Striga, Du Jiao Jin, 独脚金
Asiatic Witchweed, Indian WitchweedDu Jiao Jin (TCM)
Talakh, Taukla (Ayurveda)

(Photo by Nativeplants garden) (Wikimedia)

(Adam, 2024)
Botanical name:
Striga asiatica
Parts used:
Whole herb
Collected in Summer or Autumn, washed, and dried.
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral. Sweet
1. Strengthens the Spleen, Benefits Digestion:
Spleen weakness with fatigue, poor appetite and diarrhea
Infantile Malnutrition (widely used in Canton)
-Nightblindness in Children
2. Clears Heat, Promotes Urine:
Summer Fever in Children
Diarrhea in Children
-significant inhibition of various bacteria including Staph. aureus
3. Clears Heat, Soothes the Liver:
mild Liver heat with restlessness in Children
Icteric Hepatitis
915 grams in decoction daily
39 grams for Infants
An unusual plant as it is a parasitic member of Scrophulariaceae, commonly infecting Rice, Maize and Sorgham crops.
Main Combinations:
1. Malnutrition in Children:
i. Can be cooked with Lean Pork or Liver into a soup. Astragalus Huang Qi, Lycium Gou Qi (etc.) can be added
ii. Striga Du Jiao Jin with Cynomorium Suo Yang, Glehnia Sha Shen and peanuts (equal parts) are coarsely ground. Prepare a soup with 69 grams daily.
Major Formulas:
1. Not used in Cold conditions or Coldness of the Stomach.
2. Antifertility effect has been noted.
Main Preparations used:
Nothing at Present
Nothing at Present