Shao Yao Gan Cao tang 芍药甘草汤
Peony and Licorice Decoction
Discussion of Cold Damage (Shan Han Lun) c.200
Regulates Qi and Blood, calms Wind, stops Spasm
1. Spasms and Muscular tension of the Limbs
2. Spasms and Muscular tension of the Abdomen
3. Spasmodic pain of the Abdomen
4. Frozen Shoulder
5. Sciatica
6. Menstrual Cramps
7. Spasmodic Asthma
a cupful 2 or 3 times daily
None noted
This combination is used in many TCM formulas:
1. As a Qi and Blood tonic, add Ginseng and Angelica Dang Gui
2. To regulate the Liver and Spleen, add Bupleurum Chai Hi, Atracylodes Bai Zhu (as in Xiao Yao San)
3. To clear acute Wind-Cold, add Cinnamon twigs Gui Zhi, Red Dates Da Zao and fresh Ginger (as in Gui Zhi Tang)
4. Internal Cold with a slow pulse, pale tongue with a white coat, add Ginger (Gan Jiang)
5. Abdominal pain and cramping, add Cyperus Xiang Fu and Citrus Chen Pi
6. Menstrual Cramps and Pain, add Cyperus Xiang Fu, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo.
7. Acute Back Pain with Spasm, add Notoginseng San Qi, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
8. Chronic Back Pain with Spasm, add Eucommia Du Zhong, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
9. Neck and Shoulder spasms and tension, add Pueraria Ge Gen.
10. Spasms of ther Calf muscles, add Achyranthes Niu Xi, Chaenomelas Mu Gua.
11. Fibromyalgia, take with Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang.
This is a classical TCM formula. However, these two medicines have been combined in the West for Spasmodic Asthma and in other formulas
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Peony and Licorice Decoction
Source / Author:
Discussion of Cold Damage (Shan Han Lun) c.200
Herb NameBai Shao (White Peony)Gan Cao (Licorice) |
Regulates Qi and Blood, calms Wind, stops Spasm
1. Spasms and Muscular tension of the Limbs
2. Spasms and Muscular tension of the Abdomen
3. Spasmodic pain of the Abdomen
4. Frozen Shoulder
5. Sciatica
6. Menstrual Cramps
7. Spasmodic Asthma
a cupful 2 or 3 times daily
None noted
This combination is used in many TCM formulas:
1. As a Qi and Blood tonic, add Ginseng and Angelica Dang Gui
2. To regulate the Liver and Spleen, add Bupleurum Chai Hi, Atracylodes Bai Zhu (as in Xiao Yao San)
3. To clear acute Wind-Cold, add Cinnamon twigs Gui Zhi, Red Dates Da Zao and fresh Ginger (as in Gui Zhi Tang)
4. Internal Cold with a slow pulse, pale tongue with a white coat, add Ginger (Gan Jiang)
5. Abdominal pain and cramping, add Cyperus Xiang Fu and Citrus Chen Pi
6. Menstrual Cramps and Pain, add Cyperus Xiang Fu, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo.
7. Acute Back Pain with Spasm, add Notoginseng San Qi, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
8. Chronic Back Pain with Spasm, add Eucommia Du Zhong, Achyranthes Niu Xi, Corydalis Yan Hu Suo
9. Neck and Shoulder spasms and tension, add Pueraria Ge Gen.
10. Spasms of ther Calf muscles, add Achyranthes Niu Xi, Chaenomelas Mu Gua.
11. Fibromyalgia, take with Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang.
This is a classical TCM formula. However, these two medicines have been combined in the West for Spasmodic Asthma and in other formulas
How to Modify a Formula
Weights & Measures