Stellera chamaejasme, Re lcag pa རེ་ལྕག་པ

Chinese Stellera
Re lcag pa (Tibetan)
Lang Du (TCM)
Picture Stellera chamaejasme
Photo: Jan Reurink (Wikimedia)

Botanical name:

Stellera chamaejasme

Parts used:


Temperature & Taste:

Warm, dry. Bitter. Toxic.


1. Promotes Urine, Purges Water:
-Edema, Water retention (TCM)

2. Clears Phlegm, Resolves Masses:
-Phlegm accumulation and obstruction
-Cough, Asthma
-Scrofula, Fibroid, Cancer (Tibet, TCM)
-Tumors, masses, accumulation of a cold nature (Phlegm-Wind)
-anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects against various cell lines have been demonstrated.

3. Resolves Accumulation:
-Food accumulation
-disorders of mixed Bile, Phlegm and Wind associated with improper digestion
-Pain in the Chest or Abdomen

4. Kills Worms:
-Worm infestations (TCM, Tibet)

5. Externally:
-applied topically to toothache to relieve pain
-applied to skin diseases with rough and itchy skin
-Ulcers, Malignant Ulcers (Tibet)
-Dermatitis (Tibet)
-applied to Fractures


In Nepal the roots are boiled for a long time until until the decoction is red. This is given for joint pain and gout.


1. It is closely related to Daphne (although herbaceous), and shares both similar properties and some similar chemical compounds. Daphne may be a suitable substitute.

Main Combinations:

Major Formulas:

Notopterygium 29 Pills (Spru nag nyer dgu)
Pomegranate All Inclusive Pill (Se ‘bru kun ‘dus) (Tibetan)


1. Toxic in overdose
2. Not suitable for dryness / Yin deficiency

Main Preparations used: