
Western Tradition


Sage infusion (taken cool)
Gelatin of Deer Horn
Syrup Against Consumption
Sage Tincture
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Halys Powder
New Rose Powder (Rosata Nouvelle)
Restorative Electuary (Antidotus Analeptica) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Coral (Diacorallion)
Electuary of Pine Kernels (Lohoch de Pino) (Mesue)

Powder for Excess Sweating (externally)
Oil of Quince (externally)
Myrtle leaf powder (externally)
Alum (externally)

Spontaneous Sweating from Weakness
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Restorative Electuary (Antidotus Analeptica) (Nicholas)
Electuary of Pine Kernels (Lohoch de Pino) (Mesue)

Night Sweats
Sage Infusion (taken cool)
Syrup Against Consumption
Syrup of Violets
Syrup of Water Lilies
Syrup of Marshmallow Compound
Syrup Against Consumption
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
Tincture of Dried Roses

Sweating from Yin Deficient  / Hectic Fever
1. St. John’s wort, Century
2. Violet, Sage
3. Comfrey, Plantain
4. Tragacanth, Pearl

Syrup Against Consumption
Syrup of Violets
Cooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)
Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)
TCM Classification

Spontaneous Sweating

Exterior Wind-Cold with Deficiency
(also called imbalance between Wei [exterior] and Ying [nutrition]
sweating, aversion to wind, chills and fever (not high), headache, neck stiffness, nasal congestion, often catches colds
Gui Zhi Tang

Heat (Bile)
sweating, yellow sweat stains, strong-smelling sweat, red eyes, red face, restless, insomnia, yellow bad-smelling urine, rapid pulse
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang

Lung Qi Deficiency
spontaneous sweating, cough, short of breath, often gets colds or flu, chills and fever, weak voice, pale face and tongue
Yu Ping Feng San
Bu Fei Tang

Qi Deficiency
Spontaneous sweating, thirst from warm drinks, fatigue, weak or low voice, exhaustion, pale face, loose stool, weak pulse
Mu Li San
Yu Ping Feng San
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Zhi Gan Cao Tang
Sheng Mai San

Yang Exhaustion
sweating, feels cold, very cold limbs, short of breath, very pale, very weak pulse
Shen Fu Tang

Night Sweats

Qi and Yin Deficiency
Night sweats, weakness, fatigue, poor appetite
Mu Li San

Yin Deficient Heat
Night sweats, dry mouth, feels hot at night, heat in the palms and soles, lower back pain
Da Bu Yin Wan
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang