Senecio scandens, Rgu drus dman pa རྒུ་དྲུས་དམན་པ་
Climbing Groundsel, Climbing SenecioRgu drus dman pa (Tibet)
Qian Li Guang 千里光 (TCM)
Senecio scandens
Wight, R., , Icones plantarum Indiae orientalis (1840-1853)
Senecio scandens
(Photo by Yercaud-elango) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Senecio scandens
Parts used:
Whole herb, Root
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Bitter, Pungent
1. Clears Heat, Resists Toxin: (Tibet, TCM)
-Fever, Cold, Influenza, Epidemic diseases, Typhoid Fever
-Tonsillitis, Bronchitis
-Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Pneumonia
–Erysipelas, Eczema
-Boils, Abscesses (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
–Intestinal Abscess, Acute Appendicitis
-Malaria (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
-Dog or Snake Bite
2. Clears Heat and Damp: (Tibet, TCM)
-Dysentery, Enteritis (Tibet, Barefoot Doctors Manual)
-Intestinal pain from inflammation
-Cholecystitis, Hepatitis
-acute Urinary Tract Infections
-Heat of the Vessel Organs (Tibet)
3. Clears Heat, Benefits Eyesight:
-Red and Sore Eyes from Wind-Heat, acute conjunctivitis
–Trachoma, Keratitis, and Corneal Ulcers (topically)
-Poor Eyesight
-internally or the juice can be applied to the eyelids, or the decoction as a wash
4. Kills Parasites, Stops Itching:
–trichomonal vaginitis
-also to kill maggots and other insects
5. Externally:
-Burns and Scalds
-Itchy, red skin
-the distilled water has been used in China to wash wounds and to disinfectect before needling (Chen and Chen)
Powder: 1–2 grams, three times daily
Decoction: 5–15 grams; (up to 30 grams is used in TCM) (Barefoot Doctors Manual)
Fresh herb can be crushed for topical use.
It is possibly synonymous to Ragwort, Senecio jacobea. Interestingly, Salmon (Botanologia, 1710) said Ragwort is good for diseases of the Eyes. However Ragwort is viewed more as a Blood-mover, while Senecio scandens is primarily used for Heat and Toxin.
Strong broad-spectrum antibacterial effect, the leaf and flower being strongest.
Main Combinations:
1. Fever, decoct Senecio scandens with Licorice
2. Skin diseases from Heat, Damp and Toxin:
i. Senecio scandens, Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying), Lonicera Jin Yin Hua
ii. Senecio scandens, Madder, Rhubarb
3. Diarrhea or Dysentery from Damp-Heat, Senecio scandens with Coptis Huang Lian, Costus (Mu Xiang)
4. Dysentery, acute Enteritis, acute Appendicitis, pills equivalent to 1 gram of the powdered herb were taken four times daily. Over 60% were cured, with a further improvement in 25%. (This trial was conducted on various acute forms of inflammation. Those with Dysentery, Enteritis and acute Appendictis were most responsive with the overall effectiveness among all types of inflammation being 62%–Chen and Chen)
5. Cataracts, Senecio scandens with Centipeda minima
6. Conjunctivitis:
i. Senecio scandens with Self Heal (Xia Ku Cao)
ii. Senecio scandens with Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (in pill form)
iii. Senecio scandens with Vitis amurensis Shan Pu Tao, Celosia Qing Xiang Zi, Chrysanthemum Ju Hua
iv. Senecio scandens with Self Heal (Xia Ku Cao), Cassia seed (Jue Ming Zi), Solanum xanthocarpum Huang Shui Qie.
v. Senecio scandens with Rostellularia Shu Wei Huang, Lycium Radix Gou Qi Gen
7. Corneal opacity, Senecio scandens with Basil herb and Cicada Slough (Chan Tui)
8. Tinnitus and earache from Liver Heat, Senecio scandens with Gentiana Long Dan Cao, Vervain (Ma Bian Cao)
Major Formulas:
1. Avoid overdose or long-term use. Contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
2. Not used during Pregnancy
Main Preparations used:
Extra Info
- Research