Tincture of Saffron
Digest for 6 days, then strain and press hard.
Strengthens the Heart, Moves the Blood,
1. Heart Weakness
2. Palpitation
3. Angina Pectoris
4. Melancholy, Sadness, Depression
5. Fainting
6. Epidemic Diseases
7. Promotes Rashes in Spotted Fevers
8. Amenorrhea
9. Dysmenorrhea
10. Promotes Birth, Expels Afterbirth
11. Trauma, Bruising
12. Fixed Pain (from Blood Stagnation)
20–50 drops, taken in the morning.
None noted
1. Adding a little Camphor enhances the effect. It is stronger to move Blood, ease pain, and resist Poison.
2. Combine with Tinctures of Cinnamon, Myrrh and Amber to promote Labor
“It is a Cordial and of singular use against Fainting, and Swooning Fits, Palpitation of the Heart, Sickness at Stomach, and other like Distempers; it also is good against the Measles, Small-Pox, and all sorts of Malign Fevers; opens Obstructions of the Womb, provokes the Terms, and is prevalent to Facilitate the Birth, and expel the Afterbirth”.
Salmon said “It cheers the Heart, resists Melancholy, expels Poison, resists the Venom of Malign diseases, and has all the virtues of Treacle water”.
Saffron moves the Blood, clears Blood stasis, eases Pain and benefits the Heart and whole Body. It is very good for Chest Pain and Palpitations. It is also very useful for Menstrual Pain, Internal Bruising and other types of Fixed Pain associated with Blood Stasis. Also used for various Swellings and Inflammations.
Long regarded as the greatest of all Vegetable Tonics. (Bates, Salmon)
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Herb NameSaffronBrandy |
Digest for 6 days, then strain and press hard.
Strengthens the Heart, Moves the Blood,
1. Heart Weakness
2. Palpitation
3. Angina Pectoris
4. Melancholy, Sadness, Depression
5. Fainting
6. Epidemic Diseases
7. Promotes Rashes in Spotted Fevers
8. Amenorrhea
9. Dysmenorrhea
10. Promotes Birth, Expels Afterbirth
11. Trauma, Bruising
12. Fixed Pain (from Blood Stagnation)
20–50 drops, taken in the morning.
None noted
1. Adding a little Camphor enhances the effect. It is stronger to move Blood, ease pain, and resist Poison.
2. Combine with Tinctures of Cinnamon, Myrrh and Amber to promote Labor
“It is a Cordial and of singular use against Fainting, and Swooning Fits, Palpitation of the Heart, Sickness at Stomach, and other like Distempers; it also is good against the Measles, Small-Pox, and all sorts of Malign Fevers; opens Obstructions of the Womb, provokes the Terms, and is prevalent to Facilitate the Birth, and expel the Afterbirth”.
Salmon said “It cheers the Heart, resists Melancholy, expels Poison, resists the Venom of Malign diseases, and has all the virtues of Treacle water”.
Saffron moves the Blood, clears Blood stasis, eases Pain and benefits the Heart and whole Body. It is very good for Chest Pain and Palpitations. It is also very useful for Menstrual Pain, Internal Bruising and other types of Fixed Pain associated with Blood Stasis. Also used for various Swellings and Inflammations.
Long regarded as the greatest of all Vegetable Tonics. (Bates, Salmon)
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