First written March 20th 2020
This article will be updated as new information becomes available.
The following has been collected from several Chinese sources including the recently published:
The first of these is written specifically for those with suspected mild infection of COVID-19 during home quarantine.
It must be remembered this information comes from Traditional Medical theory, and hasn’t been studied under vigorous scientific protocol. It has, however, been applied widely in China and has been approved by the Chinese Ministry of Health.
Some preventative measures may have slight effect. However, the application of all the recommendations together can have a combined effect of greatly reducing chance of infection.
When most of those infected are expected to have mild symptoms, and some appear to spontaneously recover without symptoms, the use of the following general guidelines can together have the effect of lowering transmission, lowering number of hospitalized infections and help in the treatment of mild to moderate cases.
It must be remembered that the biggest factor affecting mortality is an overwhelmed healthcare system at the peak of the crisis. Therefore, all measures which lessen that burden are valuable and should be promoted. It is for this reason that the Chinese experience using Chinese Medicine in the treatment of COVID-19 should be readily applied in other countries during the Pandemic.
The formulas are those which have been used clinically in China in the treatment of many cases, including severe cases, TCM along with oxygen and other western medical intervention has helped a higher percentage of people recover from critical condition when compared to those treated only by modern medicine.
General Preventative measures for People at Home:
Maintaining ‘Qi’
Huang Di’s Internal Classic (Huang Di Nei Jing) says:
“as long as the vital Qi exists, the pathogenic factors will not invade.”
Maintaining and strengthening Qi increases Immunity as is amply demonstrated by the fact that basically all traditional ‘Qi’ tonics have shown to increase Immunity.
Strengthening Qi depends on good digestion, quality food, moderate exercise and a calm disposition.
Foods recommended in the Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19 include Eggs, Meat, Soy bean, Asparagus, Radish, Chinese Yam, Dandelion, Coix seed, Lotus seed etc.
Of course, the use of Qi tonic medicines such as the following can be beneficial:
Fumigation and Steaming of the Home
The use of steams and fumigation during epidemics has been practiced for a long time. Traditionally viewed as ‘Foul’ or ‘Pestilential’ Air, it can now be seen as air or environment contaminated with pathogenic bacteria or virus during an epidemic.
The use of strong-smelling and aromatic medicines has been long used to cleanse infected air. This may be achieved one of various ways:
Vaporous Fumigation can be achieved by boiling herbs in water and allowing the steam to fumigate a room. Various strong-smelling herbs with essential oils have been used including Rosemary, Mint, Rue, Sage, Garlic, Eucalyptus, Camphor etc.
A TCM Fumigation recipe recommended during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
This can be re-created today in an oil burner. Various essential oils have shown anti-bacterial or anti-viral effects. They also help keep lungs active and cleanse them when inhaled.
Steaming with Vinegar, with or without the additions of herbs has also been used to disinfect sick rooms in the past during Epidemics although this has been stated by Chinese researchers to be ineffective against COVID-19 virus.
Smoke fumigation is the burning of herbs or resins to cleanse an infected space. The smoke may act as a disinfectant, but it is also possible that particles in the smoke may bind to small air-born particles containing air born virus. Burning with Sage (‘Smudge sticks’), various Conifers, Eucalyptus leaf, Rue, Myrrh, Frankincense and various other aromatic herbs has been used for this purpose.
Hanging or wearing bags or sachets of herbs has also been long recommended during Epidemics. This has been long used in the East and West, so it was interesting to see a herb bag listed in the Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19:
Herbal Prescriptions for Prevention of COVID-19
1. Jade Screen Powder
Jade Screen Powder is composed of 3 herbs:
This basic prescription has been long used to increase immunity during Cold and Flu season in the weak, but is also good for general immunity during Epidemics. It is the type of formula which can be readily obtained in pill form that can be a suitable preventative medicine to stimulate immunity to lower chance of infection.
2. Prescription to Prevent Infection from the Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19.
Add to 1 liter of water. Soak for 10 minutes, then bring to the boil and simmer to 600 mls. Take 150mls twice daily, the above being sufficient for 2 days use.
Herbal Prescriptions for Treating the Infected
Classification of COVID-19 Infection
Mild symptoms, no pneumonia manifestations on imaging
Fever, respiratory tract symtoms, pneumonia manifestations seen on imaging
Adults who fit any of the following criteria:
–respiratory rate of 30 or more breaths per minute
–oxygen saturation of 93% or less at rest
–arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/oxygen concentration (FiO2) 300 mmHg or less.
–greater than 50% lesion progress within 24–48 hours on imaging
Any of the following criteria:
–requires artificial respiration
–other organ failure requiring ICU monitoring and treatment
TCM Classification of COVID-19
From a TCM viewpoint, COVID-19 is a type of Epidemic Toxin and is primarily caused by Damp, Toxin and Obstruction.
As can be seen below, a number of variations in syndrome presentation have been differentiated.
Four Stages of Treatment in TCM Theory:
1. Mild Infection/Early Stage:
A. Wind-Heat Toxin with Dampness
B. Damp-Heat Invading the Lungs
C. ‘Wet Lung’ (Lung obstructed by Damp)
D. External Cold, Internal Heat
2. Middle Stage
A. Damp-Heat Obstructing Shao-Yang
B. Damp-Heat Obstructing the Lungs
C. Cold-Damp Obstructing Lungs
D. Damp Poison Obstructing the Lungs
E. Lung Heat and Dryness
F. Damp Stagnation
A. Epidemic Toxin Obstructing Lungs
B. Strong Heat in the Qi and Ying Level
3. Critical Stage:
Obstruction by Heat and Toxin
4. Recovery Stage:
A. Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
B. Qi and Yin Deficiency
Based on Chinese experience, some of the most commonly used herbs include:
It is worth noting that Isatis root (Ban Lan Gen), widely used in China for Epidemic Toxins such as Influenza, has been found ineffective against COVID-19.
1. Formula for use during Observation Period
These formulas are used in suspected cases, especially while waiting for clinical confirmation.
A. Fatigue and Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
B. Fatigue with Fever:
2. Formula for Mild Infection/ Early Stage
A. Wind-Heat Toxin with Dampness:
Mild fever, aversion to Wind, Headache, Cough, Thirst, white tongue coat and a rapid, floating (superficial) pulse, Chen Bing Po’s Decoction with Modification can be used:
B. Damp-Heat invading the Lungs
With slight dry Cough, low or no fever, fatigue, muscle ache, headache, poor appetite, red tongue, white or yellow greasy tongue coat, soft or slippery pulse, San Ren Decoction with Modification can be used:
Low fever or normal body temperature, slight chills, head and body heaviness, sore muscles, dry cough with little sputum, sore throat, dry mouth and no desire to drink, or chest tightness, epigastric fullness, no sweat or slight sweating, or vomiting, nausea, loose stool or constipation. Pale or red tongue with white, thick, greasy or thin yellow fur, and smooth or slippery pulse.
C. Wet Lung
For ‘Wet Lung’ with Cough and expectoration, body aches, with or without low Fever
D. External Cold with Interior Heat
External Cold, Internal Heat with body aches, cough, red tongue with yellow coat and a rapid pulse:
3. Middle Stage
A. Damp-Heat Obstructing Shao-Yang
In cases with alternating Fever and Chills, muscle aches, dry mouth with bitter taste, yellow and greasy tongue coating, Hao Qin Qing Dan Decoction with modification can be used:
Modifications for the above Formula:
Another formula for Fever and Chills, muscle aches, cough, red tongue with yellow coat:
B. Damp-Heat Obstructing the Lungs
Symptoms of Dry Cough with sputum, Asthma, Wheezing, Red tongue with Yellow coat, Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang with Xiao Xian Xiong Tang is used:
C. Cold-Damp Obstructing Lungs
Low or no fever, dry cough with little sputum, fatigue, chest tightness, nausea or vomiting with loose stools. Pale or red tongue with a white greasy tongue coat and a soft, floating pulse.
D. Damp Poison Obstructing the Lungs
Fever, cough with little or yellow sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath, abdominal distension. Dark red and swollen tongue with yellow greasy coat or dry coating, with a rapid and/or slippery pulse.
E. Lung Heat and Dryness
In advanced stages of Infection, there is dry mouth and throat, dry cough, no sputum and a lack of tongue coating, Sang Xing Tang is used:
F. Damp Stagnation
For Mild abdominal distension, poor appetite, mild greasy tongue coating, Xue’s Wuye Lugen Tang can be taken.
A. Epidemic Toxin Obstructing Lungs
Fever, flushing, cough with little yellow, sticky sputum with or without blood, wheezing, shortness of breath, fatigue, bitter taste with sticky dry mouth, nausea, poor appetite, constipation, little brown urine. Red tongue with yellow greasy coat, slippery pulse.
B. Strong Heat in the Qi and Ying Level
In addition, in severe cases various injectable Chinese medicines, often in combination with decoctions and Western Medicine.
4. Critical Stage
In the Critical stage, artificial respiration and western medicine intervention is required.
Internal Obstruction with Exterior Desertion
Difficult or labored Breathing, Asthma requiring artificial respiration, dizziness, irritability, cold sweats, purple tongue, thick tongue coat or dry tongue, and a large, floating and rootless pulse.
5. Recovery Stage
In the Recovery Stage, tonics are used to improve strength.
A. Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency:
Shortness of breath, Fatigue, poor appetite, distention and fullness, constipation or loose stool, pale tongue with a white greasy tongue coat and a thin or weak pulse.
B. Qi and Yin Deficiency
Fatigue, short of breath, dry mouth with thirst, excess sweating, poor appetite, low fever or abscence of fever, dry cough, dry tongue with a thin or weak pulse.
Special Formula
Clear the Lung and Eliminate Toxin Decoction (Qing Fei Pai Du Tang)
This can be effectively used for Mild, Moderate and Severe cases, and can also be applied in Critical stage.
A primary formula which has been used is called Clear the Lung and Eliminate Toxin Decoction and was listed in the 7th Edition of the official document related to the COVID-19 virus by the Government of China. Out of a number of formulas studied and trialled, this was found to be most effective. It has now been marketed as ‘Formula One’ in Guandong and ‘TCM Antiviral’ in Shanghai.
In clinical trials, 701 cases were treated by Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, Of these 130 cases were cured, symptoms were resolved in 51 cases, 268 cases had an improvement of symptoms, while 212 cases remained stable with no worsening of symptoms. The effective rate being over 90 %.
It was sent to me directly from Professor Huang from the Chengdu TCM University on March 4th:
Boil in 1 liter of water down to half, take 2 cups per day. Note that lesser dose of Gypsum (Shi Gao) is applied with low or no Fever, while full dose (30 grams) is used in cases with Fever. Rice Soup (Congee) should be taken after the tea if possible.
This formula is based on TCM principles and is composed of 4 classical TCM formulas:
1. Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
2. She Gan Ma Huang Tang
3. Xiao Chai Hu Tang
4. Wu Ling San
This formula clears the Exterior Wind-Cold, clears Interior Heat and Toxin, resolves Phlegm and Fluids and relieves Cough and Wheezing.
Other formulas which showed some degree of efficacy include Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang, She Gan Ma Huang Tang and the Qing Fei Tou Xie Fu Zheng Tang.
TCM Patent Medicines
The following TCM patent medicines have been advocated too:
Acupuncture & Moxabustion
Useful Acupoints mentioned in Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19.
Points upon which Moxa can be burned:
The COVID-19 Pandemic has already caused chaos around the globe, yet is still in its early stages. The large amount of clinical experience gathered in China in the first 3 months of 2020 is now helping other countries cope with the rapidly rising number of infections. TCM has been working hand-in-hand with modern western medicine to manage severe and critical cases and has been found more effective when combined with modern medicine than the use of modern medicine alone.
It is my wish that the sharing of this knowledge will help TCM and Herbal practitioners to help in the treatment of this global health crisis.
Adam Tate
March 20, 2020
(Updated March 25th)
Other COVID-19 related posts
–Massive doses of Vitamin C used in New York Hospitals with good effect
–TCM Plays Big Role in Treating COVID-19
You May also be interested in:
Introduction to the Shang Han Lun
Chinese Medicine in 17th Century European Texts
Pectoral Decoction – A Wonderful Lung Medicine
Myrobalans and the Triphala Formulas
15 Powders to Warm the Stomach
115 Herbs Common to Western Traditional Medicine and TCM
Illustration Credit:
COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS particle Computer Generated by Felipeesquivel20 (Wikimedia)
This article will be updated as new information becomes available.
The following has been collected from several Chinese sources including the recently published:
- Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19
- Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment, The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine.
- Guidance for Corona Virus Disease 2019–Prevention, Control, Diagnosis and Management. Compiled and Translated by Chinese Preventative Medicine Association
The first of these is written specifically for those with suspected mild infection of COVID-19 during home quarantine.
It must be remembered this information comes from Traditional Medical theory, and hasn’t been studied under vigorous scientific protocol. It has, however, been applied widely in China and has been approved by the Chinese Ministry of Health.
Some preventative measures may have slight effect. However, the application of all the recommendations together can have a combined effect of greatly reducing chance of infection.
When most of those infected are expected to have mild symptoms, and some appear to spontaneously recover without symptoms, the use of the following general guidelines can together have the effect of lowering transmission, lowering number of hospitalized infections and help in the treatment of mild to moderate cases.
It must be remembered that the biggest factor affecting mortality is an overwhelmed healthcare system at the peak of the crisis. Therefore, all measures which lessen that burden are valuable and should be promoted. It is for this reason that the Chinese experience using Chinese Medicine in the treatment of COVID-19 should be readily applied in other countries during the Pandemic.
The formulas are those which have been used clinically in China in the treatment of many cases, including severe cases, TCM along with oxygen and other western medical intervention has helped a higher percentage of people recover from critical condition when compared to those treated only by modern medicine.
General Preventative measures for People at Home:
- Ventilate the House, opening doors and windows.
- Wash hands very well with soap and water after coughing, sneezing, after being near other people, after bathroom, after being in public places, before eating etc.
- Avoid close contact with other people; stay at least 5 feet away.
- Avoid close contact with anyone coughing, displaying cold or flu symptoms.
- Cover nose and mouth with tissue or elbow when coughing and sneezing.
- If you have fever, fatigue, dry cough, seek medical advice.
Maintaining ‘Qi’
Huang Di’s Internal Classic (Huang Di Nei Jing) says:
“as long as the vital Qi exists, the pathogenic factors will not invade.”
Maintaining and strengthening Qi increases Immunity as is amply demonstrated by the fact that basically all traditional ‘Qi’ tonics have shown to increase Immunity.
Strengthening Qi depends on good digestion, quality food, moderate exercise and a calm disposition.
Foods recommended in the Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19 include Eggs, Meat, Soy bean, Asparagus, Radish, Chinese Yam, Dandelion, Coix seed, Lotus seed etc.
Of course, the use of Qi tonic medicines such as the following can be beneficial:
- Astragalus Huang Qi
- Ginseng
- Withania
- Atractylodes Bai Zhu
- Licorice etc.
Fumigation and Steaming of the Home
The use of steams and fumigation during epidemics has been practiced for a long time. Traditionally viewed as ‘Foul’ or ‘Pestilential’ Air, it can now be seen as air or environment contaminated with pathogenic bacteria or virus during an epidemic.
The use of strong-smelling and aromatic medicines has been long used to cleanse infected air. This may be achieved one of various ways:
- Vaporous (Steam) Fumigation
- Smoke Fumigation
- Bags or Sachets
Vaporous Fumigation can be achieved by boiling herbs in water and allowing the steam to fumigate a room. Various strong-smelling herbs with essential oils have been used including Rosemary, Mint, Rue, Sage, Garlic, Eucalyptus, Camphor etc.
A TCM Fumigation recipe recommended during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
- Mugwort (Ai Ye) 10 grams
- Calamus (Shi Chang Pu) 10 grams
- Cyrtomii (Guan Zhong) 10 grams
- Honeysuckle flower (Jin Yin Hua) 15 grams
This can be re-created today in an oil burner. Various essential oils have shown anti-bacterial or anti-viral effects. They also help keep lungs active and cleanse them when inhaled.
Steaming with Vinegar, with or without the additions of herbs has also been used to disinfect sick rooms in the past during Epidemics although this has been stated by Chinese researchers to be ineffective against COVID-19 virus.
Smoke fumigation is the burning of herbs or resins to cleanse an infected space. The smoke may act as a disinfectant, but it is also possible that particles in the smoke may bind to small air-born particles containing air born virus. Burning with Sage (‘Smudge sticks’), various Conifers, Eucalyptus leaf, Rue, Myrrh, Frankincense and various other aromatic herbs has been used for this purpose.
Hanging or wearing bags or sachets of herbs has also been long recommended during Epidemics. This has been long used in the East and West, so it was interesting to see a herb bag listed in the Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19:
- Mugwort (Ai ye)
- Calamus (Shi Chang Pu)
- Eupatorium (Pei Lan)
Herbal Prescriptions for Prevention of COVID-19
1. Jade Screen Powder
Jade Screen Powder is composed of 3 herbs:
- Astragalus Huang Qi
- Atractylodes Bai Zhu
- Saposhnikovia Fang Feng.
This basic prescription has been long used to increase immunity during Cold and Flu season in the weak, but is also good for general immunity during Epidemics. It is the type of formula which can be readily obtained in pill form that can be a suitable preventative medicine to stimulate immunity to lower chance of infection.
2. Prescription to Prevent Infection from the Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19.
- Saposhnikovia Fang Feng 15 grams
- Astragalus Huang Qi 20 grams
- Wild Buckwheat (Jin Qiao Mai) 15 grams
- Forsythia Lian Qiao 5 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 15 grams
- Agastache (Huo Xiang) 15 grams
- Licorice root (Gan Cao) 6 grams
Add to 1 liter of water. Soak for 10 minutes, then bring to the boil and simmer to 600 mls. Take 150mls twice daily, the above being sufficient for 2 days use.
Herbal Prescriptions for Treating the Infected
Classification of COVID-19 Infection
Mild symptoms, no pneumonia manifestations on imaging
Fever, respiratory tract symtoms, pneumonia manifestations seen on imaging
Adults who fit any of the following criteria:
–respiratory rate of 30 or more breaths per minute
–oxygen saturation of 93% or less at rest
–arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/oxygen concentration (FiO2) 300 mmHg or less.
–greater than 50% lesion progress within 24–48 hours on imaging
Any of the following criteria:
–requires artificial respiration
–other organ failure requiring ICU monitoring and treatment
TCM Classification of COVID-19
From a TCM viewpoint, COVID-19 is a type of Epidemic Toxin and is primarily caused by Damp, Toxin and Obstruction.
As can be seen below, a number of variations in syndrome presentation have been differentiated.
Four Stages of Treatment in TCM Theory:
1. Mild Infection/Early Stage:
A. Wind-Heat Toxin with Dampness
B. Damp-Heat Invading the Lungs
C. ‘Wet Lung’ (Lung obstructed by Damp)
D. External Cold, Internal Heat
2. Middle Stage
A. Damp-Heat Obstructing Shao-Yang
B. Damp-Heat Obstructing the Lungs
C. Cold-Damp Obstructing Lungs
D. Damp Poison Obstructing the Lungs
E. Lung Heat and Dryness
F. Damp Stagnation
A. Epidemic Toxin Obstructing Lungs
B. Strong Heat in the Qi and Ying Level
3. Critical Stage:
Obstruction by Heat and Toxin
4. Recovery Stage:
A. Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency
B. Qi and Yin Deficiency
Based on Chinese experience, some of the most commonly used herbs include:
- Reed rhizome (Lu Gen)
- Ephedra Ma Huang
- Atractylodes Bai Zhu
- Atractylodes Cang Zhu
- Honeysuckle flower Jin Yin Hua
- Agastache Huo Xiang
- Forsythia Lian Qiao
- Aged Tangerine peel (Chen Pi)
- Mulberry leaf (Sang Ye)
- Astragalus Huang Qi
- Eupatorium Pei Lan
- Gypsum Shi Gao
- Saposhnikovia Fang Feng etc.
It is worth noting that Isatis root (Ban Lan Gen), widely used in China for Epidemic Toxins such as Influenza, has been found ineffective against COVID-19.
1. Formula for use during Observation Period
These formulas are used in suspected cases, especially while waiting for clinical confirmation.
A. Fatigue and Gastrointestinal Symptoms:
- Huo Xiang Zhen Qi Capsule/Pill/Liquid
B. Fatigue with Fever:
- Jin Hua Qing Gan Granules
- Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsules/Granules
- Shu Feng Jie Du Capsules/Granules
2. Formula for Mild Infection/ Early Stage
A. Wind-Heat Toxin with Dampness:
Mild fever, aversion to Wind, Headache, Cough, Thirst, white tongue coat and a rapid, floating (superficial) pulse, Chen Bing Po’s Decoction with Modification can be used:
- Wild Buckwheat 15 grams
- Peucedanum (Qian Hu) 15 grams
- Almond (Xing Ren) 15 grams
- Honeysuckle flower (Jin Yin Hua) 15 grams
- Platycodon Jie Geng 10 grams
- Mulberry leaf (Sang Ye) 15 grams
- Mint (Bo He) 15 grams
- Agastache Huo Xiang 15 grams
- Atractylodes Cang Zhu 10 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
B. Damp-Heat invading the Lungs
With slight dry Cough, low or no fever, fatigue, muscle ache, headache, poor appetite, red tongue, white or yellow greasy tongue coat, soft or slippery pulse, San Ren Decoction with Modification can be used:
- Agastache Huo Xiang 15 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 10 grams
- Mint (Bo He) 15 grams
- Almond (Xing Ren) 15 grams
- Coix seed (Yi Yi Ren) 15 grams
- Round Cardamon (Bai Dou Kou) 10 grams
- Reed rhizome (Lu Gen) 20 grams
- Bamboo leaf (Zhu Ye) 15 grams
- Burdock Seed (Niu Bang Zi) 15 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
Low fever or normal body temperature, slight chills, head and body heaviness, sore muscles, dry cough with little sputum, sore throat, dry mouth and no desire to drink, or chest tightness, epigastric fullness, no sweat or slight sweating, or vomiting, nausea, loose stool or constipation. Pale or red tongue with white, thick, greasy or thin yellow fur, and smooth or slippery pulse.
- Areca Bing Lang 10 grams
- Tsaoko Cao Guo 10 grams
- Magnolia Hou Po 10 grams
- Anemarrhena Zhi Mu 10 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 10 grams
- Bupleurum Chai Hu 10 grams
- Paeonia Rubra Chi Shao Yao 10 grams
- Forsythia Lian Qiao 15 grams
- Artemisia Annua Qing Hao 10 grams (added towards the end)
- Atractylodes Cang Zhu 10 grams
- Isatidis Da Qing Ye 10 grams
- Raw Glycyrrhiza Gan Cao 5 grams
C. Wet Lung
For ‘Wet Lung’ with Cough and expectoration, body aches, with or without low Fever
- Processed Ephedra (Zhi Ma Huang) 6 grams
- Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) 10 grams
- Coix seed (Yi Yi Ren) 30 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 15 grams
- Agastache Huo Xiang 1o grams
- Reed rhizome (Lu Gen) 30 grams
- Cyrtomii (Guan Zhong) 15 grams
- Poria Fu Ling 20 grams
- Atractylodes Bai Zhu 12 grams
- Magnolia Hou Po 12 grams
D. External Cold with Interior Heat
External Cold, Internal Heat with body aches, cough, red tongue with yellow coat and a rapid pulse:
- Ephedra Ma Huang 9 grams
- Raw Gypsum (Shi Gao) 30 grams
- Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) 10 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 15 grams
- Trichosanthes peel (Gua Lou Pi) 20 grams
- Bitter Orange fruit (Zhi Ke) 15 grams
- Officinal Magnolia (Hou Po) 12 grams
- Tripterospermum Cordifolium 20 grams
- Mulberry Root-bark (Sang Bai Pi) 15 grams
- Pinellia Ban Xia 12 grams
- Poria Fu Ling 20 grams
- Platycodon Jie Geng 9 grams
3. Middle Stage
A. Damp-Heat Obstructing Shao-Yang
In cases with alternating Fever and Chills, muscle aches, dry mouth with bitter taste, yellow and greasy tongue coating, Hao Qin Qing Dan Decoction with modification can be used:
- Sweet Wormwood (Qing Hao) 15 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 15 grams
- Jasper powder (Bi Yu) 10g (bag)
- Orange Fruit (Zhi Ke) 10 grams
- Aged Tangerine peel (Chen Pi) 15 grams
- Pinellia prepare with ginger (Jiang Ban Xia) 10 grams
- Bamboo shavings (Zhu Ru) 15 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
Modifications for the above Formula:
- Severe Deficiency, add Astragalus Huang Qi 20 grams
- Cough with excess Phlegm, Trichosanthes peel (Gua Lou Pi) 15 grams
- Cough with vomiting, add Loquat leaf (Pi Pa Ye) 15 grams
- Loose stool, add Kudzu (Ge Gen) 15 grams, Coix seed (Yi Yi Ren) 20 grams, Reed rhziome (Lu Gen) 15 grams
Another formula for Fever and Chills, muscle aches, cough, red tongue with yellow coat:
- Pinellia Ban Xia 12 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 15 grams
- Coptis Huang Lian 6 grams
- Dried Ginger (Gan Jiang) 6 grams
- Chinese Date (Da Zao) 15 grams
- Kudzu (Ge Gen) Root 30 grams
- Costus root (Mu Xiang) 10 grams
- Poria Fu Ling 20 grams
- Fritillaria Chuan Bei Mu 15 grams
- Coix Seed (Yi Yi Ren) 30 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
B. Damp-Heat Obstructing the Lungs
Symptoms of Dry Cough with sputum, Asthma, Wheezing, Red tongue with Yellow coat, Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang with Xiao Xian Xiong Tang is used:
- Processed Ephedra (Zhi Ma Huang) 10 grams
- Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) 10 grams
- Gypsum (Shi Gao) 20 grams (Decocted first)
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
- Coptis Huang Lian 6 grams
- Pinellia prepared with ginger (Jiang Ban Xia) 10 grams
- Trichosanthes peel (Gua Lou Pi) 15 grams
- Immature Orange fruit (Zhi Shi) 15 grams
- Extreme Lung and Stomach heat, add Scutellaria Huang Qin 10 grams, Giant Knotweed (Hu Zhang) 10g, Wild Buckwheat (Jin Qiao Mai) 30 grams
- Asthma, add Perilla fruit (Zi Su Zi) 15 grams, Lepidium Ting Li Zi 10 grams, Radish Seed (Lai Fu Zi) 10 grams should be added
- Constipation, add Rhubarb (Da Huang)
C. Cold-Damp Obstructing Lungs
Low or no fever, dry cough with little sputum, fatigue, chest tightness, nausea or vomiting with loose stools. Pale or red tongue with a white greasy tongue coat and a soft, floating pulse.
- Atractylodes Cang Zhu 15 grams
- Aged Tangerine peel (Chen Pi) 10 grams
- Magnolia Huo Po 10 grams
- Pogostemonis Guang Huo Xiang 10 grams
- Tsaoko Cao Guo 6 grams
- Ephedra Ma Huang 6 grams
- Notopterygium Qiang Huo 10 grams
- Fresh Ginger (Sheng Jiang) 10 grams
- Betel nut (Bing Lang) 10 grams
D. Damp Poison Obstructing the Lungs
Fever, cough with little or yellow sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath, abdominal distension. Dark red and swollen tongue with yellow greasy coat or dry coating, with a rapid and/or slippery pulse.
- Ephedra Ma Huang 6 grams
- Bitter Almond Ku Xing Ren 15 grams
- Raw Gypsum Shi Gao 30 grams
- Coix Yi Yi Ren 30 grams
- Atractylodes Cang Zhu 10 grams
- Agastache (Huo Xiang) 15 grams
- Artemisiae Annuae Qing Hao 12 grams
- Polygoni Cuspidati Hu Zhang 20 grams
- Verbena Ma Bian Cao 30 grams
- Phragmitis Lu Gen 30 grams
- Lepidium Ting Li Zi 15 grams
- Exocarpium Citri Grandis Hua Ju Hong 15 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 10 grams
E. Lung Heat and Dryness
In advanced stages of Infection, there is dry mouth and throat, dry cough, no sputum and a lack of tongue coating, Sang Xing Tang is used:
- Mulberry leaf (Sang Ye) 15 grams
- Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) 10 grams
- Fritillary bulb (Chuan Bei Mu) 10 grams
- Glehnia Bei Sha Shen 15 grams
- Bamboo leaf (Zhu Ye) 10 grams
- Pear peel (Li Pi) 10 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
- Marked Thirst, add Snake Gourd root (Tian Hua Fen) 15 grams
- Constipation due to dryness of the bowel, add pine nut (Song Zi) 15 grams, Arbor Vitae seed (Bai Zi Ren) 15 grams, Aged Tangerine peel (Chen Pi) 5 grams, Peach kernel (Xing Ren)
F. Damp Stagnation
For Mild abdominal distension, poor appetite, mild greasy tongue coating, Xue’s Wuye Lugen Tang can be taken.
- Agastache (Huo Xiang) 15 grams
- Eupatorium (Pei Lan) 15 grams
- Loquat leaf (Pi Pa Ye) 15 grams
- Lotus leaf (He Ye) 15 grams
- Mint (Bo He) 10 grams
- Reed rhizome (Lu Gen) 15 grams
- White Gourd seed (Dong Gua Ren) 15 grams
A. Epidemic Toxin Obstructing Lungs
Fever, flushing, cough with little yellow, sticky sputum with or without blood, wheezing, shortness of breath, fatigue, bitter taste with sticky dry mouth, nausea, poor appetite, constipation, little brown urine. Red tongue with yellow greasy coat, slippery pulse.
- Ephedra Ma Huang 6 grams
- Bitter Almond (Ku Xing Ren) 9 grams
- Gypsum (Shi Gao) 15 grams (Decocted first)
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 3 grams
- Pogostemonis Guang Huo Xiang 10 grams (added at the end of decocting)
- Magnolia Huo Po 10 grams
- Atractylodes Cang Zhu 15 grams
- Tsaoko Cao Guo 10 grams
- Pinellia prepared Zhi Ban Xia 9 grams
- Poria Fu Ling 15 grams
- Raw Rhubarb (Sheng Da Huang) 5 grams (added towards the end)
- Raw Astragalus Sheng Huang Qi 10 grams
- Lepidium Ting Li Zi 10 grams
- Paeonia Rubra Chi Shao Yao 10 grams
B. Strong Heat in the Qi and Ying Level
- Raw Gypsum (Shi Gao) 30–60 grams (decocted first)
- Anemarrhena Zhi Mu 30 grams
- Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang 30–60 grams
- Water Buffalo horn (Shui Niu Jiao) 30 grams (decocted first)
- Paeonia Rubra Chi Shao Yao 30 grams
- Scrophularia Xuan Shen 30 grams
- Forsythia Lian Qiao 15 grams
- Paeonia Mutan Mu Dan Pi 15 grams
- Coptis Huang Lian 6 grams
- Phyllostachydis Zhu Ye 12 grams
- Lepidium Ting Li Zi 15 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
In addition, in severe cases various injectable Chinese medicines, often in combination with decoctions and Western Medicine.
4. Critical Stage
In the Critical stage, artificial respiration and western medicine intervention is required.
Internal Obstruction with Exterior Desertion
Difficult or labored Breathing, Asthma requiring artificial respiration, dizziness, irritability, cold sweats, purple tongue, thick tongue coat or dry tongue, and a large, floating and rootless pulse.
- Ginseng Ren Shen 15 grams
- Prepared Aconite Zhi Fu Zi 10 grams (decocted first)
- Cornus Shan Zhu Yu 15 grams
5. Recovery Stage
In the Recovery Stage, tonics are used to improve strength.
A. Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency:
Shortness of breath, Fatigue, poor appetite, distention and fullness, constipation or loose stool, pale tongue with a white greasy tongue coat and a thin or weak pulse.
- Prepared Pinellia Zhi Ban Xia 9 grams
- Aged Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi) 10 grams
- Codonopsis Dang Shen 15 grams
- Stir-fried Astragalus Chao Huang Qi 30 grams
- Stir-fried Atractylodes Chao Bai Zhu 10 grams
- Poria Fu Ling 15 grams
- Pogostemonis Guang Huo Xiang 10 grams (added at the end of decocting)
- Amomum Sha Ren 6 grams (added at end)
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
- Astragalus Huang Qi 30 grams
- Codonopsis Dang Shen 20 grams
- Stir-fried Atractylodes Chao Bai Zhu 15 grams
- Poria Fu Ling 20 grams
- Amomum Sha Ren 6 grams
- Siberian Solomon Seal (Huang Jing) 15 grams
- Pinellia Ban Xia 10 grams
- Aged Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi) 6 grams
- Chinese Yam (Shan Yao) 20 grams
- Lotus seed (Lian Zi) 15 grams
- Chinese Date (Da Zao) 15 grams
B. Qi and Yin Deficiency
Fatigue, short of breath, dry mouth with thirst, excess sweating, poor appetite, low fever or abscence of fever, dry cough, dry tongue with a thin or weak pulse.
- Adenophora Nan Sha Shen 10 grams
- Glehnia Sha Shen 10 grams
- Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong 15 grams
- American Ginseng Xi Yang Shen 6 grams
- Schisandra Wu Wei Zi 6 grams
- Gypsum (Shi Gao) 15 grams
- Lophatheri Dan Zhu Ye 10 grams
- Mulberry leaf (Sang Ye) 10 grams
- Phragmitis Lu Gen 30 grams
- Salvia Dan Shen 15 grams
- Licorice (Gan Cao) 6 grams
Special Formula
Clear the Lung and Eliminate Toxin Decoction (Qing Fei Pai Du Tang)
This can be effectively used for Mild, Moderate and Severe cases, and can also be applied in Critical stage.
A primary formula which has been used is called Clear the Lung and Eliminate Toxin Decoction and was listed in the 7th Edition of the official document related to the COVID-19 virus by the Government of China. Out of a number of formulas studied and trialled, this was found to be most effective. It has now been marketed as ‘Formula One’ in Guandong and ‘TCM Antiviral’ in Shanghai.
In clinical trials, 701 cases were treated by Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, Of these 130 cases were cured, symptoms were resolved in 51 cases, 268 cases had an improvement of symptoms, while 212 cases remained stable with no worsening of symptoms. The effective rate being over 90 %.
It was sent to me directly from Professor Huang from the Chengdu TCM University on March 4th:
- Ephedra Ma Huang 9 grams
- Honey-fried Licorice Zhi Gan Cao 6 grams
- Apricot kernel (Xing Ren) 6 grams
- Gypsum (Shi Gao) 15–30 grams
- Cinnamon twig (Gui Zhi) 9 grams
- Alisma Ze Xie 9 grams
- Polyporus Zhu Ling 9 grams
- Poria Fu Ling 15 grams
- Atractylodes Bai Zhu 9 grams
- Bupleurum Chai Hu 16 grams
- Scutellaria Huang Qin 6 grams
- Ginger-prepared Pinellia Jiang Ban Xia 9 grams
- Fresh Ginger (Sheng Jiang) 9 grams
- Aster Zi Wan 9 grams
- Coltsfoot flower (Kuan Dong Hua) 9 grams
- Belamcanda She Gan 9 grams
- Asarum Xi Xin 6 grams
- Chinese Yam (Shan Yao) 12 grams
- Unripe Bitter Orange (Zhi Shi) 6 grams
- Aged Tangerine peel (Chen Pi) 6 grams
- Agastache Huo Xiang 9 grams
Boil in 1 liter of water down to half, take 2 cups per day. Note that lesser dose of Gypsum (Shi Gao) is applied with low or no Fever, while full dose (30 grams) is used in cases with Fever. Rice Soup (Congee) should be taken after the tea if possible.
This formula is based on TCM principles and is composed of 4 classical TCM formulas:
1. Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
2. She Gan Ma Huang Tang
3. Xiao Chai Hu Tang
4. Wu Ling San
This formula clears the Exterior Wind-Cold, clears Interior Heat and Toxin, resolves Phlegm and Fluids and relieves Cough and Wheezing.
Other formulas which showed some degree of efficacy include Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang, She Gan Ma Huang Tang and the Qing Fei Tou Xie Fu Zheng Tang.
TCM Patent Medicines
The following TCM patent medicines have been advocated too:
Useful Acupoints mentioned in Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19.
- GV14 (Da Zhui)
- GB 20 (Feng Chi)
- Lu 1 (Zhong Fu) & Lu 2 (Yun Men)
- ST 36 (Zu San Li)
Points upon which Moxa can be burned:
- CV 8 (Shen Que, the Umbilicus)
- CV 6 (Qi Hai)
- CV 4 (Guan Yuan)
- ST 25 (Tian Shu)
- CV12 (Zhong Wan)
The COVID-19 Pandemic has already caused chaos around the globe, yet is still in its early stages. The large amount of clinical experience gathered in China in the first 3 months of 2020 is now helping other countries cope with the rapidly rising number of infections. TCM has been working hand-in-hand with modern western medicine to manage severe and critical cases and has been found more effective when combined with modern medicine than the use of modern medicine alone.
It is my wish that the sharing of this knowledge will help TCM and Herbal practitioners to help in the treatment of this global health crisis.
Adam Tate
March 20, 2020
(Updated March 25th)
Other COVID-19 related posts
–Massive doses of Vitamin C used in New York Hospitals with good effect
–TCM Plays Big Role in Treating COVID-19
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- Manual of Chinese Medical Intervention for Suspected Mild COVID-19
- Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment, The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine.
- Personal Communication from Professor Huang at the Chengdu University of TCM
- The Coronavirus Prevention Handbook, Chief editor Wang Zhou MD., Chief Physician of the Wuhan CDC, translated by Shan Zhu, Qing Chen, Jun Li
- Bensky, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Formulas and Strategies
- A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (standard version)
- Traditional Chinese medicine for COVID-19 treatment
- Guidance for Corona Virus Disease 2019–Prevention, Control, Diagnosis and Management. Compiled and Translated by Chinese Preventative Medicine Association
- Recommendation of Lung-Clearing and Detoxification Soup in the Treatment of Corona Virus Disease 2019 by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (No. (2020)22, the Ministry of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Illustration Credit:
COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS particle Computer Generated by Felipeesquivel20 (Wikimedia)