Skin Diseases in General
Skin diseases are generally acknowledged to be due to Blood disorder, especially Heat or Heat and Toxin of the Blood. Cases with Burning indicate excess Heat; when there is itching, Wind is involved. Weeping as is seen in ‘Wet Eczema’ indicates involvement of Damp.Skin diseases may also be associated with Deficiency of Blood, in which case the skin is pale, the pulse weak, and the body is cold and weak. In other cases, Blood stagnation may be related. In such cases, there may be dark colored lesions, such as with nodular acne with dark purplish color.
In classical texts, skin diseases were often combined together as the basic pathology and treatment principle is usually similar. Ayurveda, for example, has the term Kustha, meaning obstinate Skin diseases, including Eczema and Psoriasis, and even Leprosy.
See also
Boils and Abscesses
Eczema & Psoriasis
Vitiligo, Leucoderma
Ringworm & Tinea
Materia Medica for Skin Diseases
Primary Herbs for Skin Diseases
Fumitory Burdock Chicory Sandalwood Sarsaparilla Madder Viper |
Dodder Figwort Violet Rose China root Rhubarb Sulphur |
Paeonia Bai Shao Paeonia Mu Dan Pi Sophora Ku Shen Scrophularia Xuan Shen Cassia tora Jue Ming Zi Centella Neem |
Paeonia Chi Shao Coptis Huang Lian Dictamnus Bai Xian Pi Indigo Qing Dai Psoralea Bu Gu Zii Tribulus Ci Ji Li Argyreia |
Elder flower Heartsease Agrimony China root Guaiacum |
Hops Bittersweet Dandelion Wormwood Sassafras |
Vernonia Lithospermum Zi Cao Turmeric |
Eclipta Han Lian Cao Acalypha Cicada slough (Chan Tui) |
Kushthaghna is the Ayurvedic Herbal group used for obstinate and chronic Skin diseases:
Acacia catechu, Chebulic Myrobalan, Emblic Myrobalan, Turmeric, Semecarpus anacardium, Echites scholaris bark, Cassia fistula, Nerium odorum, Embeila ribes, Jasminum grandiflorum leaf
Kandughna is the group used to cure Pruritus:
Red Sandalwood, Andropogon muricatum, Cassia fistula, Pongamia glabra, Melia azadirachta, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Mustard seeds, Licorice, Barberry bark, Cyperus rotundus
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Western Tradition |
TCM Classification |
Wind and Heat
Wind and Heat typically is an acute condition, however in certain skin diseases it can become chronic. The main signs include both redness and itchiness. It can come as a result of an allergic reaction from contact Dermatitis or may be associated with Eczema, Psoriasis, Pruritus, Hives, Vitiligo etc.
Peppermint Sandalwood Alum (topically) |
Elder flower Rose Sulphur (topically) |
Dictamnus Bai Xian Pi Kochia Di Fu Zi Silkworm Bai Jiang Can |
Tribulus seed (Ci Ji Li) Lithospermum Zi Cao Cicada slough (Chan Tui) |
Wind and Phlegm / Damp
Some skin conditions manifest without redness or inflammation. There maybe itching and oozing clear fluid. This is seen in some forms of Dermatitis and Eczema.
Dodder Alum (topically) |
Wormwood |
Mugwort (Ai Ye) Saposhnikovia Fang Feng |
Cicada Slough |
Heat and Toxin
Heat and Toxin refers to a toxic state of the Blood. The skin often looks ‘dirty’ and may be prone to spots, inflammations and rashes. The tongue will be red with a dirty coat. The pulse is fast and big. Toxic heat often makes the person feel ‘sick’ with Headache and a general feeling of being unwell. In acute and severe conditions, there may be Fever.
This may be seen in various skin diseases such as Acne, Boils and Carbuncles, Dermatitis, Eczema, as well as Syphilis and the early stages of diseases like Leprosy.
Dandelion Camomile Cleavers Madder |
Chicory Fumitory Plantain Rhubarb |
Forsythia Lian Qiao Dandelion Pu Gong Ying Coptis Huang Lian Lithospermum Zi Cao |
Chrysanthemum Ju Hua Violet Zi Hua Di Ding Sophora Ku Shen Rhubarb (Da Huang) |
Damp-Heat is similar to Heat condition except that there is more fluid associated. So there will be redness, fast pulse and maybe fever, but with signs of Damp such as Diarrhea, Yellow Urine etc. In skin conditions, Damp-Heat has yellow fluid or weeping of fluid. This is seen in conditions such as Acne, Boils, and Moist Eczema.
Barberry Aloe Alum (topically) |
Gentian Rhubarb |
Scutellaria Huang Qin Gentiana Long Dan Cao Sophora Ku Shen |
Coptis Huang Lian Phellodendron Huang Bai Lithospermum Zi Cao |
Decoction of Bittersweet Decoction of Sarsaparilla Decoction to Expel Bile (Andernacus) Decoction of Fumitory Compound Decoction of Myrobalan (Mesue) Hepatic Decoction (Hoffman) Syrup of Fumitory Syrup of Chicory and Rhubarb Elixir Salutis, Elixir of Health Pills for Pituitous and Burnt Humors |
Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang Long Dan Xie Gan Tang |
Blood Heat
Blood heat causes red, inflamed lesions but with less signs of toxic heat, but signs of Blood-Heat. The skin complexion is high, red cheeks, and a full and strong pulse. Females will have strong periods and thick hair.
Blood Heat is generally a deeper condition than Toxic-Heat or Damp-Heat. It also can be associated with Hormones, for example the premenstrual or menopausal acne some women experience. It can be associated Acne and Boils, but also with more obstinate skin diseases such as Eczema, Psoriasis.
Emblic Myrobalan Burdock root Hops Madder |
Rose juice Figwort Fumitory Rhubarb |
Rehmannia Sheng Di Paeonia Chi Shao Sophora Ku Shen Dictamnus Bai Xian Pi |
Scrophularia Xuan Shen Paeonia Mu Dan Pi Rhubarb (Da Huang) |
Melancholy is also associated with more severe and obstinate skin diseases. Nodular, scarring and fibrotic skin diseases are associated with Melancholy. Leprosy and Elephantiasis were the classical Melancholy diseases of the skin. But also nodular and cystic types of Acne are of this type. The complexion is dull or dark, the tongue dry or with a dry, dirty tongue coat. The pulse is low and weak.
Black Myrobalan Dodder Polypody Senna |
Chebulic Myrobalan Fumitory Agaric Black Hellebore |
Blood Stasis
Blood stasis is seen in cases with dark, purplish discoloration. For example, some cases of Acne and Boils are very dark around the perimeter. The lips, tongue and nail beds will be dull or purplish, the pulse tends to be choppy.
This can be noted in Acne and Boils, but also in some cases of other skin diseases such as Eczema where there is slowness to be relieved with dark scarring.
Calendula Madder Myrrh |
Turmeric Rhubarb |
Paeonia Chi Shao Ligusticum Chuan Xiong |
Paeonia Mu Dan Pi |
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang |
Cutis Foeditatem Curant– Skin Foulness and Deformity Electuary of Saffron (Diacurcuma) (Mesue) Diamorusion Tryphera Musca Liniment of Orris Citrine Ointment (Nicholas) Oil of Sesame Oil of Cherry kernel Cutem mundificant–Cleanse the Skin Syrup of Chicory and Rhubarb (Nicholas) Catholicum (Diacatholicum) (Nicholas) Elixir Salutis, Elixir of Health Liniment of Orris Oil of Elder Oil of Juniper Oil of Ash Oil of Wheat (frumento) Oil of Eggs |
Skin diseases in General Decoction of Bittersweet (simple) Decoction of Sarsaparilla Decoction for Skin Disease Syrup of Chicory and Rhubarb Decoction of Fumitory (Mesue) Decoction of Fumitory (Andernacus) Bezoardic Powder of Viper Electuary of Dodder and Fumitory (Mesue) Pills of Fumitory (Avicenna) Pills of Fumitory and Senna Catholicum (Diacatholicum) (Nicholas) |
Erysipelas Catholicum Bezoardic Powder of Viper Powder of Three Sandalwood (Diatrionsantalum) Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Hamech) Electuary of Dates Electuary of Prunes Pil. Aggregative Majores Pills of Rhubarb (Mesue) Oil of Elder flowers Oil of Frogs Ointment of Egg White Ointment of Tutty Ointment of Rose Ointment of Violet Ointment of Ceruse Camphorated (Rhasis) Ointment of Elecampane White Plaster of Ceruse Mucilaginous Plaster With Orris White Troches of Rhasis Herpes Lime Water Syrup of Fumitory Compound (Mesue) Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Hamech) Honey of Rose with Ceruse (topically) Oil of Elecampane Oil of Storax Ointment of Litharge Ointment of Tutty The Egyptian Ungent Impetigo Catholicum Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Hamech) Ointment of Elecampane Ointment of Roses |
Itch, Pruritis Standard Treatment: 1. Bleeding, Purging 2. Pills of Fumitory 3. Ointment of Elecampane 4. Decoct Sorrel in water and use as a wash. 5. Decoct Agrimony and Sage in water and use as a wash. 6. Walnut oil, Fumitory juice (equal parts), boil to make an ointment. Syrup of Fumitory Compound Syrup of Hops Bezoardic Powder of Viper Pills of Fumitory (Avicenna) Pills of Three Things Foetid Pills (Mesue) Oil of Storax Ointment of Elecampane Ointment of Ceruse Camphorated Ointment of Sulphur Dang Gui Yin Zi Garuda of Camphor (Spos khyung bco lnga) (Tibetan) Leprosy & Elephantiasis Syrup of Fumitory Compound Syrup of Vinegar Syrup to Purge All Humors of Frankfurt King Sabors Syrup Syrup of Roses with Senna Tincture of Grasshoppers Bezoardic Powder of Viper Turbith Powder with Senna Powder for Elephantiasis (Isaac) Hiera Logadii Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Hamech) |
Special Formulas
Cracked Lips from Cold and Wind 1. Honey, Almon oil, Wax, form a salve. 2. Gum Arabic, Tragacanth (equal parts), powder and mix with Oil of Violets. and annoint. Eczema and Erysipelas Mix Plantain and Nightshade juices with Rose water, soak linen cloth in it and apply to the place Urticaria Mint 4 grams Tabasheer 4 grams Damask Rose 2 grams Camphor 125 mg This was studied in an open, randomized trial and found effective. Dose was 5.125 grams daily (see here) |
‘Obstinate Skin Diseases’
In Ayurveda and Tibetan Medicine, there is a class of diseases called ‘Obstinate Skin Diseases’. This refers to chronic and obstinate skin diseases including Psoriasis and Leprosy. They are classed together as their etiology and treatment is often similar, the formula used being applicable to various obstinate and chronic skin diseases.
Bezoardic Powder of Viper
Arab Confect Purging Melancholy (Confectio Hamech)
Garuda 5 (Khyung Lnga) (Tibetan Medicine)
Wish-fulfilling Jewel (Bsam phel nor bu) (Tibetan)
Manjistha Kvatha (Madder Decoction)