Glossary of Tibetan Medicine Names
Identification of Tibetan Medicine names can be difficult for several reasons. Tibetan Medicine names are less standardised than Chinese or Indian medicine names. Therefore, their spelling is often different in different texts which sometimes causes confusion. Where practical, multiple spellings and synonym are given to facilitate easier identification.In addition, Tibetan Medicine, more than most other systems, often has multiple plants listed over several sources for the same plant. This can sometimes reflect mis-identification by the source being cited, but in most cases it reflects the fact that multiple plants supply one medicine in Tibetan Medicine. This is partly because of the widespread geography of the Tibetan people, with a range of habitats, and the fact that replacement remedies were discovered particularly when Tibetan people migrated to India and Russia. So different sources from different times or locations can use very different plants for the same medicine. Where possible, a number of plants that may supply a specific medicine are given. This can hint at suitable substitutes for some of these plants.
Often more than one medicine is identified in the following list. In cases where one medicine is thought to be ‘correct’, that medicine appears first, followed by other medicines listed in brackets. Note, however, that the listing of several medicines for one Tibetan name often gives clues to useful substitutes.
Those medicines with (Skt) after the medicine name indicate the name has been derived from Sanskrit.
NOTE: This glossary was compiled over a decade ago (before 2010). Since then, more detailed and reliable sources have given more definitive botanical names for Tibetan medicines. Therefore, some of the names give may be obsolete.
a byag–Chrysanthemum tatsiense (Inula britannica, Tanacetum sp., Pyrethrum barbigera; Aster sp.); cures Infectious Tissue degeneration, Heals Skull fractures, dries Lymph accumulations, good for painful Infectious Fevers
a bi ka–see a bi sha
a bi sha–Fritillaria delavayi, (F. cirrhosa, Lillium nepalense, Uraria crinita); Heals Skull fractures and Fever caused by Poison
a bhi sa–see a bi sha
a byag gzer ‘joms–Tartar Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum tatsienense, Pyrethrum tatsienense, Tanacetum tatsienense; heals broken bones, wounds, reduces serous fluids, pain in the upper back.
a byag tsher sngon–Meconopsis horridula
a dza ka–seed of the Neuter type of Malva; see lcham pa
a hbras–Mango kernel, Mangifera indica; cold Kidney disorders
a ga ru–Aloeswood, Aquilaria agallocha; Fevers of the Heart and Life Channel
a krong–(white type) Artemesia capillaris; Stellaria palustris (common type); Gypsophila dahurica, Artemesia spice, A. hedinii (black type); cures Lung Fever
aoog chos–Incarvillea younghusbandii, I. compacta, Gossipium herbaceum, Paeonia anomala; cures Ear diseases, purges Swellings
ar skya–a type of Aloeswood, Aquilaria sinensis.
a ru ra–Chebulic Myrobalan; all diseases caused by Wind, Bile or Phlegm
a ru skem po sul man–’Dry’ type of Chebulic Myrobalan (thin flesh with many folds)
a sho gandha–Withania somnifera, Physalis flexuosa, Asparagus lucidus; cures Cold disorders of the lower body, Lymph disorders, Wind disorders, early stage Edema, dissolves Calculi
a sva gandha–synonym for Mirabilis himalaica
a wa–Carex sp., (Lloydia serotina); chest sores, eye diseases, promote growth of Teeth, Dispels Evil Spirits.
a wa dar dpyangs–inferior type of a wa; used the same
a za mo–another name for dbyi mong
ba bla–Orpiment; Arrests malignant glandular tumors, Necrosis, protects from Fever caused by Evil Spirits.
ba glan chu–Cows urine; it removes Poison, and cleanses Mercury
ba lang lcha wa–type of lcha wa (Angelica sp.)
ba le ka–Aristolchia moupinensis, A. saccata (A. contorta, Akebia quinata, Menispermum dahuricum according to some sources) Cures Phlegm, Painful Infectious Fever, Fevers of Lungs, Liver and Vessel Organs, Blood disorders
ba lu–Rhododendron anthropogonoides, R. affcephalanthum (white type); cures Phlegm disorders, Lung diseases, early stage Edema, Hoarseness and in Essence Extraction compounds
ba nu–Carbonate of Chalk (when broken, smells like burnt horn); used for disorders of the Tendons and Ligaments.
ba ru ra–Beleric Myrobalan; Phlegm and Bile disorders, Lymph disorders, Wind imbalances
ba ru sin ka–a small, black, seedless type of Raisin (rgum brum)
ba’a sa–small, black, seedless type of Raisin (rgum brum)
ba sa ka–Adhatoda vasica, Justicia adhatoda (others list Veronica ciliata; Corydalis stracheyi, C. crispa); Blood Fevers, Infectious Fevers, Poison, Liver and Bile diseases
ba sha ka–see ba sa ka
ba spru–Mirabilis himalaica
ba spru wa–another name for a sho gandha (Withania)
bal gur–Nepalese Saffron; medium quality; see gur gum
bar g-yu–Turquoise (inferior, resembles drug dmar); Poison Fever, Liver Fever
bca’ sga–Fresh Ginger; used similarly to dry Ginger; see sman sga
bcad skyes–Holarrhena antidysenterica
bdud rtsi–’Nectar’ type of Chebulic Myrobalan (yellow with thick flesh)
bdud rtsi da li–another name for ba lu
be khur–another name for tha ram
be snabs–Yellow Halloysite; Cures Fractures and Glandular Growths
bgegs skrod–synonym of Commiphora mukul (gu gul)
bha rgha bya ni bhri–Pennisetum flaccidum
big pan–(skt. Nilathota) Chalcanthite; Abscess, disperses Tumors, Conjunctivitis, Wind Fever
blon po re ral–type of brag skya ha wo
bod kham–Prunus mira (see kham bu)
bong buhi rmig pa–right hoof of a one-year-old black Donkey; cures Urinary retention
bong bu lan tshra–another name for lche tsha
bong nga dkar po–White Aconite, Aconitum heterophyllum; other listed as synonyms include A. naviculare, A. sinense, A. tanguticum, A. balfouri, A. creagromorphum, A. fanianum; Infectious Fever with poisoning, Bile Fever
bong nga dmar po–Red Aconite; said to be Delphinium densiflorum; some have listed Aconitum species including A. brunneum, A. pulchellum; used for meat poisoning, poisoning of Black Aconite (Aconitum ferox)
bong nga nag po–Black Aconite, Aconitum ferox, A. flavum, A. pendulum; some have listed Aconitum napellus; A. violaceum
bong nga ser po–Yellow Aconite, Aconitum autumnale, A. lycotonum, A. kongboense, A. richardonianum; meat poisoning, poisoning of Black Aconite (Aconitum ferox)
brag lcham–Bergenia ciliata, Pyrola rotundifolia, P. incarnata; heals Wounds
brag sgog–Allium sp. (type of Wild Garlic); see rgya sgog
brag skya ha wo–Corallodiscus kingianus (Dryopteris fragrans, Woodssia glabella) (Minister fern); neutralises Poison, stops Dysentery with Fever, heals Wounds, Kidney disorders, and disorders of the seminal vesicle.
brag spos–Lepisorus waltonii, L. scolopendrium (Minister fern); heals Wounds, dries pus, sustains Bone resin, cures channel fevers, also injuries and enlargement of the Diaphragm
brag zhun–(skt. Shilajit) bitumen; all types of Fever, esp Fever of Stomach, Liver and Kidney; also Wind disorders; Rejuvenative
bra ti pog–Shorea robusta (see spos dkar)
bre ga–‘Pennycress’; Thlaspi arvense, Ailanthus glandulosa; cures Lung and Kidney Fevers, Phlegm and Lymph disorders
bres nag–synonym for Holarrhena antidysenterica (dug mo nun)
bres nag po–synonym for Abelmoschus moschatus
bse ru–Rhino horn; dries Pus, Blood and Lymph in the Stomach, beneficial in cases of Poisoning.
bse sbur–Tibetan Cockroach, Blatta orientalis, Periplaneta americana, Geotrupes laevistriatus; good in Septic disorders, and for a specific Childrens disease
bse sin–Senecarpus anacardius (name of the tree); see go bye (fruit)
bse yab–Chaenomeles tibetica; C. lagenaria; cures Phlegm and Fever
bshah dkar–Tin ore; Promotes growth of Flesh
bska sas ldan–synonym for Terminalia chebula (a ru ra)
btsag–red Ochre, Halloysite; cures Eye diseases, Bone Fevers, and dry Lymph accumulations.
btsan dug–Aconitum napellus?
btsod–Indian Madder, Rubia cordifolia, R. tinctorium, cures spreading Fever of the Lungs and Kidneys
bu dkar can–Gentiana straminea
bul tog–Sal soda, Soda ash (sodium carbonate); Halts Necrosis, promotes digestion of grain, cures Poisoning
bum mgrin–synonym for Terminalia chebula (a ru ra)
bum pa can–synonym for Commiphora mukul (gu gul)
bu su hang–Alfala, Medicago sativa aerial parts
bya hphur leb–seed of Strychnos nux-vomica; cures poisoning
bya ma byi–Fruit Bat (see at end)
byang khog–type of Gold ore (brown and yellow, golden when broken)
byang pa–Beetle, Mylabris phalerata, M. cichorii; purges all Channel disorders
bya po tsi tsi–Celosia cristaya, Goniolimon speciosum, Limonium flexuosum, Ceratostigma minus; Stops excess Menstrual bleeding, Hemostatic, heals Fractures and is best for Injuries and Fractures of the Skull.
bya rgod spos–Delphinium brunonianum; dispels Spirits, infectious Fever with poisoning and heals Insect Bites
bya rkan–good quality Saffron; see gur gum
bya rkang–Larkspur, Delphinium grandiflorum, D. viscosum, D. caeruleum, D. cashmerianum; also Pteridium aquilinum; stops Dysentery, good for external Parasites, Lice etc.,
bya rog nor bu–another name for pa yag
bya tsha lu yi ze khrag–Roosters Comb Blood, stimulates flesh growth, maintains Bone resin
bya yi ze khrag–Roosters Comb Blood, stimulates flesh growth, maintains Bone resin
bye brun ma–Borax (common type)
byehu srad ma–type of srad dkar wa (Gum Tragacanth); dries Lymph accumulations
bye hu la phug–Malcolmia africana, Dontostemon pectinatus, Draba alata; cures Meat poisoning and Indigestion
bye ma ka ra–product of Sugar cane juice (partly refined etc.) see ka ra
bye mgo–‘Sparrows Head Fossil’. Promotes growth of flesh
bying bying thu lus–Dung Beetle, Scarab Beetle, Antispasmodic
byi rug–Elscholtzia sp. (black type is E. calycocarpa, Stachys baicalensis); Heals Wounds and Sores infected by Parasites and Worms.
byi tang ga–Embelia ribes; for Worms, Parasites, increases Digestive Heat, also for Phlegm diseases
byi tsher–Xanthium sibiricum, X. strumarium (Fagonia cretica); cures Infectious Fevers, Poisoning, Kidney Fever, relieves Urinary retention
byi tsher dkar po–Acanthopanax alba
cha sas sbyun–a name for Gold
chhe war lo btsan–another name for bya rkang
chhi pa khar–(Date?) Polygonum convulvulus
chhig thub–Pyrolusite
chu srin sder mo–Spike Moss, Selaginella doederleinii, S. tamariscina; clears Heat, heals Fractures, promotes urine, Stomach and Liver disorders
chhu byi–Water Rat, cures meat poisoning
chhu chhus pa–Sanguisorba officinalis
chhu dgan go–Acorus gramineus
chhu ma rtsi–Rhubarb; Rheum nobile, R. pumilum (Oxyria digyna, Polygonum polystachyum); purges Lymph accumulations and Edema
chhu rtsa, chhu rtsi–Rheum spiciforme, R. officinale; purges Septic conditions, dries accumulations of fluid in Wounds, cures Phlegm disorders and Brown Phlegm
chhu rug–Halerpestes sarmentosa, Potamogeton pusillus dries Fluid Accumulations, cures Bone Fever
chhu sbur–Tibetan Ant (see at end)
chhu sha wa–another name for chhu sho, Water Dock
chhu shing hom bu–see hom bu
chhu sho–Water Dock, related to sho mang
chhu srin khrag–Daemonorops draco
chhu sring sder mo–Selaginella involvens
chhu yer–Water Rat, cures meat poisoning
chog la ma–Cinnabar
chong zhi–Calcite (and related minerals); Stops Diarrhea, cures Phlegm Fever
chos sman–spiritual and dharma medicines
chu gang–concretion from Bamboo; Tabasheer; all Lung disorders, Wound Fevers
con zi–Calcite (see chong zi)
cu gan–see chu gang
da li–another name for ba lu
da trig–Rhus semilata; Schizandra sphaerandra all types of hot and cold diarrhea
dan khra–Castor or Croton seeds? Drastic purgative
dan rog–Castor oil plant (or Croton); Drastic purgative
da pyid–Male White Snow Frog flesh (see below)
dar sman–Borax
dar tshur–Borax
dar ya kan–Moerhingia latifolia (Draba nemorosa, Scabiosa comosa, Lepidium apetalum, Lepidium latifolium); dries Lymph accumulations in the chest, unites skull fractures, benefits the Bones, beneficial in Edema
da trig–Schisandra chinensis (Rhus javanica); stops Vomiting, excess Sweating, loss of Sperm; Phlegm and especially Dark Phlegm diseases; improves Appetite, benefits Lungs
dbang lag–Dactylorhiza hatagirea (Orchidaceae)
dbyar rtsa dgun bu–Cordyceps sinensis
dbyi mon–see dbyi mong
dbyi mong–Clematis rehderianum, C. tangutica, C. tibetana; C. montana, C. alpina (white type); stops Necrosis, increases Digestive heat, drains Lymph accumulations, removes Cold Tumors, treats Infectious diseases
de wa–Corydalis melanochlora; others given include Primula sibirica (herb), Populus alba, P. bonatii (shing de wa, tree); Cures Infectious Fevers, Bile fever, Channel Fever and shooting pains
de war–see de wa
dge dun skyes–synonym for Ligularia virgaurea (ri so)
dge slon chab ril–synonym for Thlaspi arvense (bre ga)
dgo ba–Horns of the Tibetan Gazella; stops Diarrhea
dgo bai rva–Tibetan gazella; the Horns of the Tibetan Gazella (dgo ba) stop Diarrhea; its Larynx cures Goitre.
dgo mo rkan–synonym for Primula sp. (san dril)
dgo wa–horn of Procapra pictaudata or Prodorcas gutturosa; dries Pus in the abdomen, stops Diarrhea
dgu thub–has many identifications: 1. Drynaria propinqua (be ljan); 2. Panax ginseng (glan chen chig thub); 3. nine-year-old seeds of Brassica rapa (nun son lo dgu lon pa); and 4. concentrate of Red Turnip (char nun dmar po). All these are said to have similar benefits to true dgu thub, although it is superior. They all cure Poison
dhar du ra–Datura, see thang phrom
dkar gon–Quartz; cures diseases caused by Evil Spirits, useful in Poisoning
dkar gyi khra man–Agate
dkar khra man–Agate; resists Epilepsy and diseases of Celestial Evil Spirits
dkar mo lag g’yas–one of the 4 types of achates (chon)
dkar mo mkhar thabs–a name for Ajuga lupulina var. major (zin tig)
dkar po–a name for Acorus gramineus (su dag dkar po)
dkar po chhig thub–various medicines go under this name:
1. for Poison, Iris goniocarpa (ko tha)
2. Stomach cramps, Przewalskia tangutica (than khrom dkar po or wa ta)
3. Panax ginseng, P. major, P. notoginseng; Poison Fevers, heals Septic disorders, Anthelmintic
4. (Mineral) White Pyrolusite (thick at the bottom, thin at the top, which breaks into sharp needle-like pieces)
5. It can also refer to Gentiana urnula or Fritillaria delavayi
dkar po mdun rtsi–White Pyrolusite (thick at the bottom, thin at the top, which breaks into sharp needle-like pieces)
dkar po sbal rgyah–Stalactite or Hematite/Iron Hydroxide (white thick stone with rough, pimply surface which looks like the back of a turtle, with a pleasant smell like Sal ammoniac when crushed); used as smug po sbal rgyab
dkar po rdo mchog–a name for the inferior type of Calamine (gans thigs dman pa)
dkar po yar dren–synonym for Lancea tibetica (spa yag rtsa ba) and Ligularia virgaurea (ri so)
dkar rtsi–Lime powder; removes diseases of the flesh and bones; best is white
dkri mo–Clematis rehderianum, C. tangutica (dbyi mon)
dngul rdo–type of Silver ore; drains Lymph accumulations
dngul skud (lit. ‘Silver Thread’)–Cuscuta sp.?; used as gser skud.
dngul thal–Silver Bhasma
dngul zil–Calcium Sulphate, Lime Carbonate (with a greenish hue); ‘removes discoloration of the Bones’.
dnul chu mu zi tsha dul byas pa–Black Sulphide of Mercury (Kajjali)
dom mkhris–Bear Bile; constricts mouth of the channels, stops necrosis, promotes growth of new flesh, also eye disorders
dong ga–purging Cassia, Cassia fistula; Liver disorders, a mild laxative
don ga–purging Cassia, Cassia fistula; Liver disorders, a mild laxative
don gra–Lesser Galangal, Alpina officinarum; increases body heat, improves Appetite, clears pus from the Lungs
dpa’a bo chen po–Panax ginseng
dpag bsam sin–synonym for Terminalia bellerica
dpah wo–Phytolacca esculenta (white type); Phytolacca acinosa (yellow type); Fever caused by poisoning
dres ma–Iris ensata, I. decora, I. lactea; petals are Anthelmintic, relieve cramps, neutralise Poison, Laxative
dri can–synonym for Sulphur (mu zi)
dri zahi lag pa–type of Salep, see dwang po lag pa
drod sman–Black Pepper; see na le sham
dro tsho–resin of tshos
drug dkar–Turquoise (superior, pale blue, very bright); Poison Fever, Liver Fever
drug dmar–Turquoise (superior, reddish-blue, greasy); Poison Fever, Liver Fever
dug mo nun–as for dug mo nyung
dug mo nyung–Holarrhena antidysenterica (Cynanchum sibiricum); Bile disorders, Feverish Diarrhea, Dysentery
dun dkar–Conch shell
dur byid–Euphorbia fischeriana (others listed include Jatropha glandulifera, Baliospermum montanum (Physic nut), Iris dichotoma, Euphorbia adenochlora; purges all hot and cold disorders
dur wa–Pennisetum flaccidum
dus skyes (skt.)–Aloeswood
dva bai rtsa ba–Pinella ternata/Arisaema flavum
dva wa–Typhonium giganteum (Arisaema intermedium, A. lobatum, A. consanguineum); root is Anthelmintic, clears Bone excrescences, cures swellings, sores and superfluous flesh growths; fruit is used for Poisoning
dwa ba–Arisaema nepenthoides (same as dva wa?)
dwa lis–Rhododendron anthopogonoides leaf and flower; for cold phlegm, restores digestive heat, benefits Lungs; diseases from hot or cold climate.
dwang po lag pa–Salep Orchis, Orchis incarnata; Tonic, Aphrodisiac, resist Poison
dza ti–Nutmeg; Wind disorders, Heart disorders
dza yi pha la–black Castor oil seeds (or Croton?); cathartic
dzhye khyim–type of red gold, resembling red rust in color
dzim pa–Allium przewalskianum (type of Wild Garlic); see rgya sgog
dzin pa zla bral–Aconitum gymnandrum
ga bra–Rubus subornatus var. melandenus, R. idaeus; similar to R. niveus (kanda ka ri) and used the same
ga bu lcan sog–synonym for Meconopsis integrifolia (utpal ser po)
ga bur (skt.)–Camphor (see also stag zil ga bur [Nagi Camphor] and man ga bur [Borneo Camphor]); used for High Fever, and all stubborn Chronic Fevers; ‘the King of cool-powered medicines’; without the combination of Tabasheer (nodal silica of the Bamboo) as its minister, Camphor alone can let the Fever relapse.
ga bur dri ldan–Aristolchia griffithi (ba le ka)
ga bur ti la–Paris quadrifolia
ga bur tis lo–Delphinium trichorum; cures Lung Fever and contagious Fever
ga bur zil gnon–synonym for Lagotis yumanensis, L. brevituba (hon len)
ga dra–Rubus idaeus, Debregeasia edulis; Solanum indicum; Wind Fevers, Infectious Fever
ga da ra–a name for Tribulus terrestris (gze ma)
ga dur–Geranium pratense (Erodium stephanium, Bergenia crassifolia, Rhodiola wallichiana, Akebia quinata)
ga dur smyun ma–synonym for Ephedra spp. (mtshe ldum)
ga dza danta (skt.)–Ivory; protects against Evil Spirits and Epidemics
ga ge yam (skt.)–synonym for Gold
ga mo li (skt.)–synonym for Acorus calamus, A. gramineus (su dug)
ga pa ger skyes–synonym for Silene sp. (sen ge jigs med)
ga ram bu la–Chinese name for Clove (li si)
ga sri ta (skt.)–synonym for Sulphur (mu zi)
ga ta la (skt.)–synonym for Asparagus filicinus (ne sin)
gab pa phrum–synonym for Euphorbia nematocypha (thar nu)
gad tshva–synonym for a type of salt called skam tshva
gal ma–synonym for ka ra and rgyal mo ka ra (types of sugar)
gan di don–a name for Hypecoum leptocarpum (par pa ta)
gan ga chun–Genitana urnula, G. depressa (some list Leonurus sibiricus); dispels Poison and Dysentery with Fever
gandha–Trichosanthes multiloba
gandha bha dra–1. Gnaphalium affame; used for Phlegm and Tumors; 2. it can also refer to various other medicines: in Fever and Infection it can refer to Nardostachys grandiflora (span spos); in mouth, teeth and kidney complaints Areca catechu (go yu); Gnaphalium affame in Gout, Colds, Poison, all types of Tumors, early stage Edema; also Tanacetum sibiricum, T. vulgare, Veronica longifolia; 3. gandha bha dra also refers to Saffron in incenses, color and in
Liver disorders
gandha ka te (skt.)–synonym for Sulphur (mu zi)
gandha kastum (skt.)–synonym for Aloeswood (a ga ru)
gandha sa ra (skt.)–synonym for both red and white Sandalwood, Santalum album (tsan dan dkar po) and Pterocarpus santalinus (tsan dan dmar po)
gandha sva mam (skt.)–synonym for Crystal (sel)
gandhi (skt.)–Rose quartz, also known as su gandhi; there are 2 types, rakta su gandhi (similar to copper with rays the width of a finger) and ni la su gandhi (dark blue and three sided); used for Earth Spirits and Leprosy.
gandhi kam (skt.)–synonym for Crystal (sel)
gandza mu tig–Bezoar from the head of an Elephant
gang ga chun–see gan ga chun
gang ga chhung–see gan ga chun
ganga skyes–a name for Gold (gser)
gangs thig–see gans thig (Calamine)
ganhi–synonym for Angelica sinensis (lca ba)
gans kyi lha mo–synonym for Chrysoplenium carnosum (g’yaa kyi ma)
gans kyi sen chun–synonym for Pegaeophyton scapiflorum (sro lo dkar po)
gans kyi sen skya–synonym for Pegaeophyton scapiflorum (sro lo dkar po)
gans kyi sgom chen–synonym for Fritillaria delavayi (a bhi sa)
gans kyi zun chun–name for Aconitum tanguticum (bon dkar)
gans la–synonym for a type of pad mai rtsa wa with red flowers
gans las skyes pai a bhi sa–synonym for Gentiana urnula (gan ga chun)
gans ldan–synonym for Acorus calamus (su dag nag po)
gans sbrul dkar po–synonym for Pegaephyton scapiflorum (sro lo dkar po)
gans than phrom–synonym for Przewalskia tangutica (than phrom dkar po)
gans thigs–Calamine; superior cures Liver Fever, cures Pox Fever
gans thigs dman pa–a name for the inferior type of Calamine (dkar po rdo mchog)
garbha tsanda li–synonym for Podophyllum hexandrum (ol mo se)
gar nag–calcine wild boar stool; indigestion, Bile tumors, Epidemic Fever
gasra (skt.)–synonym for Angelica sinensis (lca ba)
gau ba ni (skt.)–synonym for Vitis vinifera (rgun brum)
gau bak ksa ra (skt.)–synonym for Cows urine (ba glan chu); it removes Poison, and cleanses Mercury
gau mo da–most inferior type of Ruby (padma rva ga) of the 9 types; it has the color of Liver externally, and the color of fire internally; it comes in various sizes, and only shines when lifted, but not when on the ground
gchod byed–type of Lodestone; cures disorders of the Brain, Bones and Channels
gdans ldan–a name for Gold
ge ser–Bombax ceiba, Crocus sativus
gha na sa ra (skt.)–synonym for Cinnamomum camphora (ga bur)
ghe wa shing–Sea Buckthorn (name of the plant), Hippophae rhamnoides
ghi lo ya (skt.)–synonym for Tinospora sinensis (sle tres)
ghi vam–Bezoar (see gi wam)
gho gir–synonym for Sulphur (mu zi)
gho khu ri (skt.)–synonym for Tribulus terrestris (gze ma)
gho ksu ri (skt.)–synonym for Tribulus terrestris (gze ma)
ghu ra tsa ya (skt.)–synonym for Tinospora sinensis (sle tres)
gi ri malli ta (skt.)–synonym for Holarrhena antidysenterica (dug mo nun)
gi wam–see gi wam
gi wan–Bezoar (best is from a human or an elephant, but that from a pig, cow, yak is used, while that of sheep and goats being inferior); best is dark red-yellow-brownish, greasy, hard with red and yellow layers when broken; the inferior types are more yellow and softer than the other; used for Infectious and Epidemic Fever, Poison, Liver Fever, Fever of the Vessel Organs.
gla ba–Musk Deer
gla ba bcad byor–synonym for Corydalis dasyptera (rgu drus)
gla ba tsher ma–synonym for Hippophae rhamnoides (star bu)
gla bai nor bu–’Bezoar of Musk Deer’; a shiny, black, consolidated type of Musk
gla gor zho sha–Entada scandens; E. phaseoloides; used for Spleen Fever
gla rtsi–Musk; best is hard and granular and yellowish; next is reddish-brown, the inferior type is soft and black; used for Poison, Worms, Kidney and Liver disorders, Infectious diseases, disorders of the eyes and channels, diseases caused by Evil Spirits
gla rtsi dri can–synonym for Delphinium hrysotrichum (bya rgod spos)
gla sgan–Bistort, Polygonum bistorts, P. sphaerostachyum (gla sgan rgod pa), Geranium pylzowianum (gla sgan gyun pa). Some list Aconitum fischeri, Cyperus rotundus, Juncus amplifolius. Used for Phlegm disorders, voice obstructions, Lung diseases and disorders of the Intestines; it cures Hot Diarrhea; it cures Wind disorders, and is ripeneing.
gla sgan gyun pa–Geranium pylzowianum (see gla sgan)
gla sgan rgod pa–Polygonum sphaerostachyum (see gla sgan)
glan–Ox; its Bile cures Eye disorders caused by compounded Poison; Spleen is good for Wounds and Poisoning; Kidneys cure Kidney Fever; its Blood concentrates Poison and stops it diffusing; fresh Blood of a Red Bull closes the passages of Poisoning in the Channels; pubic hairs of the black ox is good for Wounds.
glan chen–Elephant; flesh cures disorders caused by Evil Spirits; skin is beneficial for Black Pox (brum nag).
glan chen chig thub–synonym for Panax ginseng/P. pseudo-ginseng (dpaa bo chen po)
glan chen kha chu–synonym for Panax ginseng, P. pseudo-ginseng (glan chen chig thub or dpaa bo chen po)
glan chen khri phan–synonym for Euphorbia nematocypha (thar nu)
glan chen mkhris pa–synonym for Bezoar (gi wan)
glan chen rtsi–synonym for Bezoar
glan chen snon pa–synonym for Przewalskia tangutica (than phrom dkar po)
glan gi rva gzob–burned Ox horn; cures Liver Fever (when compounded with Bitumen, brag zun)
glan gyi spu skyes–synonym for Pennisetum flaccidum (dur wa)
glan ma–Salix sclerophylla bark; there are two types, the White (glan ma dkar po) and Salix sclerophylla (glan ma nag po); used for Gynecological diseases and Fever
glan ma dkar po–white type of Salix sclerophylla (see glan ma)
glan ma nag po–see glan ma
glan mig–synonym for Mucuna entada phaesoloides (zla gor zo sa)
glan thug rva–Bulls horn; good for fractures of the Skull; horn of a black Bull is used in Leprosy
glang chen–Scutellaria baicalensis; cures all types of Fever
glang chen chig thub–Scutellaria baicalensis; cures all types of Fever
glang mig–Entada scandens; E. phaseoloides
glang sna–Pedicularis spp.
gler tsher–synonym for Hippophae rhamnoides (star bu)
glo ba–Lungs; Lungs of animals are good for Lung disorders
glo gnen–a name for Glycyrrhiza glabra (sin mnar)
glo nad sel bai dar ya kan–synonym for Gentiana szechenyii (span rgyan dkar po)
glo sman chig ldum–synonym for Corydalis pachypoda (rog po joms skyes)
glog–synonym for Capsicum frutescens (tsi tra ka)
glos ma–synonym for Senico solidagineus/Aster smithianus (yu gu sin)
gnyan–Wild Sheep horn, Ovis ammon, cures Infectious Fevers
go bo–Gypaelus barbatus hemachalanus (a bird); the larynx (gullet?) aids digestion of meat; stomach enhances digestion of food and eliminates Tumors; its brain dries pus, its flesh cures diseases caused by Evil Spirits, treats Goitre and promotes digestive Heat; its feces (purified) promote Heat, destroy Tumors, cures chronic Phlegm disorders of the Stomach, heals swellings and suppurates Pus.
go bo mde byin–synonym for ldin rog me tog
go bye–fruit of Semecarpus anarcardium (Momordica cochinchinensis); Vermifuge, removes Bone growths, heals Necrosis, dries Lymph fluid and cures Lymph nodes, cures Stomach Infection and Venereal diseases. It must be detoxified before use.
go byi la–Strychnos nux-vomica; cures poisoning
go lo mi (skt.)–synonym for Pennisetum flaccidum (dur wa)
go ro tsa na (skt.)–synonym for Bezoar (gi wan); it can also refer specifically to Bezoars found in Elephants (glan chen dban po ril bu).
go sgro–Feather of Gypaetus barbatus hemachalanus; cures disorders caused by Evil Spirits, dries up Fluids
go sirsa (skt.)–synonym for Santalum album (tsan dan dkar po)
go slad–synonym for Aster himalaicus (me tog lug mig)
go snod–Caraway, Carum carvi (similar to Fennel, la la phud); some list Anise, Cumin, Fennel, or Cnidium dahuricum; Wind Fevers, Heart Fever, Poison, Eye diseases, Phlegm disorders, reduces Swellings, Improves Appetite
go snyod–see go snod
gon ba dzin pa–synonym for Corallodiscus kinginus (brag skya ha bo)
gon bu (skt. Pindam)–1. synonym for Iron (lcags); 2. it can also mean bye ma ka ra, a type of Sugar
gon ma sreg–Francolinus pintadeanus (a bird); flesh makes the body light and active; its Eggs protect from a type of Spirit
gon mo–Snow Cock; flesh is used in Gynecological and Lymphatic disorders and increases Sexual strength; tails feathers are also used in Gynecological disorders; Feces calm Evil Spirits and heal Swellings
gon mo bcad byor–synonym for Gentian urnula (gan ga chun)
gor tsandan (skt.)–synonym for Pinus sp. (sgron sin)
gorsirsa (skt.)–type of Sandalwood called tsan dan gor si sa
go yu–Areca catechu
bnab wa–Burrhel Sheep fur (see at end)
gra ma–Caragana jubata, C. gerardiana; similar to red Sandalwood, dissolves Blood clots and cures Blood Fever
gra ma rtsa ba–Caragana pygmaea
gra sam lhog–synonym for rtsa sbyon ra yi wa gdon
gram gcod–synonym for the acorn of Quercus semicarpifolium (mon cha ra)
gran skran dul bai dar ya kan–synonym for Clematis rehderianum, C. tanguticum (dbyi mon)
gres mai ge sar–seed of Iris sp. (gres ma); kills animacules and cures Stomach cramps.
gres rgod–Iris bulleyana forma alba (mo gres), a type of Iris (gres ma)
gri snin–the Heart of a brave young man killed in battle by a sword
gro–wheat; sweet, oily, cool and heavy; benefits Sexual power, sustains Life, used for Wind and Bile disorders; collects Poison from the joints
gro chan–Wheat Wine
gro ma–Potentilla anserina; cool and sweet (warmer during the Autumn), the root nodules are used as food; cures hot diarrhea
grog sbran–Honey collected by Ants
grog sin–Xanlhoria fallax (type of moss which is bluish and grass-like, found on ruined walls of Temples etc. which have been exposed to much rain over a prolonged period); cures Wounds, Swelling, Pain and deficient Urination
grol ba can–synonym for Pearl (mu tig)
gron thal–bhasma of Cowrie shells; stops Bleeding, dissolves Blood clots, and dries up Pus fluid.
gru bzhi–Limonite (some sources say a type of Pyrite of Galena or Analcite); heals Brain disorders and drains Lymph accumulations; Black Galena is good for the Liver
grum pa–Arctonyx collaris albogulars (an animal); its flesh cures disease caused by Evil Spirits and dries up Lymph fluid; the Intestines cure pain.
gser me tog–see gser gyi me tog
gser gyi me tog–Bitter Cucumber, Momordica charantia, or Herpetospermum pedunculosum; different sources have listed either of these: they have very similar effects; Vessel Organ Fevers, Bile Fever, skin is used for Hemorrhoids
gser gyi phud bu–Thladiantha harmsii; Emetic, used in Bile disorders
gser gyis bye ma–Golden sand from the shores of lakes (not the seed of a plant); cures Kidney disorders
gser la phud bu–seeds of Lagenaria siceraria (used like Pumpkin seed [see ka bed]); stops diarrhea, promotes vomiting
gser mdog–Yellow type of Chebulic Myrobalan
gser rdo–type of Gold ore; drain Lymph accumulations
gser skud–Cuscuta sinensis (Usnea diffracta, Parmelia saxatilis); cures Fevers of the Lungs, Liver and Channels, and Fevers caused by Poison.
gser thal–Gold Bhasma
gser tig–Swertia angustifolia and other Swertia spp. Blood and Bile disorders, Infectious Fevers
gser zil–Litharge, Lead oxide (or Vermiculite?); ‘Removes discoloration of the Bones’.
gsom seng ldeng–type of Catechu
gtig mug–Pig Bone, cures Brown Phlegm
gtsod–Hodgson’s Antelope horn, Pantholops hodgsoni; heals Wounds, promotes Birth
gu da–synonym for Jaggery (bu ram)
gu gu lu (skt.)–synonym for Commiphora mukul (gu gul)
gu gul–Bdellium gum (Commiphora mukul); some have listed Styrax benzoin; best type is clear and burns without leaving residue and gives a pleasant smell, inferior types are black; Infectious Diseases, diseases caused by Evil Spirits and Earth Spirits, Painful Infectious Disorders, Wind disorders, Quinsey and acute and chronic Liver disorders.
gu gul dkar po–synonym for Shorea robusta (see spos dkar)
gu gul nag po–Myrrh
gu khu la (skt.)–synonym for Commiphora mukul (gu gul)
gu ri tsi (skt.)–synonym for Tinospora sinensis (sle tres)
gu ru (skt.)–synonym for Aloeswood (a ga ru)
gugs byed–a type of metal derived from Magnetite (khab len); it bends all types of Iron, and is the metal from which the sacred dagger is made.
gun–type of Leopard; its flesh cures diseases caused by Evil Spirits
gur gum–Saffron, Crocus sativus; there are various types (in descending order of quality): bya rkan; kha che ma (from Kashmir), lo brgan ma (from India), bal gur (from Nepal); cures all types of Liver disorders, and constricts the mouth of the Channels
gur gur (skt.)–synonym for Commiphora mukul (gu gul)
gur kum–Saffron (or Safflower); see gur gum
gur tig–Saxifraga nigroglandulifera; sweet and bitter; cures all types of Channel Fevers, cures Blood and Bile disorders, and Fevers from Wounds; a ‘secret medicine’ for Bile disorders and all types of Wounds.
gu yu–Areca catechu
gva dor gsum–collective name for the 3 horns, the horns of the Tibetan Elk (kha sa), Deer (sa ba), and Rhinoceros (bse ru); together they dry Pus and Lymph fluid
gya nom pa–synonym for Emblica officinalis (skyu ru ra)
gyab kyi ma–Pyrola incarnata, P. rotundifolia and Chrysoplenium nepalense; used for all types of Bile disorder
gyab snying lug–another name for pa yag
gyal mo ka ra–Sugar (juice of?); see ka ra
g-yas hkhyil–superior Conch Shell (which turns to the right); dry pus, Punctures, Bone Fevers, good for the Eyes
gyen du dren byed–synonym for Ligularia virgaurea (ri so)
gyer shing pa–Scrophularia incisa, S. ningpoensis (Tournefortia sibirica); cures all types of Pox (spotted?)-Fever
gyib sin–synonym for Cyananthus sherriffii (snon bu)
gyu shug–Zizyphus jujuba
g-yu sngon–Turquoise (inferior, resembles drug dkar); Poison Fever, Liver Fever
g-yu spyang–Turquoise (superior, very bright); Poison Fever, Liver Fever
gze ma–Caltrops, Tribulus terrestris; cures Urinary retention, Rheumatism, Kidney disorders, all types of Wind disorders, acute and chronic Edema, and certain skin diseases (similar to scabies)
gzer hjoms–Chrysanthemum tatsiense (Inula britannica, Tanacetum sp., Pyrethrum barbigera); cures Infectious Tissue degeneration, Heals Skull fractures, dries Lymph accumulations, good for painful Infectious Fevers
gzi dung–superior type of Conch shell, red in color; dry pus, Punctures, Bone Fevers, good for the Eyes
gzi nag khra–black and white colored Agate
ha lchi me tog–flower of the Male type of lcham pa; stops Noctural Emission
ha mdog ldan–male type of lcham pa;
ha shig–Talc; Purges Channel disorders
ha re nu ka–(Date?) Polygonum convulvulus
hbam po–Meadowsweet, Filipendula vestita, Achillea setacea; reduces swellings, heals internal abscess and glandular growths
hbigs byed–type of Lodestone; cures disorders of the Brain, Bones and Channels
hbra go–(Date?) Polygonum convulvulus; Brown and Yellow Phlegm, Stomach disorders, Wind Fever, Blood Fever, Insanity caused by Spirits, Aphrodisiac
hbri ta sa hdzin–Wild Strawberry; Fragaria nilgeerensis, F. indica, Saxifraga flagellaris, Cuscuta europea; Emetic in pus, blood and lymph disorders, and diseases of the upper body.
hbu skyog–Snail bone (shell?); Anthelmintic, Purges Edema fluid
hbu su hang–Lotus corniculata (Medicago sativa, Trigonella pubescens); Heals Wounds, cures Lung Diseases. Cures Fevers of the Kidney, Lung and Heart.
hdam bu ka ra–Hippuris vulgaris (Juncus grisbachii, Eleocharis palustris); Superior type cures Bone Fever, punctured Lung, brown Phlegm; Inferior type cures Bone Fevers; both types cures Fever of the Lungs, Liver and Channels
hgron bu–Cowrie shell; Hemostatic, dries Pus, Fluid and Lymph accumulations, disperses Tumors, beneficial in Eye diseases
hgugs byed–type of Lodestone; cures disorders of the Brain, Bones and Channels
hi ma ba lu ka (skt.)–synonym for Camphor
hi ma ha ya (skt.)–synonym for Camphor
hjam hbras–Indian Beech, Caesalpinia bonducella, C. crista; some sources give Pongamia pinnata; P. glabra; cold Kidney disorders
hjigs med–‘Fearless’ type of Chebulic Myrobalan (long, black, with 5 facets)
hkhyung sder–(lit. ‘garudas talon’) Uncaria rhynchophylla, Nauclea rhynchophylla; Fevers caused by poison
hom bu–Tibetan Tamarisk, Myricaria germanica, M. prostrata; neutralises Meat Poison, compounded Poison, and Bile Fevers
hon len–see hong len
hong len–Picrorhiza kurroa, Lagotis spp.; dries Bad Blood, for Disturbed Fevers, Fevers of the Vital organs
hphel byed–‘Increasing’ type of Chebulic Myrobalan (rounded like a vase)
hphyi wa–Marmot, Marmota bobak (see below)
hug pa–Owl (see at end)
hu su–Coriander; Wind disorders, Stomach Phlegm, Fever, Thirst
icha ba–Angelica sp., Bletia hyacinthiana, Peucedanum baicalense, Polygonatum officinale, P. vulgare
ichags tig–Gentianopsis paludosa
icham pa–Malva verticillata
ichang ma–Salix viminalis
iche tsha–Ranunculus acris, R. repens, R. scleratus, R. pulchellus
ichum rtsa–Rheum undulatum
ichum rtsi–Rhubarb root, Rheum officinale, R. palmtum
jam bras, ja bras–Indian Beech, Caesalpinia bonducella, C. crista; some sources give Pongamia pinnata; P. glabra; cold Kidney disorders
ka ba rgyud gcod–a name for Lepisorus soulieanus
ka bed–(see ka ped) seeds of Cucurbita pepa/Citrullus lanatus, C. vulgaris/Lageneria siceraria (male kind); some have listed Aegle marmelos (female type); stops hot diarrhea, heals wounds and Lung disorders
ka bed mo–female type of ka bed, Aegle marmelos (see ka bed and ka ped)
ka bed pho–Lagenaria siceraria (see ka bed)
ka du ri–a name for Musk
ka gham gi (skt.)–dark blue type of Turquoise
kai ri kam (skt.)–synonym for Gold
ka na ka (skt.)–a name for Gold
ka na ka tau ra ma li (skt.)–one of 3 precious stones called tau ra; it is a gold-colored stone, with a maximum size about twice the size of a thumb.
ka na kam–a name for Gold
ka ka ni la (skt.)–type of Sapphire (slightly darker in color)
ka ka ru (skt.)–synonym for Crab shell; (or Scorpion ?)
ka ka sya (skt.)–synonym for Aloeswood
ka ko la–Greater or Black Cardamon, Amomum subulatum, A. medium, Amomum tsao-ko; Coldness of the Stomach and Spleen; it is the ‘superlative medicine’ for the Spleen
ka ko li (skt.)–synonym for Polgonatum cirrhifolium
ka la–synonym for Iron (see lcags)
ka la dhaura (skt.)–synonym for Gold
ka la dru ma (skt.)–synonym for Terminalia bellerica
ka la dzi ra (skt.)–synonym for Nigella glandulifera
ka la mi si (skt.)–synonym for Abelmoschus moschatus
ka lan ta ka–Passerine (type of bird); head is aphrodisiac and is used for wounds
ka le pa tra (skt.)–synonym for Abalone shell; Haliotis diversicolor, H. gigantea
ka li (skt.)–synonym for Aloeswood
ka mo na–a name for Euphorbia wallichiana
ka ped–(see ka bed) Bael fruit; Aegle marmelos (Citrullus vulgaris, Cucurbita pepo, Lagenaria siceraria); used for all types of hot and cold diarrhea, wounds, Lung diseases
ka pi la (skt.)–synonym for Aloeswood
ka pi rtha–Feronia limonia
ka pi ta na (skt.)–synonym for Aloeswood
ka pur (skt.)–Camphor
ka ra–Sugar; vehicle for medicines used to treat Blood and Bile disorders; treats excess body heat, thirst, nausea, fainting, bile disorders, cures Fever and is nutritious
ka ra dkar po–refined Sugar cane juice; see ka ra
ka ra ja (Ka ra lja)–Nelumbo spp.
kaleya (skt.)–Aloeswood
kampu ra (skt.)–synonym for Conch shell
kanda ka ri–Rubus niveus (white type); (also Rubus saxatilis, R. idaeopsis); some list Solanum xanthocarpum); Sambucus racemosa, S. sibirica has also been listed by some sources. Used for Wind Fevers, Infectious Fever, Cough
kanda ka ri smug po–Rubus subornatus var. melandenus
kandha ka (skt.)–Sulphur
kandi ka ra (skt.)–Cassia fistula
kanti da ya kam (skt.)–Aloeswood
kan tsa–(skt.) Camphor (tree), Cinnamonum camphora
kan tsa sin–Blumea balsamifera from which Nagi Camphor (see stag zil ga bur) is obtained (see ga bur, Camphor)
kantsa nam (skt.)–Gold
kantsa tha (skt.)–synonym for Cinnamonum tamala
ka ra–white rock sugar
kar chun–Sugar
kar pa sa–Gossypium herbaceum
kar randza (skt.)–Indian Beech, Pongamia pinnata, Caesalpinia sepiaria; increases Digestive Heat
karkantu (skt.)–short type of Sabina przewalski
karke ta (skt.)–green-yellow precious stone (see ke ke ru)
karany ja–Indian Beech, Pongamia pinnata, Caesalpinia sepiaria; increases Digestive Heat
karpu ram (skt.)–synonym for Cinnamonum camphora
karshapani–Cowrie shell (see hgron bu)
karta–synonym for Pterocephalus hookeri
karta sva ram (skt.)–synonym for Gold
kasthu ri (skt.)–name for Musk
ka sva kambha (skt.)–Mirabilis himalaica
kasya kam (skt.)–synonym for Terminalia chebula (a ru ra)
kau si ka (skt.)–synonym for Commiphora mukul (gu gul)
ka yastha (skt.)–synonym for Terminalia chebula (a ru ra)
ke dzi–Allium fasciculatum
ke la ka (skt.)–synonym for Ginger (sman sga)
ke ke ru (skt.)–synonym for karke ta (a green-yellow precious stone)
keksu (skt.)–synonym for red Lac (see rgya skyegs)
ken su ka–name of the tree from which red Lac (rgya skyegs) is derived
ke sa ra (skt.)–synonym for Saffron (gur gum)
ke shu ka–see tshos
kha–type of Silver (horn silver?)
kha bai min can–synonym for Cinnamomum camphora (ga bur)
kha bai phye ma–synonym for Cinnamomum camphora (ga bur)
khab kyi kha–synonym for Conch shell (dun)
khab len–Lodestone, Magnetite; eliminates Stones, cures disorders of the Brain, Skull, Bones and Channels; the best quality attracts needles from a distance of about one foot
kha che gur gam–Saffron (from Kashmir?); all types of Liver disorders, constricts mouth of Channels
kha che ma–Saffron from Kashmir; see gur gum
kha cher skyes–synonym for Saffron (gur gum)
kha cher mchog skyes–synonym for Saffron (gur gum)
kha dar ma–Genitals (of a youth?); protects against a certain type of Spirit
kha di ra si ta (skt.)–synonym for Cephalotaxus sinensis (sen lden dkar po)
kha dir (skt.)–synonym for Rhamnella gilgitca (sen lden)
kha dog rgyal po–synonym for Gold
kha gdans–synonym for Zanthoxylum bungeanum (gyer ma)
kha hi ra (skt.)–synonym for Rhamnella gilgitca (sen lden)
kha la reg gcod–synonym for Corydalis conspera (ston ri zil pa)
kha lo yid on–synonym for Saussurea lappa (ru rta)
kha ru tshwa–Black Salt; increases digestive heat, treates Phlegm in the upper body, treats wind in the lower body
kha sai rva–horn of the Tibetan Elk; compounded with the resin of Sabina przewalskii to cure Kidney pain.
khal sral bre bo–synonym for Gueldenstaedtia himalaica (srad smug)
khal sral smug po–synonym for Gueldenstaedtia himalaica (srad smug)
kham bu–Prunus sp. (inc. Prunus persica, P. armenica, P. mira); there are Mountain Prunus (ri kham) and plain Prunus (klun kham); of the Plain Prunus there is P. persica (rgya kham) and P. mira (bod kham); the oil helps hair to grow and dries Lymph; the ash of the fleshy part of the hard pip heals wounds and dries Lymph.
kham rag sa–one of 3 types of Elaeocarpus sphaericus (rag sa)
khams dkar dmar–synonym for both male and female regenerative fluids (byan sems dkar dmar)
khams kyi ru rta–Vladimiri souliei
khams lnai bcud sman–Bitumen (brag zun)
khams rus–Prunus armenica
khanda–synonym for Sugar (bye ma ka ra)
khanda li (skt.)–synonym for Pennisetum flaccidum (dur wa)
khan nag–Artemisia annua; cures swelling and Quinsey; medicinal bath of the herb together with Moxabustion of the plant roots out cold diseases.
khan phug pa–synonym for Lepidium apetalum (khrag khrog pa)
khan thog pa–synonym for Lepidium apetalum (khrag khrog pa)
kha ra–type of sugar (juice of?) see ka ra
khardzu ram (skt.)–synonym for Silver (dnul)
kha ru tsha–black ‘Sonchal’ salt; same as kha ra tshva?
kha ru tshva–Halitum violaceum; generates Heat, cures flatulence, burping, rumbling and bloating of the abdomen; it also cures Phlegm and Bile disorders; it is good for Phlegm in the upper body, and Wind in the lower body; it cures Pain, a feeling of heaviness, constipation; it also cures Fever of the large and small Intestines
kha sa–see kha sha
kha sa sa bai bog rva–new horns of a Tibetan Elk (kha sa) and of a Deer (ba sa); used similarly to Rhino horn (bse rui rva)
kha sha–Spotted Deer/Tibetan Elk horn, Capreolus capreolus; used similary to bse ru (Rhino horn); the Lungs cure pus formed in the Lungs; flesh cures disorders caused by Evil Spirits
kha skrans–synonym for Pinella ternata/Arisaema flavum (dva bai rtsa ba)
kha sog pa–synonym for Mandragora chiaghaiensis (than phrom dkar po dman pa)
kha ta ka (skt.)–synonym for Lagenaria siceraria (ka bed)
kha tsha ba–synonym for Pinella ternata/Arisaema flavum (dva bai rtsa ba)
khan bu–synonym for Dracocephalum tanguticum (pri yang ku)
khan bu lo snon–synonym for Dracocephalum tanguticum (pri yang ku)
khan chun ser mgo–synonym for Ajania tenuifolium (khan dkar)
khan dkar–Ajania tenuifolium, Ajania khartensis (see khan pa); used for Swellings, Wounds, Kidney diseases, and ‘bras.
khan dmar–red type of khan pa (Artemisia; see khan pa); cures Swelling, good for ‘bras.
khan pa–Artemisia sp.; there are four types: 1. red type (khan dmar), Artemisia sp; 2. white type: (khan dkar) Ajania tenuifolium, A. khartensis; 3. pale type (khan skya) A. sieveriana (used as khan dkar); 4. black type (khan nag). Cures Bleeding and swelling of the Limbs caused by Wind; especially cures Swelling of all Lymph nodes; red type cures Cold tumors; white type is used for Kidney disorders
khan pa a kron–synonym for Ajania tenuifolium (khan dkar; see khan pa)
khar ba–Bronze; Bronze rust cures eye disorders (used topically); a red Bronze (mised with Cassiterite) is used for Scabies and chronic Wounds
khar thal–Bronze Bhasma
kho tho–synonym for Caragana tibetica, C. jubata (mdzo mo sin)
kho yag pa–synonym for Lancea tibetica (pa yag rtsa ba)
khra–Hawk; tail feathers used for Gynecological diseases; feces heal swellings, promote suppuration
khra bo stag ris–synonym for Corydalis conspera (ston ri zil pa)
khra chun–type of Agate (gzi)
khra glag–Hawk and Eagle; flesh is nutritious and protects from Evil Spirits
khra ma–early ripening Barley (ripens in 60 days); others list Fagopyrum tartaricum, Panicum miliaceum; cool, promotes Appetite
khra man–Agate; treats Epilepsy and Evil Spirits
khrab mo–Capsella bursa pastoris (sog ka pa)
khrag byed–Emblica officinalis (skyu ru ra)
khrag dar ya kan–1. Bitumen (brag zun); 2. synonym for Chrysoplenium carnosum (g’yaa kyi ma)
khrag dra–secret name for Bitumen (brag zun)
khrag gcod ral pa can–Artemesia sp. (khan pa)
khrag gsog pa–leaf of Anisodus tanguticus (than phrom nag po)
khrag khrog–Lepidium apetalum
khrag sken–synonym for Adhatoda vasica (ba sa ka)
khrag thun–Adhatoda vasica (ba sa ka)
khra’i sder mo–Lagotis yamnanensis, L. brevituba (hon len) ? Hong len=Picrorhiza
khre–Millet; heavy, cool; heals wounds and fractures of the bones and joints; Wild Millet (khre rgod) stops Diarrhea, cures Poisoning
khri sin–synonym for Clematis rehderianum, C. tangutica (dbyi mon)
khri sin ral pa can–synonym for Hypecoum leptocarpum (par pa ta)
khro nag–a kind of Metal (obtained by melting a stone; cannot be moulded or hammered); cures diseases caused by Evil Spirits, Animacules and Poisoning
khrog chen po–synonym for Saussurea ilkiagensis, S. pachyneura (kon pa gab skyes)
khrog chun pa–Leibnitzia anandria; ‘the king of blood stopping medicines’.
khron bu–Euphorbia stracheyi; said to be a type of E. nematocypha; some sources give E. sieboldiana; (also Physalis peruviana, Clerodendron fortunatum); said to cleanse mildly; ‘the best cleanser for Bile disorders’.
khron chen pa–synonym for Euphoriba stracheyi (khron bu)
khron chun–synonym for Euphorbia stracheyi (khron bu)
khru gcod–synonym for the acorn of Quercus semicarpifolia (mon cha ra)
khru gcod gtso bo–synonym for Lagenaria siceraria (ka ped)
khrun khrun–Crane; bones are used for Urinary retention; flesh is cooling
khu bu mdze joms–Rhamnella gilgitca (sen lden)
khu byug–Cuckoo; its throat cures obstruction of the voice and promotes a melodious voice
khu byug gcin rdziu–synonym for Kyllinga brevifolia (khu byug rdzi thog)
khu byug me tog–Iris goniocarpa (ma nin gres ma)
khu byug pa–Cypripedium tibeticum; clears the openings of the Channels, clears urinary retention, and all types of Stone diseases; Kyllinga brevifolia can be used as a substitute
khu byug rtsa ljan–synonym for Kyllinga brevifolia (khu byug rdzi thog)
khu byug rdzi thog–Kyllinga brevifolia
khu dus–a type of cheese obtained from the Whey; see rgya phrum
khug rta–Swallow; the Lungs heal punctured Lungs; the droppings cleanse the Channels, and heal Dysentery
khun pa gros debs–a name for all kinds of than khrom
khur mon, khur mang–Taraxacum tibetanum, T. officinale; used for Brown Phlegm and Chronic Fever, cures Bile and Stomach disorders, relieves cramps from Poisoning; the flower cures Fever; also used for loss of Appetite, and is best for Blood-Bile disorders; cures Poisoning caused by precious Stones and Metals
khur mang mang–as for khur mang above.
khva ta–Crow. Flesh cures diseases caused by Evil Spirits; feathers are used as a vanishing wand
khyab jug ril ma–synonym for red Lac (rgya skyegs)
khyi–Dog; dog tongue heals Wounds; the teeth cures Angina; sex organs of a female hunting dog eliminates fats; dog brains is used for Cataracts; pubic hair cures diseases of the mouth, and dry pus; burnt hair of a dog treats Quinsey swelling; tail hair is used against Evil female Spirits; tail hair of a Black Dog is used for Wounds; it feces destroy Evil Spirits and heal Swellings; dogs urine which contains semen cures punctured jaws
khyi dug pa–synonym for Delphinium trichorum (ga bur tis lo)
khyi dug sman gcig–synonym for Corydalis conspera (ston ri zil pa)
khyi dug spyan rjes–synonym for Delphinium trichorum (ga bur tis lo)
khyi la wa ri–concentrate of Acacia catechu
khyi mig–see me tog lug mig
khyi rna spyan tsher–synonym for Caragana tibetica, C. jubata (mdzo mo sin)
khyi shing–see khyi sin
khyi sin–Lonicera tibetica; cures diseases of the Larynx, draws out Phlegm
khyim bya–Cock and Hen; flesh of a red Cock or Hen cures peahen’s egg poisoning
khyim bya mtshal lu–red feathered Chicken; its bile cures peahen ‘s egg poisoning
khyog pai sa bon–synonym for Silver (dnul)
khyu mchog–synonym for Galium aparine/Artemisia hedinii (zans rtsi)
khyun–Garuda (mythical bird)
khyun skyugs–Jasper; cures all types of disorders and poisoning; considered the supreme precious gem and is rare; the ordinary type is blue like old Turquoise, the superior type is more sky blue and has a radiance similar to Talc. It produces a blood-red color when rubbed with Turmeric (yun ba)
kirba na–a name for one of the 3 types of Crystal (see sel); the Sanskrit name refers to a type of Crystal which has a slight shade of red
klad pa–animal Brain; Brains can cure necrosis of the Brain, glandular diseases, and diseases of the navel of infants in which it becomes swollen and painful (umbilical hernia?)
klu bdud dkar nag–common name for various types of Codonopsis nervosa and C. canescens (klu bdud rdo rje)
klu bdud nag po–synonym for Fritillaria delavayi
klu bdud rdo rje–Codonopsis nervosa, C. canescens; cures diseases caused by Evil Spirits, cures Epilepsy and Elephantiasis; heals all types of swellings; white flower cures blood disorders
klu bdud rdo rje dkar po–Codonopsis canescens; used to cure Goitre; used as klu bdud rdo rje
klu bdud rdo rje nag po–Codonopsis nervosa; cures Brain disorders and disorders caused by Earth Spirits
klu blud rdo rje–Adenophora polymorpha
klu dug nag po–synonym for Corydalis conspera (ston ri zil pa)
klu gi sa man–type of Mushroom used for Wind disorders
kluhi sha–Snake flesh (see below)
klu’i dban po–synonym for Lead (za ne)
klu’i ge sar–a name for the stamen of the Bombax ceiba tree (na ga ge sar)
klu’i me tog–synonym for the stamen of Bombax ceiba (na ga ge sar)
klu nag–synonym for Lead (za ne)
klung sho–see klun so
klun kham–‘Plains Prunus’ (inc. P. persica); see kham bu
klun lcan–Salix babylonica; there are 2 types, one with white bark, and another with black bark; this type of Salix is inferior to other Salix sp.
klun sgog–Allium fasciculation, a wild Allium species which heals wounds and swellings, and cures Cancerous quinsy
klun so–Rumex nepalensis, Plains Dock, similar to sho mang (so man); useful for all types of mouth disorders
klun sod du skyes pai dar ya kan–a name for Primula sp. (san dril)
klu rnams dul bai dar ya kan–synonym for Codonopsis nervosa, C. canescens
klu sin–the tree Bombax ceiba (pad ma ge sar gyi sin)
ko blans pa (skt.)–synonym for the fruit of Daphne tangutica
ko byi la (skt.)–synonym for fruit of Strychnos Nux vomica (ldum stag); Poisoning and hypertension
ko ne–synonym for Codonopsis canescens
kon pa gab chun–Saussurea pachyneura
kon pa gab chen–Saussurea ilkiangensis
kon pa gab skyes–Saussurea ilkiangensis (female), S. pachyneura (male); other listed include S. crepidifolia, Serratula cardunculus, Centaurea monantha); used for all types of Wounds, and for Meat poisoning
kon ti dza la–Vitex angus castus
ko pi tinyan–Bergenia purpurascens (li ga dur)
ko randza (skt.)–synonym for an inferior type of Diamond which is darker and not as clear as the superior types.
ko sa sbubs can (skt.)–synonym for Nutmeg (dza ti)
ko so lo–Swertia chirata (tig ta)
ko tha–Iris goniocarpa; used for Poison
ko tha o pa–Iris goniocarpa; used for Poison
ko sa dzam (skt.)–synonym for Pearl (mu tig)
kra mu ka (skt.)–synonym for Skimia multinervia/Symplocos paniculata
kri ma dza–synonym for Aquilaria sinensis (a ga ru)
kri sa–synonym for a type of Chebulic Myrobalan (see a ru skem po sul man)
kr mi dza (skt.)–synonym for red Lac (rgya skyegs)
kr sa (skt.)–synonym for a type of Chebulic Myrobalan (a ru skem po sul man)
kr sa la kah (skt.)–synonym for a type of Chebulic Myrobalan (see a ru skem po sul man)
krsana (skt.)–synonym for Piper longum (pi pi lin)
krsana brksa (skt.)–synonym for Aquilaria sinensis (a ga ru)
krsana pha la (skt.)–synonym for Abelmoschus moschatus
krsana sa ka (skt.)–synonym for Holarrhena antidysenterica (dug mo nun)
kr sin (skt.)–synonym for Clematis rehderianum, C. tangutica
krun khu lun khu (skt.)–synonym for Lancea tibetica (pa yag rtsa ba)
ksar na (skt.)–synonym for Cinnabar (mtshal)
ksau tra (skt.)–a name for Honey
ksi ra ka ko li (skt.)–1. synonym for Polygonatum pratii (lug mne); 2. Asparagus sp. (ne sin, or ne sin o ma can)
ksu dra (skt.)–synonym for Rubus niveus (kanda ka ri)
ku ba–Herpetospermum caudigerum
ku ka rka (skt.)–Gentiana staminera (see kyi lce dkar po)
ku ra (skt.)–synonym for Commiphora mukul
ku ra ma–a name for Crisium souliei/Carduus acanthoides
ku sa (skt.)–Thysanolaena maxima; increases Longevity and 7 Tissues
ku sa bhandha (skt.)–seed of Thysanolaena maxima; sometimes can mean Conch shell
ku sa ha ra (skt.)–Circium souliei/Carduus acanthoides
ku sa ni (skt.)–synonym for Saffron (gur gum)
ku sa sa lu–synonym for Cypripedium tibeticum
ku sha–Desmostachya bipinnata
ku shu–Citrus sp.
ku su–Apple fruit; cures Diarrhea, pain and rumbling of the Intestines
ku su martha kam (skt.)–synonym for Saffron
ku sumbha (skt.)–synonym for Saffron
ku su mu (skt.)–synonym for Saffron
ku ta dza (skt.)–synonym for Holarrhena antidysenterica
ku the ra ka–Orthosophon pallidus
ku ta ra na (skt.)–inferior type of Euphorbia fischeriana
ku tsan dan–inferior type of Pterocarpus santalinus (tsan dan dmar po)
kui bu (skt.)–synonym for Pennisetum flaccidum (dur wa)
kuli (skt.)–synonym for Rubus niveus
kumbha (skt.)–synonym for Euphorbia nematocypha
kumbha kantha (skt.)–synonym for Terminalia chebula
kumbha na (skt.)–synonym for Commiphora mukul
kun byed rgyal po–synonym for Pterocephalus hookeri
kundai ran bzin–secret name for Mercury (dnul chu)
kun dga (skt.)–synonym for a type of Terminalia chebula (a ru nag cun)
kundha na dha (skt.)–synonym for Nardostachys grandiflora (span spos)
kun du rgyu–synonym for Shorea robusta
kun joms ga bur–synonym for Dracocephalum tanguticum (pri yan ku)
kun ku mam (skt.)–synonym for Saffron (gur gum)
kurbu ram (skt.)–synonym for Gold
kusta (skt.)–synonym for Saussurea lappa (ru rta)
kustha (skt.)–synonym for Saussurea lappa (ru rta)
kyi dkar dun gi rkan pa can–synonym for Gentiana straminea (kyi lce dkar po)
kyi lce dkar po–Gentiana straminea, G. robusta, the large leaf Gentians, similar to Qin Jiao of TCM. (Swertia petiola is the white type; Gentiana dahurica is the Black type, according to one source); Fever of the Vessel Organs, Bile Fever, Swellings, Scrofula, and stops Bleeding; it cures Leprosy and Poison Fevers
kyi lce nag po–Gentiana crassicaulis; supreme for drying Lymph fluid; cures blockages of the Throat, swelling of the limbs, and infectious swellings.
kyi lche–Gentiana straminea; (Swertia petiola is the white type; Gentiana dahurica is the Black type); others have listed G. macrophylla, G. pneumonanthe, G. thibetica, Campanula trachelium; Fever of the Vessel Organs, Bile Fever, Swellings, Scrofula
kyi lu–synonym for Codonopsis convolvulacea subsp. vinciflora
kyung sder–Nauclea rhynchopylla
la la phud–(Skt. Jawani); Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare; (others list Trachyspermum ammi (or Cnidium monnieri); Cold diseases, Stomach disorders
lang thang tse–Henbane, Hyoscyamus niger; Anthelmintic
lba tsha–Soda Salt (Saltpetre?); Goiter
lca ba–Angelica glauca. Some have listed A. archangelica, A. dahurica, Polygonum odoratum var. pluriflorum; cures Lymph disorders, cold disorders of the Waist and Kidneys, cold Phlegm diseases, Stomach disorders, early stage Edema, Wind diseases; applied as a fomentation to Swellings and Distention.
lcags phye–Iron
lcags thal–Iron Bhasma
lcan ma–superior type of Salix sp.
lchags tig–Gentianopsis paludosa, Lomatogonium spp.
lcham pa–Mallow, Malva verticillata, Dalbergia lanceolaria; cures Urinary retention, Diarrhea, Kidney Fever, quenches Thirst, dries Wound Pus; Male type is ha mdog ldan; female type is rgya lcham pa; nyi dgah (leaf) and a dza ka (seed) is the neuter type
lcha wa–see lca ba
lche myang tsha–(type of) Wood salt
lche tsha–Ranunculus acris, R. pulchellus; removes Cold Tumors, Diptheria, Tonsilitis, dries Edema Fluid, stops Necrosis, increases Digestive heat, drains Lymph accumulations
lchum rtsa–Indian Rhubarb, Rheum emodii, R. webbianum, R. palmatum; purges Fever caused by Poison, Fever of the Vessel Organs, Phlegm disorders
lcum–same as lchum rtsa
ldong ros–Realgar; Arrests malignant glandular tumors, Necrosis, protects from Fever caused by Evil Spirits.
ldum bu lchags kyu chan–inferior type of myang rtsi spras (Coptis)
ldum bu re ral–Drynaria propinqua, Polytichum squarrosum (King fern), brag spos (Queen fern), brags skya ha wo (Minister fern)
ldum stag–Strychnos nux-vomica; cures poisoning
lha shug–see shug pa tsher chan
li ga dur–Geranium pratense; other plants given for this name include, Bergenia purpurascens (skt.= ko pi tinyan), Erodium stephanium, Bergenia crassifolia, Rhodiola wallichiana, Cymbopogon martini); used for Infectious Fevers, Lung Fevers, Channel Fevers, Epidemic disease, detoxifies, relieves swelling of limbs.
li gris–Red Lead, Minium; Stops Necrosis
li shi–Clove; cures disorders of the Life Channel, Cold-Wind disorders, Hoarseness
lig bu mig–(Sanskrit Potanchala), Malachite; some say a type of stang zil; others say a type of mdung rtse; ‘Subdues harm from the 28 constellations of Moving Stars’ (Epilepsy etc.)
lo mar sngo sprin–see myang rtsi spras
lug chhung–Aster diplostaphioides, A. strachei, A. poliothamnus; cures Infectious Fevers, Poison, Brown Phlegm and Channel Fevers, heals Infected Wounds and disperses Evil Spirits.
lug mtshe–type of mtshe ldum (Ephedra) with seeds
lug mur–Phlomis kawaguchii (P. tuberosa); cures Lung disorders, Lung Fevers, Common Colds
lug ngal–Corydalis meifolia, Linaria buriatica; neutralises Poisons, reduces Swelling of the limbs, very good to relieve pain caused by Wind.
lug rtsi–Saussurea uniflora; Infectious Fevers, Poisoning, Chronic Fevers
lug ru–Pedicularis oliveriana (P. pectinata, P. pyramidate); collects Poison, cures Meat Poison, Brown Phlegm, Channel Fever, Dysentery with Fever, stimulates Hair growth, Blackens grey hair
lug ru ser po–Pedicularis longiflora var. tubiformis, P. tenuirostris, P. bicomuta; collects Poison, dries ‘reservoirs’ of Pus.
lug ru smug po–see lug ru
lug sho–Sheep Dock, related to sho mang
lus ldan–Aloeswood
ma ha ra dza (skt.)–Gold
ma ma rgyas rgyas–root of Kyllinga brevifolia (khu byug rdzi thog)
ma nu–Inula racemosa; as for ma nu pa tra?
ma nu pa tra–Inula helenium (Iris germanica, Aristolchia sp., Inula racemosa); Wind and Blood disorders, Bile and Phlegm disorders, restores digestive heat, acute Epidemic Fevers (‘ripens Fever’)
ma nu rta ska–(Date?) Polygonum convulvulus
ma ru rtse–see ma ru tse
ma nu shu zur–Iris germanica
ma ru tse–Butea frondosa, B. monosperma (Bengal Kino tree, Flame of the the Forest); cures Phlegm diseases, Rheumatism, Anthelmintic
man ga bur–Borneol Camphor (in long bright yellow pieces) from Dryobalanops aromatica (tshingin sin) (see ga bur)
mang ga bur–see man ga bur
ma nin gres ma–synonym for Iris goniocarpa
man(y)jira–Fossil Muscovite (Ophicalcite?); cures Bone Fevers
mchher pa zho sha–Entada scandens; E. phaseoloides
mchod rten na bza’a–(mineral) Lime powder
mchu chung–(Skt. Haritaka), long-tipped variety of Chebulic Myrobalan
mdze rgyam–synonym for Aloeswood
mdze tsha–type of white Rock Salt; Dissolves Blood clots, dries Wounds
mdzi bu ka–type of bul tog; Sal soda
me tog–synonym for Saffron
me tog lug mig–Aster barbellatus, A. heolini, A. flaccidus; neutralises Poison, cures contagious Fever
me tog ser chhen–Papaver nudicaule (Trollius asiaticus, Tagetes erecta); heals Wounds, clears Necrosis of the Channels
mgo chag rtsa dzin–synonym for Paraquilegia microphylla (yu mo mdeu byin)
mgo rus–Head-bones; a bath made from the old bones of a sheeps head is used for Wind disorders.
mig nad dus kyi pa bya–type of Gold ore
min can nag po–Pulicaria insignis
ming po bdun gyi sring gchig ma–type of brag skya ha wo (which see)
mkha’a gro la phug–synonym for Rheum pumilum (chu ma rtsi)
mkhal ma–Kidney; both hot and cold; cures Kidney disorders, Lumbago, Urinary disorders and diseases of the Sex Organs and Reproduction
mkhal ma zo sa–Canavalia gladiata; Mucuna prurita; white, red and black types (white is best, black is least) light, mild and warm; cures Kidney Fever
mkhal zho sha–Canavalia gladiata; Mucuna prurita; cures Kidney Fever
mkhan pa–Mugwort, Artemesia vulgaris, A. sieversiana, A. frigida, A. campestris, A. sericea, A. stelleriana; reduces swelling, heals Wounds and Abscesses, heals Intestinal disorders; white type is Hemostatic, reduces swelling of the limbs and is good in Kidney disorders
mkhan pa a krong–see a krong
mkhar gon–synonym for Quartz (dkar gon)
mkhas ma–synonym for Rubus niveus (kanda ka ri)
mkhris pa–Bile; all types of Bile are cool and are good for Bile disorders; all types of Bile close the mouth of the Channels.
mkhris pa sna tshogs–a combination of different types of Biles mixed together; used for Wounds, poisoning, and Jaundice
mkhris sel–synonym for Rosa omeiensis (se bai me tog)
mon bu–Polygonum macrophyllum
mon chha ra–Oak tree, Quercus semicarpifolia, Q. lanuginosa, Q. acutissima; all types of hot and cold diarrhea
mon sug–substitute for Lessser Cardamon
mthing rgyus–(lit. ‘indigo tendon’) blue type of Actinolite
mtshal–Cinnabar; Heals Wounds, cures Fevers of the Lungs, Liver and Channels
mtshe ldum–Ephedra saxatilis, E. intermedia, E. sinica; stops Bleeding, cures Liver Fever, acute and chronic fevers, Expectorant, disperses Tumors, reduces Swellings, stops bleeding. Also rejuvenates.
mu tig–Pearl; Prevents loss of Cerebral fluid, cures all types of Poison
mu zi–Sulphur; Dispels Spirits, dries Pus, Blood and Lymph.
myang rtsi spras–Coptis teetoides (Adonis sibirica); dries fluid and pus accumulations, cures Infectious Fevers, heals Wounds
na bun bu mo–Slug (see at end)
na ga ge sar–a name for the stamen of the Bombax ceiba, B. malabaricum; clears Liver Fever; hot disorders of the Lungs, Heart, Liver
na ga pus pa–pistils of Mesua ferrea; Lung Fever
nag chung–type of Chebulic Myrobalan with no kernel
nag hrug–resin of tshos
nag mtsur–black Alunite or Vitriol; halt Necrosis, extract Tumors
nag po–synonym for Long Pepper (pi pi lin)
nag po gru bzi–Black Limonite; good for the Liver
nag po zi ra–synonym for Nigella glandulifera
nags zhun–inferior type of zhu mkhan
na le sham–Black Pepper, Piper nigrum; Phlegm and Cold disorders, Erysipelas, Nyctalopia
nan sel–Thysanolaena maxima; increases Longevity and 7 Tissues
na ram–Polygonum alopecuroides, P. viviparum;
nar ma nur mar–wild type of Phytolacca
na skyogs–Abalone shell, Haliotis diversicolor, H. gigantea
ngang pa gchig rgyug dar ya kan–another name for skyi wa
ngur pa–Red Wild Duck
nya phyis–Oyster shell
nye shing–Asparagus filicinus, A. racemosa, Polygonatum falcatum; cures disorders of the (area of the) Xiphoid process. Promotes Longevity, cures Lymph disorders
nyi dgah–leaf of the Neuter type of Malva; see lcham pa
‘od byed–a name for Gold
ol mo se–synonym for Podophyllum hexandrum
pad ma ge sar–calyx of Mesua ferrea; Heart Fever
pad ma ge sar gyi sin–the tree Bombax ceiba
pa la–root of the Male type of lcham pa, used for Consumption and Anorexia
par pa ta–1. Hypecoum leptocarpum); 2. Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis ; cures Fever due to Bile, Infection or Poison Fever
pa to la–Bletilla striata; improves appetite, Parasites, Epidemic Fever
pa yag–Lancea tibetica, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Viola dissecta; root heals Lung diseases, drains Lung pus, and disperses Womb Tumors
pa yag rtsa ba–Lancea tibetica
pha ban lon bu–Pyrite
phag mgo–‘Pigs Head Fossil’. Heals Bone disorders, drains Lymph
phang ma–Eleagnus pungens, Lycium barbarum, L. chinense, Leonurus heterophyllus; cures Heart Fevers, used for Gynecological disorders
pho ba ris–Black Pepper; see na le sham
pho gres–Iris lactea var. chinensis (see gres mai)
pho wa ri– Black Pepper; see na le sham
phor mdog ldan–see lcham pa
phra mo las byun–Honey
phran tshigs ma–synonym for Rubus niveus (kanda ka ri)
phrum–a type of Cheese made before the Butter is taken from the curd; see rgya phrum
phug ron–Pigeon droppings (see at end)
phur mo a krong–see a krong
pi bi ling–Long Pepper
pi pi ling–Long Pepper; all Cold disorders, Wind and Spleen disorders
pi pi lug mur–see lug mur
pri yang ku–Dracocephalum tangutium (Callicarpa macrophylla ); used for Fevers of the Stomach and Liver, Dark (Brown) Phlegm, Water retention from Heat
pu shel–Khus Khus grass; Vetiveria zizanioides, Dendrobium curcuminatum, Belamacandra chinensis (root smells like camphor); Orchis spp in some; Vomiting, Phlegm Fever, Hemorrhoids, Urinary retention
pu shel rtse–Dendrobium spp., Vomiting, Thirst, Fever associated with Phlegm, restores digestion, treats Dark Phlegm
pushkaramula–Inula racemosa (Aplotaxis lappa, Iris germanica, Vladimiria souliei); cures Phlegm Fevers
pu tse shel–Picrorhiza kurroa
ra mnye–Polygonatum verticillatum, P. cathcartii, P. officinale, P. cirrifolium; cures Wind disorders, early stage Edema, used in Essence Extraction medicines; promotes Longevity, cures Lymph disorders, and for sexual disorders
ra mtshe–type of mtshe ldum (Ephedra) without seeds
ra srub–another name for srub ka
ra thug rmongs spus–Pubic hair of a Billy Goat (see at end)
ram bu–another name for na ram
rba byi–Cinclus cinclus, cures Meat poisoning
rdo chhu–(lit. ‘stone water’), type of Actinolite; the Yellow type heals Fractures
rdo dreg–type of lichen, Parmelia saxatilis; Poisoning and Chronic Fever
rdo klad–(lit. ‘stone brain’), Halloysite; Maintains Brain, stimulates flesh growth
rdo mkhris–Yellow Ochre (color of yellow bile, is bitter, and sticks to the mouth); constricts the Mouth of the Channels
rdo rgyus–(lit ‘stone tendon’), Actinolite, Stibine; used for disorders of the Tendons and Ligaments
rdo rje pha lam–an inferior type of Diamond which is darker and not as clear as the superior types.
rdo sol–Coal; Dissolves Stones (Gall, Kidney etc.), constricts mouths of the Channels
rdo thal–(lit. ‘stone ash’) Limestone (has many type and colors); burnt limestone disperses Phlegm tumors of the abdomen.
rdo zho–Limestone;
rdza chhu rar–female type of chhu rtsa (Rheum sp.)
re lchag pa–Stellaria chamaejasme; heals Sores, purges Septic disorders, and is used as a suppository
re ral–Adiantum pedatum, A. aspidium; neutralises Meat poison, Poison, and Bile Fevers
re skon–Corydalis edulis and others; (Potentilla tanacetifolia, P. supina have been listed, probably as substitutes because Corydalis is often unavailable). Corydalis stops Bleeding, cures Channel Fevers caused by Brown Phlegm, Dysentery
rgal rgyud wa gdon–synonym for rtsa sbyon ra yi wa gdon
rgan po gzon nur byed pa–synonym for Polygonatum cirrhifolium (ra mne) and P. pratti (lug mne)
rgod gyag–Wild Yak horn, Budorcas taxicolor; increases Body heat, disperses Tumors, dries accumulation of Pus in the abdomen
rgod gyag thug rva–horn of the wild bull-yak (either wild [bron] or domesticated); cures Cancerous wounds and used for Stomach disorders; larynx is used in Goitre.
rgod gyag rva–horn of a wild yak (bron). It increases Heat, destroys Tumors; flesh and ligaments cure Wind disorders, and dry fluid in Edema.
rgod spos pa–synonym for Delphinium chrysotrichum (bya rgod spos)
rgu drus–Corydalis dasyptera (inferior type, rgu drus dman pa or ser po rgu drus); Swertia wolfangiana (superior type, rgu drus mchog); both heal wounds, join the Channels and remove Intestinal pain. The Inferior type cures Fevers of the Vessel Organs. The superior type is also used for Poisoning and Epidemics; the powder is taken for chronic Wounds, and for Gynecological complaints.
rgu drus dman pa–Corydalis dasyptera (inferior type of rgu drus; see rgu drus)
rgu drus mchog–Swertia wolfangiana (superior type of rgu drus; see rgu drus)
rgud drus–Senico scandens, S. frabri, Galium boreale; heals Wounds, unites severed channels, cures Wound Fever, cures Colic, Fevers, Infectious Fever, Poisoning
rgu thub–Scutellaria baicalensis; cures all types of Fever
rgu trus–(probably synonymous sith rgu drus, rgus drus, above): Galium verum and related species.
rgun brum–Raisins, Vitis vinifera; warm, sweet, slightly astringent, but cool and heavy after digestion. Used for Lung diseases, purges Fevers
rgun brum nag po–Diospyros lotus; it may be a substitute for rgun brum (Raisin)
rgun hbrum–see rgun brum
rgya–Saiga Antelope horn, Saiga tatarica, Nemorhaedus cripus; Echolic
rgya ba–synonym for Allium macranthum; see rgya sgog
rgya byin lha srun dar ya kan–synonym for Althea rosea (ha lo)
rgya gres–Iris lactea var. chinensis (pho gres)
rgya grog–synonym for Thlaspi arvense (bre ga)
rgya kham–Prunus persica (see kham bu)
rgya khur–Lactuca sibirica, Picris hieracioides, Sinapsis sp. (?), Sonchus arvensis
rgya lcan–Salix sp.; type of Salix (lcan ma) which is slender with long, thin leaves; used for Poisoning and Edema
rgya lcham pa–female type of lcham pa
rgya men–Papaver nudicaule
rgya men me tog–Papaver rhoeas
rgya mtshal–Cinnabar; Maintains the Channels, benefits the Bones
rgya mtso ldum stag–Strychnos nux-vomica; cures poisoning
rgya mtsho las byun ba–synonym for Rock Salt (rgyam tshva)
rgya mtshoi lbu ba–Cuttle Fish Bone; harder and softer varieties are recognised with the former being superior; it cures Kidney Fever and Brain disorders; it heals degeneration of the Brain caused by nagas.
rgya mtshoi lbu ga–Erythrina indica
rgya mtshoi dreg pa–synonym for (sindhu ra)
rgya mtshoi rdo ba–type of rock from the Sea; shiny, round, black; used in Heat diseases.
rgya mtshoi tshva–synonym for Rock Salt (rgam tshva)
rgya phrum–type of Cheese; there are various other cheeses (phrum, khu dus etc.); all are strengthening, increase reproductive fluids, promote Sleep, increase Phlegm and constipation; they are all very heavy in nature
rgya ri mthon po–synonym for Corydalis hendersonii (re skon rtsi dmar)
rgya rtsi–Cimicifuga foetida/Adonis coerulea; cures Wounds, Scabies and other sores, and Cold tumors (all externally); ‘it causes death if eaten’.
rgya rtsi dug lo–see rgya rtsi
rgya ru–the Horn of Capriconis sumatraensis; cures cold disorders when compounded with Wine; also used for the poisoning caused by attack of horned animals, as well as obstruction of Menstruation or Labor.
rgya sgog–Allium macranthum; synonym for a wild Garlic (sgog snon); cures cold-wind disorders, Stomach and Liver conditions, and coldness of the Kidneys. It destroys Parasites, removes Pus and Lymph fluid from the internal parts
rgya shug–Zizyphus sativa, Z. vulgaris
rgya skyegs–red Lac, Lacca, Shellac (resin of a tree called ken su ka); it is cool and light in power; cures ‘diffused and disturbed Blood disorders and Fever’, and is used for obstructions of Blood; see tshos
rgya skyegs dvans byed–synonym for Skimia multinervia/Symplocos paniculata (zu mkhan)
rgya sne–Amaranthus caudatus; ‘cures all types of diseases’
rgya so–Rumex crispus; used for wounds, poison and pimples
rgya so ba–synonym for Primula sp. (san dril)
rgya spo–Meliotus suaveolens, M. parviflora; Fevers from Poisoning, chronic Fever, Fever caused by Evil Spirits
rgya spos–Meliotus suaveolens; Thymus serpyllum, T. vulgaris; Medicago polymorpha; Valeriana officinalis, V. jatamansi (syn. Nardostachys jatamansi), V. wallichi; dries pus in the limbs (like Nardostachys), cures Infectious diseases and Poison, Spleen disorders, Stomach cramps, Angina and Quinsey
rgya sran–Vicia faba; white and black types are used; hot and sour in taste; cures combined wind and phlegm disorders, clears sputum, heals asthma, cures stones caused by sperm disorders, and for piles. Increases Blood and bile and promotes growth of teeth.
rgya stag zil pa–Corydalis linearioides; a type of C. conspera (ston ri zil pa)
rgya sug–Sabina przewalskii; seeds promote elimination of unnecessary things; used for gynecological diseases caused by lymph and wind which causes severe mental and physical disorders; also for gout and lung diseases
rgya sug skyur mo–general name for all types of sug pa.
rgya sug spa ma–general name for all types of sug pa.
rgya sug thun ba–Sabina przewalskii
rgya sung–Juniper (see shug pa tsher chan)
rgya than phrom–synonym for Datura stramonium (than phrom phra bo)
rgya tig–type of Swertia with dark blue or yellow-green petioles; some list Gentiana detonsa, G. barbata.
rgya tsha–Lake salt (resembles Calcite, and has a taste like mtshar, Alunite); Neutralises Poisons, Purges Channel disorders, Tonsilitis, Diptheria, Growths of the flesh, Urinary Retention
rgya tshil–several meanings: 1. ‘white round substance found in the stool of Dogs’; 2. the Fat of an animal called rgya gor; 3. the Fat of a bearded Goat. They all cure diseases associated with contact Poison
rgya tshos–see rgya skyegs; red Lac
rgya tshva–Sal ammoniac (Ammonium chloride); used for Poisoning, destroys vermin and parasites, cleanses disorders of the Channels, cures Angina, hinders abnormal growth of Flesh, and cures Urinary retention; it cures Necrotic Wounds and draws out Lymph fluid.
rgyal po re ral–see re ral
rgyal po tso ra–another name for srub ka
rgyam tsha–see rgyam tshwa
rgyam tshva–see rgyam tshwa
rgyam tshwa–Rock Salt; Phlegm-Wind disorders, Indigestion, Cold disorders
ri kham–Mountain Prunus (see kham bu)
ri las skyes (skt.)–synonym for Gold
ril mo–Black Pepper; see na le sham
ri sho–‘Hill Dock’ (similar to sho mang); Rumex crispus, Ligularia laesicotal, L. achyrotricha; Bile and Phlegm Emetic, heals Wounds and Chronic Fevers
rkan brgyad pa–a name for Gold
rkan gtso–a synonym for Senecio solidagineus/Aster smithianus (yu gu sin)
rkan ma–Bone Marrow; the marrow of animal bones makes stiff and shrunken limbs lexible when applied
rkan rin–a name of a type of Agate (rkan rin gyur dgu)
rkan rin gyur dgu–a name of a type of Agate
rkyan–Aquus heionus; its flesh cures disorders of Wind and Cold
rlung ni brla reng dus–another name for dbyi mong
rma lo rkang gchig–another name for bya rkang
rmigs pa–Eremias argus, Phrynocephalus vlangalii (insects?), Anthelmintic, neutralises Poison
rnam par rgyal wa–’Victor’ type of Chebulic Myrobalan fruit (no longer available)
rnya lo–Polygonum hydropiper, P. periginatoris, P. companulatum; cures Fevers of the Large and Small Intestine and Vessel Organs, Abdominal disorders and Chronic diseases
rta lpags–Lamiophlomis rotata (Marrubium incisum, Colqhounia coccinea); Maintains Bone resin, drains Lymph accumulations
rta rmig–Epimedium grandiflorum, Aristolchia contorta, Asarum heterotropoides, Viola biflora; constricts the openings of the Channels.
rtsa a krong–see a krong
rtsa bya–another name for dbyi mong
rtsad–Pleurospermum hookeri; cures all types of Fever
rtsad rgod–wild type of Pleurospermum
rtsa mkhris–Ixeris gracilis, I. gracilis; Cierhita macrorhiza, Sonchus sp., Saussurea graminea, S. eopygmaea; cures Bile disorders, Wind diseases, Heart disorders, benefits digestion.
rtsangs pa–type of Gecko; increases Semen, Aphrodisiac, Tonic, Anodyne, drains Pus
rtsi stag mo–see chhu ma rtsi
rtsod pai sin–a name for Terminalia bellerica
ru rta–Costus; Saussurea lappa; Wind and Blood disorders, abdominal distention, Lung diseases, Diptheria, Throat Abscess, Fleshy Growths
rwa tsha–Horn salt (an artificial salt); cures coldness of the Vessel Organs
sa mcog–synonym for Santalum album (tsan dan dkar po)
sbyar pa–Poplar
sardzika–Corn Smut, Ustilago sp. increases Digestive Heat, good for Wounds
sbang lag–type of Salep, see dwang po lag pa
sbran rtsi–Honey
sbyang tsher–see spyang tsher
sbyang kihi pho wa–Wolf’s Stomach (see below)
sder chhags–Gecko, see rtsangs pa
se ba zon nu–Rosa omeiensis
se bru-Pomegranate
se hbru–Pomegranate, dried seed and fruit; Cold-Wind disorders, Cold-Phlegm disorders, increases Digestive Heat, Stomach disorders, increases Digestive Heat
se rgod–Wild Rose, Rosa avicularis, R. laevigate, (R. macrophylla is the female type); collects Toxin, cures Lymph disorders, and diseases caused by Evil Spirits; Rosehip cures Liver Fever and Fever caused by Poisoning.
se sin–Senecarpus anacardius; two varieties; white: se sin dkar po; black: se sin nag po;
se wahi me tog–Wild Rose, Rosa roxburghii, R. sericea, R. avicularis; cures Bile disorders, alleviates Wind.
sel ga bur–true Camphor from Cinnamonum camphora (see ga bur)
sel tan dkar po–Gentiana straminea (see kyi lce dkar po)
seng ldeng–Catechu from Acacia catechu; Dries bad Blood and Lymph
seng ldeng khan dra–Morus macroura
ser hdab lnga pa–another name for lche tsha
ser po khrag–see myang rtsi spras
ser po rdu drus–Corydalis dasyptera (inferior type of rgu drus; see rgu drus)
se yab–same as bse yab
sga dmar–as for sga skya
sga skya–Galangal, Kaempferia galanga, or Spiked Ginger, Hedychium spicatum; (some have given Cautleya spp.); treats Wind and Phlegm; restores Digestive heat, promotes Circulation
sga tig–Androsace lanuginosa
sgog bsil–Allium cepa
sgog pa chhig skye–Garlic spp.
sgog skya–Garlic; treats Wind, treats Fever from Wind, restores digestive heat and improves appetite, anthelmintic
sgog snon–any of various types of wild Allium sp. (see klun sgog)
sgong thog hbar–see sgong thog pa
sgong thog pa–Erysimum altaicum, E. diffusum; cures Meat poison, Disturbed Fever, Lung diseases, Blood disorders and Small Pox
sgron shing–Pinus picea, P. massionana, P. tabulaeformis, P. sylvestris; cures Wind–Phlegm diseases, cold Lymph disorders and dispels Tumors
sha chen–Human flesh (see below)
sha wa–Tibetan Deer horn, Cervus elephus; used similarly to bse ru (Rhino horn)
sha wahi khrag–Deer Blood, Anthelmintic, stops Bleeding from the Womb
shel ga bur–type of Camphor (white and brittle, like ice)
shel ta–Pine resin (Pinus griffithii); increases ‘Resin’ and ‘Lymph’ of the Bones
shi kru–Black Pepper; see na le sham
shing hdre hjigs–Bdellium
shing kun–Asafetida (Ferula narthex); Vermifuge, Cold disorders, Heart Wind
shing mngar–Licorice; Lung diseases and Channel disorders
shing pi ka mu tig–Bezoar from the stomach of a sea creature
shing tsha–Cinnamon (Cinnamomum tamala); Coldness of Stomach and Liver, Wind disorders
sho mang–see so man
shri khanda–Euphorbia sp., Fritillaria verticillata, Stewartia sp.; drastic purgative
sin tsha–Cinnamon; see shing tsha
shu dag–Calamus; Indigestion, increases Digestive Heat, Throat Abscess, all types of Infectious disorders, Lymph diseases, diseases caused by Evil Spirits
shu mo za–Daucus carota (Trigonella foenum-graecum); cures Lung pus, Diarrhea
shug pa– Platycladus orientalis Juniperus spp.; Cupressus spp.,
shug pa tsher chan–Sabina recurva (Juniperus recurva, Empetrum niger; 3 types: rgya sung [Juniper], lha shug, shug tsher); used for Kidney Fevers, Infectious Tissue degeneration, Lymph disorders, heals Wounds; leaf is used for diseases of the lower intestine; fruit is supreme in curing Fever in the limbs, and drying Lymph masses
shug tsher–see shug pa tsher chan
sindur–Minium, Red Lead; some sources list Vermillion. (Drungtso lists Limonite); Minium and Vermillion were likewise confused in older Western texts. Channel Fever, Injuries of the Vital Organs; dries Pus and Blood, good for Burns
sindhu ra–as for sindur
sin nag–synonym for Aquilaria sinensis (a ga ru)
sin tsha–Cinnamonum tamala
skags grogs–synonym for Skimia multinervia/Symplocos paniculata
skal pa sa da sa (skt.)–synonym for Terminalia bellerica (ba ru ra)
skam rtsi–another name for na ram
skam tshva–kind of salt known as gad tshva; heavy, hard to digest, causing Phlegm; found on rock, soil and in caves; taste is the same as normal salt
skasmi ra dzanama–synonym for Saffron (gur gum)
ske ba rgyun gcod–synonym for Lancea tibetica (pa yag rtsa ba)
ske tshe–Roripa indica, Dontostemon integrifolius; its stalk, flower and seed are similar to Brassica nigra (yuns nag); it subdues Demonic obstacles, cures swellings and Quinsey.
skem po–’Dry’ type of Chebulic Myrobalan (thin flesh with many folds) (see a ru skem po sul man)
skom sel–a name for Emblica officinalis (skyu ru) and Coriandrum sativum (u su)
skor byed–type of Magnetite (used in compasses); cures disorders of the Brain, Bones and Channels
skra bzan zil pa–1. Corydalis conspera (ston ri zil pa); 2. a synonym for Hypecoum leptocarpum (par pa ta)
skra dkar can–synonym for Clematis rehderianum, C. tangutica (dbyi mon)
sku dkar–synonym for Gentiana straminea (kyi lce dkar po)
skya bo som sen lden–Cephalotaxus sinensis (inferior types of sen lden)
skyabs las dkar po–synonym for Taraxacum tibeticum and T. sikkimense (wa khur)
skyar mo–Egretta garzetta (a bird); flesh cures Poison
skye gzugs–synonym for Gold
skye ldan–Pennisetum flaccidum (dur wa)
skye pa gdon btags–synonym for Galium aparine (zan rtsi dkar po)
skyer pa–fruit and flower of Barberry, Berberis aristata, B asciatica, B. jamesiana, B. tsarica, B. sibiricus, B. dictyophylla; (also Rose acicularis, Thuja orientalis); collects toxin, cures Lymph disorders; fruit cures Diarrhea and Dysentery; middle bark cures Poisoning, Diarrhea, Chronic Fever, disorders of Lymph and Eye diseases.
skyer pa bras bu–Berberis sibirica
skyer pa dkar po–flower of Berberis jamesiana; good for Bleeding
skyer pa me tog–Berberis aristata, B. sibirica (same as skyer pa)
skyer pa rtsa–Lycium chinense (Gou qi zi)
skyer seng ldeng–Rhamnella gilgitca; or a type of Catechu?; lit. ‘Barberry Catechu’ (see sen lden)
skyer shun–Berberis aristata
skyes bu min can nag po–synonym for Pulicaria insignis (min can nag po)
skyes pa don ral btags pa–synonym for Lepidium opetalum (khrag khrog pa)
skyi ba’i bras bu–Sophora davidii draws Bile upwards; cures Angina
skyi brum–synonym for Sophora davidii (skyi bai bras bu)
skyi wa–Sophora moorcroftiana; Bile Emetic, Anthelmintic, treats Diptheria and Tonsilitis
skyod byed–Gentiana crassicaulis (kyi lce nag po), G. straminea (kyi lce dkar po)
skyur mo–synonym for Rhus javanica (da trig)
skyur rtsi–Citrulis nobilis
skyu ru mu ru–synonym for Rheum pumilum (chu ma rtsi)
sky ru, skyu ru ra–Emblic Myrobalan, Phyllanthus emblica; others listed for this name (possibly substitutes?) Crataegus pentagyna, Eriobotra japonica, Mespolus sp.; combined Phlegm-Bile disorders, Blood diseases, Wind imbalances, Polyuria
skyu rug ma–see bya po tsi tsi
sle tres–Tinospora cordifolia; Gout and various other diseases
smad mu tig–Bezoar from the brain of a Snake
smag–powdered root of Pinus spp. etc.
sman chen–Aconitum ferox
sman sga–dry Ginger; Phlegm-Wind disorders, increases digestive heat and restores Appetite; dissolves Blood clots
smug chhung mdan yon–type of Blue Poppy, Meconopsis integrifolia; same uses as tsher sngon
smug po chig thub–goethitum
smug po sbal rgyab–Hematite; expels and dries Lymph, maintains Bones, heals Fractures, sustains the Brain
sngo chhu srin sder mo–Selaginella pilvinatta
sngo de ba–Gentiana decumbens
sngo sprin khrag rkang–inferior type of myang rtsi spras (Coptis)
sngo stag sha–Oxytropis chiliophylla
sngon bu–Lactuca dissecta, L. dolichophylla, L. lessertiana; Ipomoea hederacea; purges Lymph disorders
sngon mo dar ya kan–another name for bya rkang
sni ba–Codonopsis convolvulacea subsp. vinciflora
snin zo sa–Peach kernel (?); Prunus sp.?
snya lo–see rnya lo
snyi ma–Codonopsis convolvulacea (Fritillaria thunbergii); improves Appetite and sense of smell, cures Fevers of the Heart, Lungs and Channels, Common Cold
snying zho sha–Choerospondias axillaris, Spondias axillaris; Heart Fevers
so bya–Heron feathers–relieves urinary retention, dispels Spirits
so cha–Soapnut tree; Sesbania grandiflora; Randia dumetorum; Aesculus chinensis; supreme Emetic for all diseases
sog ka pa–Shepherds Purse, Capsella bursa Pastoris; stops all forms of vomiting
so man–Dock leaf, Rumex hepatonsis, R. nepalensis, R. acetosa; used for Wound Fevers and Infectious Fevers
so ma ra dza–Abelmoschus manihot, A. moschatus; Leukorrhea, Aphrodisiac, Diabetes, Blood and Urinary disorders, Skin diseases
som sen lden–Cephalotaxus sinensis (inferior type of sen lden)
spang rgyan–Gentiana algida, G. sinoornata, G. veichtiorum
spang rgyan dkar po–Gentiana algida (white type), G. triflora; Throat disorders, Fever caused by Poisoning, Infectious Fever
spang rgyus–(lit. ‘meadow tendon’), green type of Actinolite
spang rtsi–sea creature (source of shing pi ka mu tig)
spang rtsi do bo–Pterocephalus hookeri (Saussurea nepalensis); Infectious Fevers, Lung disorders with pus
spang spos–Indian Spikenard, Nardostachys jatamansi, N. grandiflora; used for chronic Fever, Fevers caused by Poison or Evil Spirits
spang zhun–superior type of zhu mkhan
span rtsi do bo–Pterocephalus hookeri
spen ma–Potentilla glabra
spos dkar–Frankincense; the resin of white Saltree, Shorea robusta according to some sources; others give Canarium strictum, both are probably substitutes for Frankincense; Lymph disorders, benefits Heart, treats Heart wind.
spre hu–Monkey bone; echolic, abortifacient
spru mahi hbu–Chrysalis (an insect), stops Bleeding
spyang tsher–type of Thistle, Cirsium sp., Morina betanicoides, Echinops sp.; spyang tsher nag po is Crisium souliei/Carduus acanthoides; Phlegm emetic, heals Wounds and Sores
spyang tsher nag po–Crisium souliei/Carduus acanthoides
srad dkar wa–type of Gum Tragacanth, Astragalus yunnaneansis, Oxytropis oxyphylla; superior white type cures Phlegm disorders;
sra hbras–Schisandra chinensis (Milletia pachycarpa); cold Kidney disorders
sram–Otter (see below)
srin shing na ma–Abutilon avicennae (Daphne odora, Stellaria media); Abutilon fruit has the same uses as Datura (thang phrom), and increases Digestive Heat.
srin sin sna ma’i bres bu–synonym for fruit of Daphne tangutica
srin skyes–Aquilaria sinensis (a ga ru)
sro lo–Rhodiola saera (Strobilanthes japonicus is the red type); some: Adenophora or Stellaria.
sro lo dkar po–Pegaeophyton scapiflorum (possibly synonymous with some of the species given for sro lo).
sro lo dmar po–Rhodiola crenulata
srub ka–Anemone rivularis, (Pulsatilla patens); stops Necrosis, increases Digestive heat, drains Lymph accumulations, removes Cold Tumors
stab seng–Fraxinus rhynchophylla (Eucommia ulmoides); Unites Fractures, cures Bone fever
stag sha–Potentilla discolor (Calophaca crassicaulis, Oxytropis chiliophylla is the white type); Heals wounds, cures Septic disorders and poisoning, stops Dysentery, reduces Swelling, Emetic
stag sa nag po–Oxytropis chiliophylla (see stag sha)
stag zil ga bur–Camphor obtained from Blumea balsamifera (kan tsa sin) (Nagi Camphor). See ga bur
stang zil–Massicotite (black stone which breaks into needle-like pieces); ‘Removes discoloration of the Bones’.
stang zil–type of Camphor (bright yellow with folds)
star bu–Sea Buckthorn, Hippophae rhamnoides; Expectorant, dissolves Blood clots, disperses Phlegm, cures Fever, beneficial in Colic
stobs ldan zags–Sulphur
stong nag–type of lcha wa (Angelica sp)
ston ri zil pa–Corydalis conspera
su dug–see shu dug (Calamus)
su ru shug pa–type of Sandalwood
sug hdra–Solms-Laubachia eurycarpa and Gypsophila dahurica are the brown type; Cochlearia scapiflora, C. rusticana and Platycodon grandiflorum are the white type; all types are used for Lung Fevers
sug smel–Lesser Cardamon, Elettaria cardamomum; Cold Kidney and Wind disorders, increases digestive heat, improves strength
sug tsher–Cupressus torulosa / Juniperus sp.; Kidney disorders
sum chu tig–see sum cu tig
sum cu tig–Saxifraga pasumensis, S. lhasana, S. umbellulata (Gentiana amerella) Used for Liver Fever and Bile diseases
tang kun–Peucedanum sp., (Cnidium dahuricum, Chaerophyllum reflexum); Heart Fever, Poisoning, Wind-Phlegm diseases
tha chhu ra–male type of chhu rtsa (Rheum sp.)
thal ka rdo rje–Foetid Cassia, Cassia tora; skin diseases, lymph diseases, aphrodisiac
thal ka rdor rje–as for thal ka rdo rje
thal tsha–Ash salt (an artificial salt); cures coldness of the Vessel Organs
thang chu–Pine resin (Pinus griffithii)
thang phrom–Datura, D. stramonium, D. alba (white type), Scopolia lurida (black type); cures Infectious Tissue degeneration, sores and swellings, Aphrodisiac, Anthelmintic
thang khrom nag po–Anisodus tanguiticus
than khrom dkar po–(or wa ta) Przewalskia tangutica; used for Stomach cramps,
tha ram–Plantago depressa, P. major var. asiatica; heals Wounds, dries Lymph accumulations
thar nu–Euphorbia pallassii, Baliospermum sinulatum, Euphorbia wallichiana, Croton tiglium; removes Stones and Pustules, purges all Hot and Cold disorders, in calcined form, it is anti-emetic.
thehu rang–type of Salep, see dwang po lag pa
thod lo kor–Talc; purges Channel disorders
thug–Ram horn; used as Saiga Antelope horn, is Echolic
thug hbras–Ram testicle, Aphrodisiac
ti mu sa–another name for bya rkang
ti thal–Galenite Bhasma
ti tse–Galenite (superior type is yellow, common type is red); Heals Wounds, good for Eye diseases
ti tshe–Galenite (superior type is yellow, common type is red)
tig ta–Swertia chirata; (Jaeschkea oligosperma); Bile Fevers
tri byi ta–another name for dur byid (which see)
tsabs ru tsha–white Mineral Salt (crag Halite); increase digestive heat, treats distention, belching, flatulence, Phlegm-Wind disorders
tsan dan dkar po–White Sandalwood; Fever of Lung and Heart, disturbed Fever
tsan dan dmar po–Red Sandalwood, Pterocarpus santalinus; Blood Fever
tsan dan seng ldeng–a type of Catechu; Sandalwood Catechu
tsha la–Borax; heals Wounds, dissolves Blood clots, dries Lymph accumulations, purgative
tshar bong–Artemesia annua, A. sieversiana; cures Throat Fever, Lung diseases
tsha sa–type of Mushroom used for Wind disorders
tsher sngon–Blue Poppy, Meconopsis horridula; Heals Skull Fractures, sustains Bone resin, cures Bone Fever, relieves chest and upper back pain
tshos–red Lac, Laccifer lacea; (some list Bastard Teak, Butea monosperma, Lithospermum officinale)
tsi tra ka–Plumbago zeylanica; increases digestive and body heat, clears Cold-Wind disorders, Tumors, Edema, Hemorrhoids, Worms, Leprosy
tshingin sin–Dryobalanops aromatica, from whence Borneo Camphor comes (see ga bur)
tsogs bdag–type of Salep, see dwang po lag pa
‘u su–Coriander seed; as for hu su
ug chos dmar po–Incarvillea grandiflora
ut pal–Blue Lotus; Meconopsis integrifolia, M. punicea, M. torquata
ut pa la–Blue Lotus; Fevers of the Lung and Liver
wa khur–Taraxacum tibeticum, T. sikkimense; see khur mon
wa ta–Przewalskia tangutica (also than khrom dkar po or); for Stomach cramps,
ya ba ksha ra–Potash, salt extracted from burnt Barley; Increases Heat, Purges Tumors
ya ka ba ra–salt from Barley ashes
yu gu shing–Veronica longiflora, V. incana, Senico dianthus (white type), Cacalia quinquelobus, Sambucus adnata; Heals Wounds, Fever caused by Poison, Dispels Spirits
yu mo mde hbyin–Paraquilegia microphylla (Dianthus superbus, Erodium stephanium); expels a dead Fetus, acts as a Painkiller
yung ba–Turmeric, Curcuma longa; Neutralises Poison, stops Necrosis, Infectious Diseases, also Polyuria
yung wa–see yung ba
za byed nag po khar–a name for the black type of dbyi mong
za ne–Lead
zangs rtsi wa–Galium aparine, Artemesia scopara (white type); cures Jaundice, all types of Bile disorders; leaf of the black type is also used for Sinusitis.
zangs tig–a red Gentiana spp. (Gueldenstaedtia multiflora) Cures Infectious Fevers
zan rtsi dkar po–Galium aparine
za ta ru pam (skt.)–Gold
ze tsha–Saltpetre (or Mirabilite?); dissolves all types of Stones and Stone-Tumors, promotes Urine
zer mo–Porcupine Bone, Hemostatic
zhim thig le–Geranium dahuricum (Plectranthus sp. [black type], Geranium pratense, Euphrasia reqellii, Marubium incisum); all types clear Cataracts and treat other Eye diseases, and are Anthelmintic
zhu mkhan–Lodh tree, Symplocos racemosa, S. paniculata, S. crataegoides;
zi ra dkar po–Cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum); Lung Fever
zi ra nag po–Nigella glandulifera seed; (some list Caraway, Carum carvi); Cold disorders of the Liver, Stomach disorders
zin tig–Ajuga lupulina
zko kha ma–type of Silver
zo mar–butter-like Cream; see rgya phrum
zo ser–butter-like Cream; see rgya phrum
Primary Sources:
Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan Ph.D, Formulary of Tibetan Medicine, Classics India Publications, Delhi, India, 1988
Dolma Khangkar, Dr. Lobsang, Lectures on Tibetan Medicine, compiled and edited by K. Dhondup, Library of
Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, India
Gyatso, Thinley & Chris Hakim, Essential of Tibetan Traditional Medicine, 2010
Medicnia Tibetana, Molvray
Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang (Translator), Tibetan Medicine; University of California Press, 1976
Tibetan Medicine; a series of Journals published by Library of Tibetan Works between, 1980-1985
Dataset of materia medica in Sowa Rigpa: Tibetan medicine botanicals and Gawé Dorjé’s classification system