Thapsia, Scorching Fennel

Deadly Carrot
Picture Picture
Picture Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578

Picture Picture
3 varieties of Thapsia (Eicones plantarum, Jacobus Theodorus, 1590)

Picture T. garganica
(Illustration by Ferdinand Bauer, 1787) (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Thapsia spp.
It appears several species have been used:
  1. T. garganica
  2. T. villosa (‘Deadly Carrot’ or ‘Scorching Fennel’)
  3. T. ascelpium (‘Narrow-leaved Carrot’)
Varieties listed in Parkinson’s Herbal include, True Thapsia, Spanish Broad-leaved Thapsia, Greater Spanish Thapsia, Carrot-leaved Thapsia, Stinking Thapsia

Parts used:

1. Root-bark, prepared with Vinegar
2. Evaporated juice (Juice is extracted by cutting the root and collecting once dry, as for other Ferula.)
3. Dehydrated juice of the whole plant (A lesser type is collected by beating the whole herb including leaves and stalks, extracting the juice and evaporating. This was often dried into small bricks.)
4. Seeds are also sometimes used.

Temperature & Taste:

Hot, dry. Pungent, burning. Poison


1. Clears Cold Phlegm:
-Cough with thick Phlegm

2. Settles Wind, Clears Damp:
-Wind-Phlegm nervous conditions including Epilepsy and Vertigo
-Wind-Damp muscle and joint pain, Rheumatism
-obstinate skin diseases including Leprosy

3. Opens Obstructions, Moves the Blood:
-chronic pain of the sides
-as an aid in Blood Stagnation
-Tumors and Cancers

4. Emetic:
-full doses are an irritant emetic but should not be used for this purpose

5. Externally:
-juice or fresh root rubbed topically cause hair to grow (Dioscorides)
-topically to resolve bruising, black eyes etc.
-juice removes Freckles
-applied to Tumors and Leprosy
-applied to chronic Joint pain
-roasted root applied to the hip was considered a specific for Sciatica by some physicians
-resin is used as a vesicant or irritant for Neuralgia and Rheumatic complaints
-in ointments for swelling and tumors of the Breast (Parkinson)


1. Begin with lesser dose.
2. Root should be prepared from internal use and is gentler than the dehydrated juice.
Powdered Root-Bark: 100–300mg
Dehydrated Juice: 50–200mg
Infusion of the Prepared Root: 2 drams in 6 oz. water with a pugil (three-finger pinch) of Thyme.
Dioscorides said the maximum dose should be 500mg


1. Dill seed (Dioscorides)


1. Asafetida can replace Thapsia as a less irritant version
2. Euphorbium
3. Ferula communis has been substituted
4. To purge Phlegm, Turbith can substitute


The root is best infused in Vinegar for 24 hours, then dried. This lessens its irritant qualities while enhancing its Phlegm-clearing effect.

Main Combinations:

1. To purge Phlegm:
i. Thapsia root-bark (2 gram), Dill seed (9 grams) (Dioscorides)
ii. Thapsia, Ginger, Costus, Long pepper, Asafetida (as in Anacardium)
2. Wind-Phlegm conditions of the Brain and Nerves:
i. Aloe, Turbith, Thapsia, Gum Ammoniac, Bdellium, Agaric, Chebula, Cinnamon, Cardamon, Indian Spikenard (as in Foetid Pills of Galen)
ii. Aloe, Colocynth, Turbith, Opopanax, Sagapen, Gum Ammoniac, Bdellium, Agaric, Long and Black pepper, Ginger, Triphala (as in Pills of Opopanax)
3. Asthma or Short-windedness, Thapsia bark (2 scruple), of the dried Juice (½ scruple), mix and take with Mead or Hydromel. (Parkinson)
4. As an emetic: Thapsia root-bark (4 oz.), Asarabacca (2 oz.), Carthamus seed (1 oz.), Cinnamon (½ oz.) Bruise, then infuse in Wind Vinegar (4 pounds). Infuse in a sealed vessel for 1 month. It was distilled but could be used as an acid tincture. Regarded as purging Hot and Cold humors by vomit. Dose: 2–3 ounces, taken with Syrup of Vinegar for delicate bodies. (Thesaurus & armamentarium medico-chymicum, Mynsicht, 1682)
5. Bruising:
i. Thapsia, Hyssop, Cassia (equal parts) made into an ointment with Turpentine and Wax (Paulus)
ii. Thapsia root powder, Frankincense, Wax (equal parts), form an ointment (Dioscorides)
6. Oil of Rheumatism, Thapsia root, Rosemary, Red Wind (1 part each), Olive Oil (4 pounds). Digest 4 days, boil until the humidity has evaporated and strain. (Pharmacopoeia Universalis)
7. Leprosy, Thapsia juice mixed with Honey and applied (Dioscorides)
8. Tumors, Thapsia juice mixed with Sulphur and applied (Dioscorides)

Major Formulas:

Blanca (Nicholas)
Foetid Pills Major of Galen
Pills of Opopanax


1. Hot and irritant. Avoid overdose.
2. Not used in the young, old, weak or pregnant.
3. Not used in Yin deficiency or Qi deficiency.

Main Preparations used:

Dehydrated Juice, Resin

1. Resin
‘The resin is obtained by extracting the dry root with alcohol, distilling the tincture, and washing the residue with water’. (King’s)
  • Extra Info
  • Research
1. ‘Death carrot’ could hold the key to new cancer drugs (New Scientist)