Thuja, Arbor Vitae

Tree of Life, American Cedar, White Cedar
Picture Duhamel du Monceau, H.L., Traité des arbres et arbustes, Nouvelle édition, 1806

Picture Hamilton, E., Flora homoeopathica, 1853


1. A typical leafy twig.  2.
Small twig showing three
of the four rows of leaves.
3. Fruit attached to a young
twig.  4. Seed.
(Squibb’s Atlas of the Official
, Mansfield, 1919)

Botanical name:

Thuja occidentalis (syn. T. canadensis, T. compata, T. minor, Cupressus arborvitae, Juniperus ericoides, Retinispora dubia, R. glaucescens, R. sibirica)

Parts used:

Dried leafy twigs

Temperature & Taste:

Neutral, dry. Pungent
Thuja has both warming and cooling effects.  


1. Clears Wind-Damp:
-Catarrh, Catarrhal hearing loss
-chronic skin diseases, Eczema, Psoriasis
-Arthritis, Rheumatism

2. Clears Wind-Cold, Resists Poison:
-Cold, Flu
-acute Coughs, Bronchitis
-Intermittent Fever; Malaria (Decoction)
-regarded as useful for the salivation occurring from use of Mercury

3. Moves the Blood, Resolve Masses:
-enlarged Lymph glands, Lymphatic congestion, Scrofula
-Blood stagnation; Bruising
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea; Uterine growths
-the volatile oil has been used to induce abortion
-Tumors, Cancers

4. Stops Leakage:
-Edema, Enuresis, bed-wetting, dribbling urine in the aged
-Nocturnal Emissions

5. Externally:
-Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscle and Joint Pain
-Fungal infections, paint with the tincture or make a strong decoction as a wash
-Eczema (ointment or wash)
-Ulcers of the Throat, including that from Syphilis or Diphtheria
-acute Gonorrhea as an injection into the urethra
-Warts, paint with Thuja tincture several times daily
-Epithelioma, such as of the face or lips; Cancer of the face or mouth-‘Rodent’ or ‘Running’ Ulcers (skin cancers), tincture applied topically
-Conjunctivitis, Ophthalmia, Trachoma (ointment topically)
-Chronic Fissures, such as those of the lip, applied topically
-Pruritus of the Anus or Vulva-Lupus, tincture applied topically


1. Smaller doses more frequently are preferable to single large doses.
2. It should not be used for more than 1–2 weeks without a break in treatment.
POWDER: 500mg–2 grams
DECOCTION (1:10): given in doses of 2–6 fluid drams (7–20mls)
TINCTURE of the Leaf (1:5 in 40% alcohol): 3–10 drops; 15 drops up to 2 or 3 times daily in Cancer and Syphilis etc.; or 5 drops every 2 hours. Alternatively, 1 dram can be added to 4 oz. water, and this can be taken in teaspoonful doses every 3 or 4 hours, or 3 times daily. Topically, the Tincture can be used in a strength of 25–50%.
FLUID EXTRACT (1:1): 1–2mls. (15–30 drops); 2–3 drop doses taken regularly are preferable to single large doses in the treatment of Prostatitis.
OIL OF THUJA: 1–3 drops on sugar internally for Worms. This should not generally be used today, however if it was, it is only suitable for several days treatment, or once per week for several weeks.
Various preparations are used topically including washes, douches, enemas, gargle of the decoction, tincture or essential oil.

Main Combinations:

1. Acute Wind-Cold Cough, Bronchitis, Thuja with Thyme
2. Cold, Influenza, Thuja, Echinacea, Baptisia tinctoria
3. Malarial Fever, Thuja with Echinacea
4. Sinusitis:
i. Thuja with Myrica
ii. with infection, or for Catarrhal Hearing Loss, Thuja with Golden Seal
5. Bronchitis, Thuja with Thyme, Licorice
6. Recurring Infections, Thuja with Echinacea
7. Chronic Skin diseases:
i. Thuja with Fumitory
ii. Thuja with Sarsaparilla
iii. Thuja with Dandelion, Burdock root
8. Gout, Thuja with Burdock root
9. Arthritis with Psoriasis, Thuja with Sarsaparilla
10. Syphilitic Psoriasis:
i. Thuja with Iris versicolor
ii. Thuja with Sarsaparilla, Fumitory
11. Prostatitis:
i. with Infection, Thuja with Bearberry
ii. Thuja with Poke root, Saw Palmetto, Damiana
iii. Thuja with Nettle root
12. Habitual bed-wetting:
i. Thuja with Agrimony
ii. Thuja with Belladonna
13. Gonorrhea, Thuja with Golden Seal as an urethral injection
14. Lymphatic congestion, Rheumatism, Prostatitis:
i. Thuja with Figwort
ii. Thuja with Poke root
15. Proctitis, Thuja and Golden Seal as an enema
16. Acne, Boil, Carbuncles, Bed Sores etc:
i. Thuja with Echinacea, topically
ii. Thuja with Golden Seal, topically
17. Cancer:
i. adjunct to Cancer therapy, Thuja with Violet
ii. Thuja with Calendula, Nettle, Yarrow, Violet
iii. Thuja with Dodder, Agrimony, Black Nightshade
iv. Topically to skin cancers, Thuja with Black Nightshade, applied as a tincture
18. Topical for Fungal infections, Thuja with Calendula as a tincture
19. Snake or Insect Bites, Thuja with Echinacea, topically applied

Major Formulas:


1. Not used in Pregnancy or Breastfeeding.
2. Thuja contains thjuone so should not be used in large doses or for extended periods.


Doses of 20 drops of the essential oil per day have resulted in seizures.

Main Preparations used:

Tincture, Fluid Extract, Essential Oil