Simple Decoctions
A simple Decoction is a Decoction prepared from a single herb.General method of preparing a simple Decoction:
3–9 grams, depending on the herb, is added to a suitable pot and covered by 4 finger-breadths of water. This is then brought to a boil and simmered for 15 or 20 minutes, up to half an hour. Standard, common, non-toxic herbs were often decocted using a handful of the herb.
In some instances, the water is boiled until one-third or one-half has been exhausted. This is then strained and kept for use.
Aromatic herbs are boiled for shorter periods while hard substances like roots and barks are boiled for longer.
Simple Decoction of Agrimony Highly commended for Dysuria. The strong decoction sweetened with Honey cures Scrofula and has been recommended for Tumors. Simple Decoction of Barley – Barley Water Barley water clears Heat and promotes Urine. It is good for Fever, Toxicity, Urinary tract infections and Arthritic conditions with Heat and Inflammation. Simple Decoction of Bitterwseet Used for Scrofula and Tumors, chronic skin diseases including Eczema and Psoriasis. It was also used for Cold, Flu and Fever, Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. It was also used for Bruising, Trauma, Dizziness and Vertigo. Some commended it for Rheumatism and Arthritis. Simple Decoction of Fumitory Cleanses the Blood, a good adjunct in chronic skin diseases. It also cleanses Melancholy. Simple Decoction of Horsetail Used for internal Heat and Inflammation of the Urinary system including Strangury, Cystitis and Prostatitis. Commended for internal Ulcers of the Bladder. It is also good for Consumption and Lung Ulcers. Simple Decoction of Hyssop Used for acute Cough and Asthma with Phlegm, and for acute sore throat. Also to Kill Worms, especially Round Worms. Vapors of the boiling decoction is used for pain, inflammation and ringing of the Ears. Simple Decoction of Marshmallow Used for all irritation of the Throat, Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Kidney etc. It is a soothing demulcent. It can be applied topically to inflammations including Mastitis, Burns, Boils and Eczema; for external use a stronger decoction is prepared. |
Simple Decoction of Poppy A decoction of Poppy capsules was principally used externally. It was applied as a fomentation for pain and inflammation. It was applied to the forehead to promote rest and sleep. It was occasionally given internally for the same conditions. Simple Decoction of Sarsaparilla Sarsaparilla Decoction is used in the long-term treatment of Rheumatism, Gout, Syphilis, Tumors and chronic skin complaints. Simple Decoction of Snails One form of the simple Decoction of Snails boiled 12 Garden Snails (shelled and cleansed) in 2 lbs. of Milk down to half, then adding 1 oz. of Rose water and half ounce of sugar candy to sweeten. Decoction of Snails clears Heat and nourishes Yin. It was used for chronic Weakness, chronic Fever, Consumption, Emaciation, Night sweats etc. Simple Decoction of St. John’s wort It is good for Madness, Paranoia, Foolishness, Stupidity and Melancholy. Used for Gravel, Stones and Hematuria. Useful for Trauma, Bruising and Wounds including vomiting or spitting Blood. The strong decoction has been used for Snake Bite and Rabid bites in both East and West. Simple Decoction of Wormwood The Simple Decoction of Wormwood was one of the more commonly used Simple Decoctions which was praised for a number of diseases: 1. Stimulates appetite and digestion 2. Opens obstructions of the Liver and Gall Bladder 3. Used as a vapor for Eye and Ear disorders. 4. Used for Drunkenness and the side effects of withdrawal from Alcohol and Drugs 5. Promotes Urine, clears Heat from the Bladder 6. Used for Fever Simple Decoction of Yarrow Yarrow Decoction was given for Colds, Influenza and Fevers including Intermittent Fever. It was also injected via catheter into the urethra for pain or excoriations of the bladder, and was said to be very good to relieve pain of Hemorrhoids being taken for 3 days. |
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