The Grand Hours of Anne of Brittany
Grandes Heures Anne de Bretagne
Bourdichon, J., 1503
Commissioned by Anne of Brittany, Queen of France
This exquisite text shows some of the most beautiful herbal illustrations of any Herbal. A Book of Hours, it was commissioned by the Queen of France, Anne of Brittany, and was undertaken by Jean Bourdichon over several years from around 1503. It contains 476 pages with 49 full-page Renaissance-style miniatures, 12 illustrated calendar pages, and 337 pages with illuminated borders showing flowers and other plants.
A selection of the herbal illustrations are shown below.
Columbine |
Barberry |
Borage |
Camomile |
Chicory |
Celandine |
Cowslip |
Daisy |
Figwort |
Foxglove |
Hawthorn |
Heartsease |
Herb Robert |
Iris |
Lavender |
Pennyroyal |
Periwinkle |
Peach |
Above: Plantain, showing how the illustrations appear on page with text.
To view the entire text, please visit the wonderful website