Sideritis spp. A number of species are used the locally:
S. montana (syn. Stachys bicolor)
S. syriaca,
S. scardica
S. euboea
S. raeseri
Salmon listed 13 varieties in his Botanologia. including Mountain Ironwort, Meadow Ironwort, Creeping Ironwort, Ironwort with Alehoof leaves, Ironwort with smooth long leaves, Broadleaf Ironwort etc.
Parts used:
Whole herb
Temperature & Taste:
Slightly Warm, dry. Sweet, Pungent. Salmon said it was Neutral.
1. Moves the Blood, Promotes Circulation: -important herbs internally and externally for Trauma and Wounds -enhances Blood circulation -Anti-Tumor and Anti-Cancer effects have been demonstrated -Vasodilatory
3. Clears Wind-Cold, Promotes Sweat: -Cold, Flu and acute diseases -Coughs, Bronchitis -adjunct for Arthritic and Rheumatic complaints -Catarrh, Allergies
4. Benefits Brain, Moves Qi: -shown to prevent Memory loss and restore when lost -useful for Anxiety and Depression -may be beneficial in the treatment of Alzhemier’s disease, ADHD -also benefits Eyesight -was also used for diseases caused by Enchantment and Witchcraft
5. Stops Bleeding and Leakage: -Spitting or Vomiting Blood -Leukorrhea -Diarrhea including with Blood
6. Externally: -applied to Fresh Wounds (Dioscorides) -Inflammations (Dioscorides) -cures Ulcers including old Ulcers -Foul Ulcers and Cancers -gargle for acute sore throat -applied to muscle and joint pain
Powder: 1–4 grams Juice: 1–3 spoonfuls, usually taken with wine
Main Combinations:
Often combined with Sage
1. To enhance Blood circulation, take Ironwort with Oregano 2. Cold and Flu, Ironwort with Sage, Mint, Oregano 3. Gargle for acute Sore Throat, form a gargle with Sage 4. Running Sores and Fistulas, form an ointment with Tobacco leaf (Salmon)