Western Tradition
Antispasmodic Infusion Syrup of Stoechas (Fernelius) Tincture of Camomile Tincture of Juniper Berry Tincture of Lemon Thyme Tincture of Sage Tincture of Valerian Powder for Cold Diseases of the Head (Renodeus) Troches of Myrrh (Rhasis) Pills of Opopanax Pills of Sagapen Ointment of Bdellium Oil of Saffron Oil of Pepper
Pearl 25 (Mu tig nyer lnga) (Tibetan Medicine)
To Purge in Spasms Diaturbith cum Rhubarb Hiera Logadii Electuary of Dates (Diaphoenicum) (Mesue)
To Strengthen after Treatment Electuary of Calamus (Diacorum) (Mesue) Powder of Musk Sweet (Diamoschu Dulce) (Mesue)
Special Formula:
Pills for Spasms and Contractures Nutmeg Pyrethrum Calamus Frankincense equal parts (De Morbis Internis Curandis, Mesue, 1551)
Expert Antidote for Stiffness Clove Pepper Samnian Earth Senna Spikenard, of each 1 dram Take in wine. (Medicamentorum Opus, Nicolas, 1625).
TCM Classification
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang Bu Gan Tang Chai Hu Shu Gan San Da Ding Feng Zhu Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang
Severe Spasms from Internal Wind Zhi Jing San