Syrupus de Betonica Compositus
Syrup of Betony Compound
Pharmacopoeia Augustana
Form a Syrup.
The following method was used by some: Digest them in 6 lbs. of warm water, and 2 1⁄2 lbs. of clarified juice of Betony for 24 hours; then distill in B.M. until 5 lbs. have come over. Strain and strongly press the remaining out, and clarify with the white of an Egg. With 3 1⁄2 lbs. of Sugar, boil to the consistency of Lozenges; then add the water which was distilled off, and boil gently to the consistency of a Syrup. This method of preparation was invented to preserve the goodness of aromatic herbs and prevent any goodness evaporating during prolonged boiling.
Clears Wind and Cold, Promotes Menstruation, Prepares Melancholy Humor
1. Headache and Migraine from Wind and Cold
2. Vertigo, Dizziness
3. Frenzy, Madness, Melancholy
4. Eye diseases from Wind and Cold
5. Loss of Smell
6. Cold of the Stomach, Indigestion, loss of Appetite
7. Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Uterine Pain associate with Cold
8. Bladder diseases from Cold; Incontinence, Bladder Pain, Strangury
1–2 oz. taken in the morning fasting
None noted
“It helps diseases coming of Cold, both in the Head and Stomach, as also such as come of Wind, Vertigos, Madness; it concocts Melancholy, it provokes the Menses [Menstruation]”. (Culpeper)
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Syrup of Betony Compound
Source / Author:
Pharmacopoeia Augustana
Herb NameBetonyMarjoram Thyme Rose Violet Stoechas Sage Fennel seed Aniseed Bishop’s weed seed Polypody root Peony root Fennel root |
Form a Syrup.
The following method was used by some: Digest them in 6 lbs. of warm water, and 2 1⁄2 lbs. of clarified juice of Betony for 24 hours; then distill in B.M. until 5 lbs. have come over. Strain and strongly press the remaining out, and clarify with the white of an Egg. With 3 1⁄2 lbs. of Sugar, boil to the consistency of Lozenges; then add the water which was distilled off, and boil gently to the consistency of a Syrup. This method of preparation was invented to preserve the goodness of aromatic herbs and prevent any goodness evaporating during prolonged boiling.
Clears Wind and Cold, Promotes Menstruation, Prepares Melancholy Humor
1. Headache and Migraine from Wind and Cold
2. Vertigo, Dizziness
3. Frenzy, Madness, Melancholy
4. Eye diseases from Wind and Cold
5. Loss of Smell
6. Cold of the Stomach, Indigestion, loss of Appetite
7. Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Uterine Pain associate with Cold
8. Bladder diseases from Cold; Incontinence, Bladder Pain, Strangury
1–2 oz. taken in the morning fasting
None noted
“It helps diseases coming of Cold, both in the Head and Stomach, as also such as come of Wind, Vertigos, Madness; it concocts Melancholy, it provokes the Menses [Menstruation]”. (Culpeper)
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