Syrupus de Artemisia Syrup of Mugwort |
Source / Author:
Pharmacopeia Augustana
Herb NameMugwortPennyroyal Calamint Balm Oregano Arssmart Dittany of Crete Savin Marjoram Germander St. John’s wort Ground Pine Feverfew Rue Centaury Betony Bugloss Fennel root Celery root Parsley root Asparagus root Butchers Broom root Saxifrage root Elecampane Cyperus Madder Orris root Peony root Juniper berry Lovage seed Parsley seed Celery seed Aniseed Nigella seed Cubeb Costus Cassia Wood Cardamon Calamus Asarabacca root Pellitory of Spain Valerian |
Bruise the herbs, infuse for 24 hours in 14 pounds of water, then boil gently until half is gone. Strain and press well, then with 2 pounds each of Sugar and Honey, and 4 ounces of Vinegar (added towards the end) form a Syrup. Often 3 drams each of Cinnamon and Spikenard powders were added at the end, tied up in a bag, to aromatize.
Some infused the roots and herbs separately in Hydromel in gentle heat for (24 hours for the roots, 12 hours for the herbs), then gently boiled (half an hour for the roots, 15 minutes for the herbs). Strain, squeeze, clarify with egg white, then form a syrup with sugar. Some aromatized with Cinnamon oil (6 drops) rather than infusing Cinnamon in the end.
It can also be prepared as a tincture.
Moves Qi and Blood, Regulates Menstruation, calms the Mind, relieves Pain, strengthens the Uterus
1. Amenorrhea
2. Dysmenorrhea
3. Premenstrual symptoms (PMS)
4. Hyper-emotionalism
5. Breast tenderness
6. Bloating associated with Menstruation
7. Menstrual Pain and Cramp
8. Uterine or Ovarian Pain.
9. May be useful in Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) and Uterine Fibroids
10. helps promote and regulate the Menstrual Cycle.
11. good for mild Stress and Anxiety
Taken for a week before Menstruation for PMS and Dysmenorrhea.
1–2 ounces, often taken with wine.
The Tincture can be taken in 10 drop doses, three times daily. For pain or cramping, 10 drops can be taken every hour for 3 doses.
Not used during Pregnancy
1. There were a number of variations, usually reductions in the number of ingredients, listed in various Pharmacopeias. A version from Fernel:
Roots of Fennel, Orris,
Lovage, Elecampane,
Peony, Madder 0.5 oz. ea.
Mugwort, Betony, Hyssop,
Calamint, Germander,
Ground Pine, St. John’s
wort, Marjoram, Balm,
Feverfew, Catnip,
Oregano, Horehound,
Pennyroyal, Sorrel 1 handful ea.
Seeds of Annis, Carrot,
Fennel, Nigella, Basil,
Parsley, Rue 3 drams ea.
2. It can also be used in another form, such as in Powder or Tincture.
“It helps the passion [pain] of the Matrix [Uterus], and retains it in its place [ie. stops Hysteria and prevents Prolapse], it dissolves the coldness, wind, and pains thereof, it strengthens the Nerves, opens the Pores, corrects the Blood, it corrects and provokes the Menses [Menstruation]”. (Culpeper)
This is the type of Traditional formula which can be very useful for inspiration. The formula can easily be reduced to half the number of ingredients or less, and still be highly efficacious. Further, a number of different formulas for different gynecological conditions can be created from the medicines within this single formula.
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures