiation, and neutrophil functions.

An in silico study on pulmonary fibrosis inhibitors from Tinospora cordifolia and Curcuma longa targeting TGF-β RI.

Antimicrobial and Synergistic Effects of Syzygium cumini, Moringa oleifera, and Tinospora cordifolia Against Different Candida Infections.
Antimicrobial efficiency of Tinospora cordifolia and Ocimum tenuiflorum against Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans.

In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effect of Tinospora cordifolia via modulation of JAK/STAT pathway.
Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers chloroform extract – a preclinical study.
Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory and Antimicrobial Activity of AHPL/AYCAP/0413 Capsule.
The Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Pyretic Activities of Tinospora cordifolia.
Anti-inflammatory activity of Guduchi Ghana (aqueous extract of Tinospora Cordifolia Miers.).

Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia on N-nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats.

The Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Pyretic Activities of Tinospora cordifolia.
Clinical evaluation of analgesic activity of guduchi (tinospora cordifolia) using animal model.

Evaluation of Antithrombotic Activities of Solanum xanthocarpum and Tinospora cordifolia.
In vitro thrombolytic activity of Dhamasa (Fagonia arabica Linn.), Kushta (Saussurea lappa Decne.), and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia Thunb.).

Network pharmacology, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics simulation to elucidate the mechanism of anti-aging action of Tinospora cordifolia.
Dietary intervention with Tinospora cordifolia improved aging-related decline in locomotor coordination and cerebellar cell survival and plasticity in female rats.
Aging-related changes in metabolic indicators in female rats and their management with Tinospora cordifolia.

Tinospora Cordifolia: A review of its immunomodulatory properties.
Tinospora species: An overview of their modulating effects on the immune system.
Exploration of bioactive molecules from Tinospora cordifolia and Actinidia deliciosa as an immunity modulator via molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation study.
Immunostimulatory and growth promoting potential of Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb.) Miers on fingerlings of Amur Carp.
Validation of ethnomedicinal potential of Tinospora cordifolia for anticancer and immunomodulatory activities and quantification of bioactive molecules by HPTLC.
Effect of botanical immunomodulators on human CYP3A4 inhibition: implications for concurrent use as adjuvants in cancer therapy.
Tinospora cordifolia as a protective and immunomodulatory agent in combination with cisplatin against murine visceral leishmaniasis.
Polysaccharide enriched immunomodulatory fractions from Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) miers ax hook. f. & Thoms.
Immunomodulatory active compounds from Tinospora cordifolia.
Immunostimulatory properties of the major protein from the stem of the Ayurvedic medicinal herb, guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia).

Neuroprotective Effects of Tinospora cordifolia via Reducing the Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction against Rotenone-Induced PD Mice.
Unraveling the Neuroprotective Effect of Tinospora cordifolia in a Parkinsonian Mouse Model through the Proteomics Approach.
Neuroprotective effect of Tinospora cordifolia ethanol extract on 6-hydroxy dopamine induced Parkinsonism.

Tinospora cordifolia as a potential neuroregenerative candidate against glutamate induced excitotoxicity: an in vitro perspective.

Tinospora cordifolia ameliorates anxiety-like behavior and improves cognitive functions in acute sleep deprived rats.

Unraveling the Neuroprotective Effect of Tinospora cordifolia in a Parkinsonian Mouse Model through the Proteomics Approach.
Tinospora cordifolia Suppresses Neuroinflammation in Parkinsonian Mouse Model.
Neuroprotective effect of Tinospora cordifolia ethanol extract on 6-hydroxy dopamine induced Parkinsonism.

Cardioprotective Role of Tinospora cordifolia against Trimethylamine-NOxide and Glucose Induced Stress in Rat Cardiomyocytes.

Protective Effects of Tinospora cordifolia on Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Toxicity Induced by Chronic and Moderate Alcoholism.
Gastroprotective effect of epoxy clerodane diterpene isolated from Tinospora cordifolia Miers (Guduchi) on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats.
Comparative antidiarrheal and antiulcer effect of the aqueous and ethanolic stem bark extracts of Tinospora cordifolia in rats.

Comparative antidiarrheal and antiulcer effect of the aqueous and ethanolic stem bark extracts of Tinospora cordifolia in rats.
Gastroprotective effect of epoxy clerodane diterpene isolated from Tinospora cordifolia Miers (Guduchi) on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats.

Traditional uses, hepatoprotective potential, and phytopharmacology of Tinospora cordifolia: a narrative review.
Tinospora cordifolia extract prevents cadmium-induced oxidative stress and hepatotoxicity in experimental rats.
Protective Effects of Tinospora cordifolia on Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Toxicity Induced by Chronic and Moderate Alcoholism.
Hepatoprotective Effect of A Polyherbal Extract Containing Andrographis Paniculata, Tinospora Cordifolia and Solanum Nigrum Against Paracetamol Induced Hepatotoxicity.

Nephroprotective role of nanoencapsulated Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) using polylactic acid nanoparticles in streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy rats.

In Vitro Study on Spermicidal Action of Hydro-methanol Extract of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Stem in Rat and Human Sperm: a Comparative Analysis.

Ethnomedicine based evaluation of osteoprotective properties of Tinospora cordifolia on in vitro and in vivo model systems.

In vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effect of Tinospora cordifolia via modulation of JAK/STAT pathway.
Tinospora cordifolia inhibits autoimmune arthritis by regulating key immune mediators of inflammation and bone damage.

Intervention of Ayurvedic drug Tinospora cordifolia attenuates the metabolic alterations in hypertriglyceridemia: a pilot clinical trial.

Tinospora cordifolia ameliorates brain functions impairments associated with high fat diet induced obesity.
In silico analysis of phytoconstituents from Tinospora cordifolia with targets related to diabetes and obesity.

Antidiabetic Activity of Combination of Binahong (Anredera cordifolia Ten. Steenis), Cherry (Muntingia calabura L.) and Brotowali (Tinospora crispa L.) Extracts.
The Significance of Tinospora crispa in Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.
Explore the therapeutic potential and bioevaluation of giloy leaves (Tinospora cordifolia) powder for the management of type 2 diabetes.
In silico analysis of phytoconstituents from Tinospora cordifolia with targets related to diabetes and obesity.
Hypoglycemic and anti-hyperglycemic activity of Guduchi Satva in experimental animals.
Hypoglycemic activity of alkaloidal fraction of Tinospora cordifolia.

Effect of Tinospora cordifolia on gestational diabetes mellitus and its complications.

Effect of Tinospora cordifolia on experimental diabetic neuropathy.

Prevention and management of diabetic retinopathy in STZ diabetic rats by Tinospora cordifolia and its molecular mechanisms.

Computational investigation of four isoquinoline alkaloids against polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Therapeutic Effect of Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) Extracts on Letrozole-Induced Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and its Complications in Murine Model.
Regulation of Insulin Resistance, Lipid Profile and Glucose Metabolism Associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome by Tinospora cordifolia.

Validation of ethnomedicinal potential of Tinospora cordifolia for anticancer and immunomodulatory activities and quantification of bioactive molecules by HPTLC.
Effects of Withania somnifera and Tinospora cordifolia extracts on the side population phenotype of human epithelial cancer cells: toward targeting multidrug resistance in cancer.
G1-4A, a polysaccharide from Tinospora cordifolia induces peroxynitrite dependent killer dendritic cell (KDC) activity against tumor cells.
Extraction optimization of Tinospora cordifolia and assessment of the anticancer activity of its alkaloid palmatine.
Radioprotective and cytoprotective activity of Tinospora cordifolia stem enriched extract containing cordifolioside-A.
Anti-brain cancer activity of chloroform and hexane extracts of Tinospora cordifolia Miers: an in vitro perspective.
Evaluation of the combinatorial effect of Tinospora cordifolia and Zingiber officinale on human breast cancer cells.
ROS mediated pro-apoptotic effects of Tinospora cordifolia on breast cancer cells.
Berberine and Tinospora cordifolia exert a potential anticancer effect on colon cancer cells by acting on specific pathways.
Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia on N-nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats.
Pro-apoptotic, anti-metastatic, and anti-telomerase activity of Tinospora cordifolia and its active polysaccharide arabinogalactan during Benzo(a)pyrene-induced lung carcinogenesis.
Tinospora Cordifolia and Arabinogalactan in combination modulates benzo(a)pyrene-induced genotoxicity during lung carcinogenesis.
Tinospora cordifolia Induces Differentiation and Senescence Pathways in Neuroblastoma Cells.
Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb.) Miers (Giloy) inhibits oral cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner by inducing apoptosis and attenuating epithelial-mesenchymal transition.
Tinospora Cordifolia Induces Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells.

Tinospora cordifolia ameliorates paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain in albino rats.
Protective and Curative Effects of Ethanol extract of Tinospora Cordifolia on Gentamicin-induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats.
Tinospora cordifolia as a protective and immunomodulatory agent in combination with cisplatin against murine visceral leishmaniasis.

Radioprotective and cytoprotective activity of Tinospora cordifolia stem enriched extract containing cordifolioside-A.

Pro-apoptotic, anti-metastatic, and anti-telomerase activity of Tinospora cordifolia and its active polysaccharide arabinogalactan during Benzo(a)pyrene-induced lung carcinogenesis.

Isoquinoline alkaloids from Tinospora cordifolia inhibit rat lens aldose reductase.