Tibetan & Mongolian Formulas
Tibetan and Mongolian formulas are more difficult to find exact formulas for. Different texts often list different herbs under the same name as there are various substitute and replacement medicines used in the various areas where the Tibetans and Mongolians habitate. The same Tibetan formula often contains different medicines when made in Lhasa as compared to when it is made in India, Western Sichuan, Russia, Bhutan or Nepal, for example.Many of the most used Mongolian formulas are of Tibetan origin. This happened as a result of the introduction of Buddhism from Tibet and India and as a result, various Tibetan texts, notably the Four Tantras, were translated into Mongolian around 14th century.
Some of the formulas have been sourced from Chinese sources. In these cases, Chinese herbs are sometimes listed in place of the original medicine. This can serve to show a useful Chinese substitute and often make it easier to re-create. In addition, it is not uncommon for a formula to be given without doses. In this case, the doctor writes proportions individually for the patient, or may prepare variations of the same formula in different seasons.
Aloeswood 6 (A gar drug pa)
Aloeswood 8 (A gar brgyad pa)
Aloeswood 8 Water Transformer (Ar brgyad chu bsgyur) NEW 1/24
Aloeswood 9 (A gar dgu pa) NEW 10/23
Aloeswood 10 (A gar bcu pa) NEW 10/23
Aloeswood 11 (A gar bcu gcig) NEW 1/24
Aloeswood 15 (A gar bcu lnga)
Aloeswood 17 (A gar bcu bdun) NEW 9/23
Aloeswood 18 (A gar bcu bdun) NEW 4/24
Aloeswood 20 (A gar nyi shu) NEW 10/23
Aloeswood 31 (A gar so gcig)
Aloeswood 35 (A gar so lnga)
Aloeswood Clear the Heart 8 Powder (Mongolian)
Aloeswood Clear Wind 8 (Rlung gi a gar brgyad pa) NEW 10/23
Amomum 4 (Ko la bzhi thang)
Amomum 19 (Ko la bcu dgu)
Antelope Horn 14 (Rgya ru bcu bzhi) NEW 9/23
Antidotal 18 (Gnyen po bco brgyad) NEW 9/23
Asafetida 8 (Shing kun brgyad pa) NEW 10/23
Asafetida 25 (Shin kun nyer lnga)
Auscpicious Conqueror (Bkra shis rnam rgyal) NEW 9/23
Balancing Comforter (Bde byed snyoms)
Barberry 8 Powder (Skyer sun brgyad pa)
Betel Nut 7 (Go yu bdun pa)
Betel Nut 9 (Go yu dgu pa)
Betel Nut 28 (Go yu nyer brgyad) NEW 9/23
Betel Immense Pleasure Giver (Gu yu bde dpags)
Bezoar 9 (Gi Wan dgu pa)
Bezoar 13 (Gi Wan bcu gsum)
Bi Ma La
Bile Conqueror (Mkhris las rnam rgyal) NEW 9/23
Black Camphor 4 (Gar nag bzhi thang) NEW 9/23
Black Camphor 10 (Gar nag bcu pa)
Blood Breaking 8 (Khrag bshig brgyad pa) NEW 11/23
Blood Medicine 7 (Khrag sman bdun pa) NEW 9/23
Blood Medicine 11 (Khrag sman bcu gcig) NEW 11/23
Bright Red Decoction (Dmar chen thang) NEW 11/23
Calcite 6 (Cong zhi drug pa)
Calcite 9 (Cong zhi dgu pa). NEW 10/23
Calcite 21 (Cong zhi nyer gcig) NEW 10/23
Calcite 25 (Cong zhi nyer lnga). NEW 10/23
Calm the Shocked Mind 20 Pills (An Shen Zhen Jing Er Shi Pian) NEW 8/23
Camphor 14 (Ga bur bcu bzhi)
Camphor 25 (Ga bur nyer lnga)
Cantharide 37 (Byang chos so bdun) NEW 9/23
Caragana 6 Decoction (Mdzo mo drug thang) NEW 1/24
Caraway 5 Decoction (Go snyod lnga thang)
Caraway 8 (Go snyod brgyad pa) NEW 9/23
Cardamon 7 (Sug smel bdun pa)
Cardamon 10 (Sug smel bcu pa)
Cardamon 19 (Sug smel bcu dgu) NEW 1/24
Catechu 4 (Send ldeng bzhi thang)
Catechu 23 (Seng ldeng 23)
Catechu 25 (Seng ldeng nyer lnga)
Chebula 7 (A ru bdun pa) NEW 10/23
Chebula 10 (A Ru bcu pa)
Chebula 18 (A Ru bcu brgyad)
Chebula 18 for Urinary Incontinence (Gcin snyi a ru bcu brgyad)
Children’s Clear the Lungs 8 Pill
Cinnabar 3 (Chog la gsum sbyor) NEW 9/23
Clarifying Lloydia 15 (Gsal byed a wa bco lnga) NEW 1/24
Clear the Throat 6 Pill
Clear the Turbid 5 Pills (Mongolian)
Cloudless Moonbeam (Sprin bral zla ‘od) NEW 12/23
Clove 6 (Li shi drug pa)
Clove 11 Powder (Li si bcu gcig)
Clove 35 (Li shi so lnga). NEW 10/23
Codonopsis 18 (Klu bdud bcu brgyad)
Conqueror of Brown Phlegm (Smug po gyul rgyal). NEW 9/23
Cool Elixir 9 (Bsil bcud dgu pa) NEW 10/23
Cooling Formula of the Secret Oral Tradition (Man ngag bsil sbyor)
Copper 25 (Zangs thal nyer lnga) NEW 11/23
Coptis 5 Pill (Myang spras lnga pa)
Costus 6 Powder (Ru rta drug pa)
Costus 13 (Ru rta bcu gsum) NEW 10/23
Costus Garuda (Ru khyung)
Cowrie Ash 6 (‘Gron thal drug pa) NEW 9/23
Cowrie Ash 8 (‘Gron thal brgyad pa) NEW 9/23
Crystal Moon Nectar (Zla shel bdud rtsi ma)
Crystal Moon 37 (Zla shel so bdun)
Death Healing Nectar (Bdud rtsi chi gsos) NEW 9/23
Eleven Holders of Life (Srog dzin bcu gcig)
Eliminator of All Lung Imbalances (Khrugs glo bcu gsum) NEW 9/23
Eliminator of Inflamed Lungs (Glo tshad kun sel)
Eliminator of Undying Micro-organism (Chi med srin sel)
Embelia 7 (Byi tang bdun pa) NEW 9/23
Emblic 6 (Skyu ru duk pa)
Emblic 25 (Skyu ru nyer lnga)
Essence Pills (Bcud len ril bu) NEW 9/23
Flying Squirrel 3 (Bya sha gsum sbyor) NEW 2/23
Frankincense 10 (Spos dkar bcu pa)
Garuda 5 (Khyung lnga)
Garuda 8 (Khyung lnga mchu sder can)
Garuda 9 (Khyung lnga ni la)
Garuda of Camphor (Spos khyung bcu lnga)
Gentiana algida 15 (Spang rgyan bco lnga)
Goethite 25 (Mdung rtse nyer lnga) NEW 1/24
Golden 5 (Gser mdog lnga)
Golden 11 (Gser mdog bcu gcig)
Golden Pacific (Zhi gser)
Great Black Combination (Sman nag chen mo) NEW 9/23
Great Decoction 25 (Thang chen nyer lnga) NEW 9/23
Great Yellow Compound (Sman ser chen mo) 1/24
Greater Salt Combination (Tshwa sbyor chen mo) NEW 1/24
Greater Universal Women’s Disease Conqueror (Mo nad spyi ‘joms chen mo) 1/24
Gymnadenia 7 (Dbang lag skyin sgor) NEW 9/23
Gymnadenia 10 (Dbang lag bcu pa) NEW 9/23
Hero 7 (Dba bo bdun pa)
Illuminating Sun Disc (Mun sel nyi ma’i dkyil khor) NEW 11/23
Increase Awareness Pills (Blo ‘phel ril bu) NEW 9/23
Influenza Pills (Lo gyon ril bu) NEW 10/23
Inula 4 Decoction (Ma nu bzhi thang) NEW 1/24
Joyful 16 Pill (Dg’a ba bchu drug) NEW 9/23
King and Minister 3
Licorice 6 (Shing mngar drug pa) NEW 10/23
Life Holding Jewel (Srog ‘dzin nor bu) NEW 1/24
Lotus Stem White Pills (Ril dkar pad sdong) NEW 1/24
Lygodium 8 (Gser bye brgyad pa) NEW 9/23
Madder Pill (Man ngag gam phye dmar po)
Mandala of the Sun (Se bru nye dkyil)
Melodious Pill (Dbyangs chan ril bu) NEW 9/23
Mental Happiness (Sems kyi bde skyid)
Mercury Precious 18 Pill (Dngul chu rin chen bcho brgyad) NEW 11/23
Mild Medicine 7 (Bol man bdun pa) NEW 9/23
Minister 3 (Blon po gsum sbyor) NEW 9/23
Minister 9 (Blon po dgu sbyor) NEW 9/23
Mother of Pearl 13 (Nya phyis bcu gsum) NEW 10/23
Nectar 3 (Bdud rtsi gsum sbyor) NEW 12/23
Norbu 7 Decoction (Norbu bdun thang)
Notopterygium 29 Pills (Spru nag nyer dgu) NEW 12/23
Nutmeg 3 Decoction (Dza ti gsum thang) NEW 1/24
Nutmeg 5 (Dza ti lnga pa)
Nutmeg 14 (Dza ti bcu bzhi) NEW 9/23
Nux Vomica 13 (Ko byi bcu gsum)
Nux Vomica 15 (Ko byi bcu lnga) NEW 10/23
Onosma 7 (Rgwa glo’i sman dmar) NEW 9/23
Pacific 6 (Zhi byed drug pa)
Pacific 11 (Zhi byed bcu gcig)
Paraquilegia 6 (Mde’u ‘byin drug pa) NEW 1/24
Pearl 25 (Mu tig nyer lnga)
Phlomis 7 (Lug mur bdun pa) NEW 10/23
Pill for Throat Diseases (Skad gags a ru bdun pa)
Pills of Mother of Pearl
Pills of Three Tastes (Mongolian)
Podophyllum 25 (‘Ol se nyer lnga) NEW 10/23
Pomegranate 4 (Se ‘bru bzhi thang)
Pomegranate 5 (Se bru lnga pa)
Pomegranate 5 with Safflower (Se bru dang ne)
Pomegranate 8 (Se bru brgyad pa) NEW 10/23
Pomegranate 8 Petalled Lotus (Se ‘bru pad ma ‘dab brgyad) NEW 1/24
Pomegranate 9 Decoction (Se bru dgu thang) NEW 10/23
Pomegranate All Inclusive Pill (Se ‘bru kun ‘dus) NEW 1/24
Pomegranate Water Transformer (Se bru chu bsgyur) NEW 10/23
Possessor of Ruby Color (Pad rag mdog ldan)
Precious Pill of 9 Ingredients (Rin chen dgu sbyor) NEW 11/23
Principle 8 (Gtso bo brgyad pa)
Principle 8 Turquoise Mane (Gtso brgyad gyu ral) NEW 1/24
Principle 25 (Gtso bo nyer lnga)
Przewalskia 11 (Thang phrom bcu gchig) . NEW 9/23
Raisin 7 (Rgum brum bdun pa)
Red Pony (Rta zi dmar po) NEW 9/23
Restoring Powder 6 (Gso byed drug pa)
Rhinoceros Horn 25 (Bse ru nyer lnga) NEW 10/23
Rhodiola 4 Decoction (Sro lo bzhi thang)
Rhodiola Four Decoction (Sro lo bzhi thang)
Rhododendron 9 (Dwa li dgu pa) NEW 9/23
Rhododendron 18 (Dwa lis bco brgyad) NEW 9/23
Rhubarb Pacific (Zhi lcum)
Rhubarb 8 Ointment (Zab lag brgyad pa) NEW 1/24
Rolled Turquoise 13 (Gyu dri bcu gsum)
Safflower 7 (Gur gum bdun pa)
Safflower 8 (Gur gum brgyad pa) NEW 11/23
Safflower 13 (Gur gum bcu gsum)
Safflower Garuda (Gur khyung phyag rdor)
Safflower Supreme 7 (Gur gum mchog bdun) NEW 9/23
Saint’s White Pill (Grub ril) NEW 11/23
Sandalwood 8 (Tsan dan brgyad pa)
Sandalwood 18 (Tsan dan bco brgyad)
Sa ra’i Garuda (Sa ra’i bya khyung)
Sea Buckthorn 5 (Star bu lnga pa)
Sea Buckthorn 19 (Star bu bcu dgu) NEW 12/23
Settle the Lungs 8 (Glo man brgyad pa) NEW 9/23
Shilajit 5 (Brag zhun lnga pa) NEW 11/23
Shilajit 9 (Brag zun dgu pa)
Shilajit Garuda 13 (Brag khyung bcu gsum)
Six Excellent Medicines
Six White Formula (Dkar po drug sbyor) NEW 9/23
Subduer of All Blood Disorders (Khrag khrugs kun sel)
Supreme 25 (Bla med nyer lnga) NEW 10/23
Swertia 5 Decoction (Tig ta lnga thang) NEW 10/23
Swertia 8 (Tig ta brgyad pa) NEW 9/23
Swertia 25 (Tig ta nyer lnga) NEW 9/23
Tabasheer 7 (Cu gang bde byed) NEW 9/23
Tabasheer 9 (Cu gang dgu pa)
Tabasheer 25 (Cu gang nyer lnga)
The Melting Solar Disk (Ju byed nyi mai dkyil khor) NEW 11/23
Thlaspi 13 (Bre ga bcu gsum) NEW 1/24
Three Reds Decoction (Dmar po gsum thang) NEW 10/23
Tinospora 5 Decoction (Sle tres lnga thang)
Tribulus 3 Decoction (Gze ma gsum thang)
Toothache Powder 7 (So snum bdun pa) NEW 1/24
Tumeric Decoction 4 (Yung ba bzhi thang)
Tumor Destroying Lunar Pill (Skran ‘joms zla bsil) NEW 11/23
Undying Aloeswood 8 (Chi med a gar brgyad pa) NEW 9/23
Universal Clear the Senses Powder (Dbang po kun sel) NEW 1/24
Universal Conquering Vajra (Spyi joms rdo rje chan) NEW 9/23
Vajra Conqueror (Rdo rje rab ‘joms)
Vajra Conquering Heart Wind 17 (Srog rlung ‘joms pa’i rdo rje bcu bdun) NEW 9/23
Vajra’s Nectar (Gsang bdag dar ya kan) NEW 11/23
Varahi’s Combination (Phag mo grub sbyor) NEW 12/23
Warm the Palace 7 Pill
White Channel Ointment NEW 10/23
Wish-fulfilling Jewel (Bsam phel nor bu)
Wish-fulfilling Garuda (Bsam khyung)
Withania 3 Decoction (Ba spru gsum thang) NEW 10/23
Women’s Universal Decoction (Mo nad spyi thang) NEW 11/23
Yak Blood 8 (‘Brong rtse ar brgyad) NEW 11/23
Zha Chong 13 Pill (Mongolian)
Rin Chen, The Jewel Pills
Tibetan Jewel Pills
Great Cold Compound Precious Black Pill (Rin chen ril nag chen mo) NEW 11/23
Great Precious Hot Compound (Rin chen tsha sbyor chen mo) NEW 3/24
Great Precious Iron Pill (Rin chen lchags ril cheng mo) NEW 11/23
Great Precious Purified Moon Crystal Pill (Rin chen tso bkru zla shel) NEW 11/23
Precious and Great Multi-Jewel Compound Pill (Rin chen mang sbyor chen mo) NEW 11/23
Precious Wish Fulfilling Jewel (Rin chen ratna bsam ‘phel) NEW 11/23
Red Coral 25 (Rin chen byur dmar nyer lnga) NEW 11/23
Turquoise 25 (Rin chen gyu rnying nyer lnga) NEW 11/23