Tincture of Lemon Thyme
Grind together in a hot Iron mortar, then put in a vessel, covering with Tartarised S.V., 16 oz. Digest for 14 or 20 days. This gives a red coloured Tincture. Alternatively, Tincture of Salt of Tartar can be used instead of using Salt of Tartar and Tartarised S.V.
Clears Wind-Cold, stops Cough
1. Cough
2. Colds
3. Fever, Spotted Fevers
4. Catarrh
5. Colic, griping
6. Vertigo
7. Palpitations
8. Amenorrhea
9. Arthritis, Sciatica (topically)
10. Sprains, Strains (topically)
10–20 drops
None noted
‘It is Cephalic, Neurotic, Pectoral, Stomatic, Cardiac, Uterine, and Arthritic: It incides, attenuates, discusses, is Alexipharmic, and an excellent Antiparasitic. It eases pain of the Head, Nerves, Joints, Stomach, Bowels, gripings of the Guts, Colic, Womb, and Joints; helps the Gout, and Sciatica, bathed on the part, as also Contusions, Bruises, and Cold Tumours … It warms, comforts and strengthens any cold debilitated and weak part’.
Also used for Vertigo, Apoplexy, Lethargy, Palsy, Cramp, Convulsions, Fainting, Swooning as well as Palpitation of the Heart; Coughs, Colds, Asthma, obstruction of the Lungs, Catarrhs etc.
In addition, it strengthens the Stomach, creates an Appetite, and aids Digestion. It promotes Menstruation, opens obstructions of the Womb, and helps various other disorders of the Womb. Finally, ‘it is good against Poison, bitings of Serpents, Mad [Rabid] Dogs, or other Venomous Creatures, and expels the Malignity and Venom of the Spotted Fever, Plague &c. through the Pores of the Skin’. (Bates, Salmon)
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Source / Author:
Herb NameLemon Thyme, driedSalt of Tartar |
Grind together in a hot Iron mortar, then put in a vessel, covering with Tartarised S.V., 16 oz. Digest for 14 or 20 days. This gives a red coloured Tincture. Alternatively, Tincture of Salt of Tartar can be used instead of using Salt of Tartar and Tartarised S.V.
Clears Wind-Cold, stops Cough
1. Cough
2. Colds
3. Fever, Spotted Fevers
4. Catarrh
5. Colic, griping
6. Vertigo
7. Palpitations
8. Amenorrhea
9. Arthritis, Sciatica (topically)
10. Sprains, Strains (topically)
10–20 drops
None noted
‘It is Cephalic, Neurotic, Pectoral, Stomatic, Cardiac, Uterine, and Arthritic: It incides, attenuates, discusses, is Alexipharmic, and an excellent Antiparasitic. It eases pain of the Head, Nerves, Joints, Stomach, Bowels, gripings of the Guts, Colic, Womb, and Joints; helps the Gout, and Sciatica, bathed on the part, as also Contusions, Bruises, and Cold Tumours … It warms, comforts and strengthens any cold debilitated and weak part’.
Also used for Vertigo, Apoplexy, Lethargy, Palsy, Cramp, Convulsions, Fainting, Swooning as well as Palpitation of the Heart; Coughs, Colds, Asthma, obstruction of the Lungs, Catarrhs etc.
In addition, it strengthens the Stomach, creates an Appetite, and aids Digestion. It promotes Menstruation, opens obstructions of the Womb, and helps various other disorders of the Womb. Finally, ‘it is good against Poison, bitings of Serpents, Mad [Rabid] Dogs, or other Venomous Creatures, and expels the Malignity and Venom of the Spotted Fever, Plague &c. through the Pores of the Skin’. (Bates, Salmon)
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures