Stag’s Heart Bone, Os Cordis Cervi
Deer Heart Bone

Zoological name:
Cervus sp.
It is said to be absent in Roe and Fallow Deer.
Parts used:
“Bone” found in a mature Stag’s Heart
It is a calcification at the origin of the aorta of a Stag’s heart which is found in many ruminants. In the Stag, they are cruciform shaped and are found when 3–4 years old, growing with age.
Temperature & Taste:
Neutral. Sweet
H. Nourish the Heart
1. Strengthens the Heart, Calms the Mind and Spirit:
-Palpitations, Arrhythmia, Heart weakness
-mental debility associated with Heart weakness
-Anxiety with Palpitations
-used to protect the Heart in Fevers and Epidemics
2. Clears Heat from the Blood:
-clears excess Heat and Melancholy from the Blood
3. Astringes to Prevent Miscarriage:
-prevents Miscarriage: it ‘keeps up the Birth, and is excellent for women with Child’ (Schroder)
-good in Parturition. (Lexicon of Alchemy)
-“removes barrenness in women” (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
-“It is reported if the said bone be hung about the neck, or under the armpits, it will prevent miscarriage in child-bearing”. (Medicinalis Hibernica, K’eogh, 1739)
4. Clears Stomach Heat:
-Stomach pain, Heartburn
-has an antacid effect
Powder: 250–1500mg
1. The ‘tendon-bone’ of a Goats Breast was commonly used by the apothecaries.
2. The bones of the Heart from other quadripeds such as Cows, Oxe or Goats was typically substituted.
3. Various authors stated prepared Deer Horn (ashed) could be used for Deer Heart Bone.
1. Often levigated with Rose water to give it a pleasant smell.
Main Combinations:
1. Strengthen the Heart and Brain, Deer Heart Bone with Pearl, Burnt Silk, Galangal, Long Pepper, Peony, Cinnamon, Saffron (Wirtzung)
2. Heart weakness with Heat, Deer Heart Bone, Tabasheer, Cinnamon, Armenian Earth, Sandalwood, Aloeswood, Red Coral (as in Cordial Powder)
3. To purify the Heart Blood, for Palpitations, Deer Heart Bone, Gold, Red Coral (Francis Bacon)
4. Epilepsy:
i. Deer Heart Bone with Mistletoe, Amber
ii. Deer Heart Bone, Peony, Red Coral
5. To resist Poison and Infection during Epidemics:
i. Deer Heart Bone (½ dram), Bezoar (5–10 grains)
ii. Deer Heart Bone, Angelica, Zedoary, Tormentil, Red Earth
6. To prevent Miscarriage:
i. Deer Heart Bone, Pearl, Red Coral, Tormentil, Nutmeg
ii. Deer Heart Bone (½ dram), Catechu (14 grains), Nutmeg, Cinnamon (4 grains each). Mix for a dose. (Salmon)
Major Formulas:
Troches for Heart Weakness
Powder of Happiness (Letificans)
Cooling Powder of Gems
Powder for Epilepsy
Abbots Confect of Rose (Diarrhodon Abbatis) (Nicholas)
Confection of Hyacinth (Confectio de Hyacintho)
Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger
Marvelous Powder Against Scrofula (Arnold de Villa Nova)
Powder for Cancer (Wiseman)
Warming Pearl Powder (Mesue)
Cordial Powder
Diacameron Magna
None noted
Main Preparations used:
Levigated Powder
Extra Info
‘In the Left side of the Heart of this Beast is found a bone wherein is a hollowness … this bone is tender and has a part of the flesh of the Heart sticking thereto. This bone is of brown color by the blood of the Heart; and it is to wit that there is a tendon bone in a Goats breast which the Apothecaries do in manner as with the bone of a Harts Heart, and sell it instead thereof. But the difference |
is known by that the Goats bone hath no flesh sticking to it, and is not brown of color, but is white and softer. ‘The bone of a harts Heart may be kept 3 years good. It hath virtue to cleanse the blood, to purge melancholy humours, and gross black fumes among the blood’. |
Salmon, Seplasium, 1693:
‘This is a bone found in the Heart of a Stag, almost resembling a cross, but some more than others, being a little flat bone, made by the concourse of Arteries or Muscles in the Basis of the Heart, which by reason of |
age, and heat of the part, grows harder, and turns to a bone; they are plentifully enough to be had, but some say, many of those which are sold, are taken out the Hearts of Oxen’. |