Picture Syrups
Syrups are generally decoctions that have had Sugar or Honey added both to preserve them for longer keeping, and to make them more palatable. The creation of a syrup follows that for making a Decoction, excepting that once strained and clarified, a sufficient amount of Honey or Sugar is added which is then boiled with the decoction until dissolved and thickened, removing the scum as it rises.

Syrups can be made from any decoction; however, they are most appropriate for Lung medicines and Tonic formula, especially when Honey is added. Nevertheless, various Syrups for different conditions were prepared and kept ready at the Apothecaries.

Syrups are a good way of keeping decoctions and are preferred by children and ‘delicate’ people as their taste is more agreeable.

Simple Syrups

i. Syrups of Fruit and Their Juices

Syrup of Lemon Juice
Syrup of Orange
Syrup of Barberries
Syrup of Cherries
Syrup of Quinces
Syrup of Pomegranate
Syrup of Mulberries
Syrup of Apples

ii. Simple Syrups of Herbs
Simple Syrup
Syrup of Wormwood
Syrup of Sorrel
Syrup of Vinegar (Oxysaccharum)
Syrup of Marshmallow
Syrup of Aniseed
Syrup of Orange Peel
Syrup of Betony Juice
Syrup of Cinnamon
Syrup of Citron Peel
The Heavenly Cardiac
Syrup of Endive
Syrup of Wood Sorrel Juice
Syrup of Peony Flowers
Syrup of Poppy (Mesue)
Syrup of Peach flowers
Syrup of Rose Water (The Princely Syrup)

Syrup of Rose Solutive (Syrupus Rosaceus Solutivus)
Syrup of Dried Roses
Syrup of Coltsfoot
Syrup of Violet
Syrup of the Juice of Violet
Syrup of Ginger

Syrup of Snails
Syrup of Earthworms

Compound Syrups

Anti-Asthmatic Syrup (D’Aquin)
Byzantine Syrup – Simple & Compound (Mesue)
Compound Syrup of Marshmallow
Compound Syrup of Vinegar
Cordial Syrup
Emmenagogue Syrup
Exhilarative Syrup (Laurent)

Syrup Against Consumption   NEW 7/24
Syrup for Apoplexy of Arnold de Villa Nova
Syrup for Asthma (Wirtzung)
Syrup for Excess Menstrual Bleeding
Syrup for Gonorrhea from Heat    NEW 7/23
Syrup for the Memory
Syrup of Agnus Castus
Syrup of Agrimony (Mesue)
Syrup of Balm (Fernelius)
Syrup of Betony (Augustana)

Syrup of Betony (Bononiense)
Syrup of Calamus (Syrupus de Acorus)
Syrup of Chebulic Myrobalan
Syrup of Coltsfoot Compound
Syrup of Comfrey Compound
Syrup of Dodder of Thyme (Mesue)
Syrup of Five Opening Roots
Syrup of Fumitory
Syrup of Fumitory Lesser (Mesue)
Syrup of Fumitory Greater (Mesue)
Syrup of Fumitory Compound (Augustana)

Syrup of Garlic Compound    NEW 7/23
Syrup of Hops
Syrup of Horehound
Syrup of Horehound (Fernelius)
Syrup of Horehound of Hamech
Syrup of Hyssop (Mesue)
Syrup of Hyssop of Amaran
Syrup of Jujube (Mesue)
Syrup of Licorice (Mesue)
Syrup of Maidenhair

Syrup of Mucilages
Syrup of Mugwort (Augustana)
Syrup of Mugwort Lesser (Bononiense)
Syrup of Plantain and Comfrey (Boyle’s Syrup)
Syrup of Psyllium (Mesue)    NEW 7/23
Syrup of Quince with Spices (Nicholas)
Syrup of Sandalwood (Unani)    NEW 7/24
Syrup of Stoechas (Judeus)
Syrup of Stoechas (Fernelius)
Syrup of Two Opening Roots
Syrup of Violet Compound
Syrup of Violet (De morbus internis curanda)
Syrup of Water Lily Flowers

Syrup of Wormwood (Mesue)
Syrup Preventing Nausea and Vomiting
Syrup to Purge all Humors of Frankfurt

Oxymels – Syrups with Vinegar

Simple Oxymel
Oxymel of Squill

Compound Oxymel

Syrups from other Systems

Balivivan (Ayurveda)
Gui Lu Er Xian Jiao    NEW 7/23

See also:
Ayurveda & Siddha Formulas
Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formulas
Tibetan & Mongolian Formulas
Unani Formulas