Tinctura Rutae
Tincture of Rue
Grind together in a hot Iron Mortar; put them into a suitable vessel and cover with 3 lbs. of Spirit (Brandy), or Spirit of Rue. Mix, seal, and digest in a warm place for 14 days, shaking the vessel once daily.
Resists Poison
1. Protects from Epidemic diseases
2. Treats Epidemic diseases
3. Bites of Venomous and Rabid animals
4. Dysmenorrhea
5. Promotes Labor
6. Expels Afterbirth
7. Dysuria, Stranbury
8. Arthritis, Rheumatism, Sciatica
9. Headache, Migraine (internally and applied to the temples)
10. Hypertension
11. Vertigo, Dizziness
12. Scrofula, Nodes
13. Settles excessive sexual desire
10–20 drops
None noted
It is “Cephalic, Neurotic, Stomatic, Cardiac and Uterine; it incides, Attenuates, Digests, Discusses; is Alexipharmic, and resists Poison; used chiefly in the Plague and other Malign diseases, to cure them, and preserve from them, to expel Poison, extinguish Lust, cure the Pleurisy, the Colic, bitings of Serpents, Mad [Rabid] Dogs or other Venomous Creatures”.
Useful for Painful and Suppressed Menstruation, and to promote Labor and expulsion of the Afterbirth. It clears Cold and Damp and promotes Urine when suppressed, and is also beneficial for Arthritis, Rheumatism and Sciatica. It settles Wind and is used for Hypertension, Headache, Palpitation, Vertigo and Dizziness, and also benefits the Eyes.
Rue was classically most used to resist Poison including Epidemic Diseases (both to prevent and cure), Plant Poisons, and Venomous Bites of Animals and Insects including Rabid Dogs.
In addition, it resolves Swellings such as Scrofula and other Nodes and Tumors.
Externally, it was applied to the Spine in Fevers; also to the Temples and Forehead for Headache, Migraine, Vertigo, Lethargy etc. (Bates, Salmon)
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Tincture of Rue
Source / Author:
Herb NameRue, carefully driedSalt of Tartar |
Grind together in a hot Iron Mortar; put them into a suitable vessel and cover with 3 lbs. of Spirit (Brandy), or Spirit of Rue. Mix, seal, and digest in a warm place for 14 days, shaking the vessel once daily.
Resists Poison
1. Protects from Epidemic diseases
2. Treats Epidemic diseases
3. Bites of Venomous and Rabid animals
4. Dysmenorrhea
5. Promotes Labor
6. Expels Afterbirth
7. Dysuria, Stranbury
8. Arthritis, Rheumatism, Sciatica
9. Headache, Migraine (internally and applied to the temples)
10. Hypertension
11. Vertigo, Dizziness
12. Scrofula, Nodes
13. Settles excessive sexual desire
10–20 drops
None noted
It is “Cephalic, Neurotic, Stomatic, Cardiac and Uterine; it incides, Attenuates, Digests, Discusses; is Alexipharmic, and resists Poison; used chiefly in the Plague and other Malign diseases, to cure them, and preserve from them, to expel Poison, extinguish Lust, cure the Pleurisy, the Colic, bitings of Serpents, Mad [Rabid] Dogs or other Venomous Creatures”.
Useful for Painful and Suppressed Menstruation, and to promote Labor and expulsion of the Afterbirth. It clears Cold and Damp and promotes Urine when suppressed, and is also beneficial for Arthritis, Rheumatism and Sciatica. It settles Wind and is used for Hypertension, Headache, Palpitation, Vertigo and Dizziness, and also benefits the Eyes.
Rue was classically most used to resist Poison including Epidemic Diseases (both to prevent and cure), Plant Poisons, and Venomous Bites of Animals and Insects including Rabid Dogs.
In addition, it resolves Swellings such as Scrofula and other Nodes and Tumors.
Externally, it was applied to the Spine in Fevers; also to the Temples and Forehead for Headache, Migraine, Vertigo, Lethargy etc. (Bates, Salmon)

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