Senecio, RagwortTansy Ragwort, Ragweed; Jacobaea, Herb Jabobi, Herb James, St. James Wort, Stagger-wort, Segrum, Canker-wort |
Masclef, A., Atlas des plantes de France, vol. 2: 177? |
Lindman, C.A.M., Bilder ur Nordens Flora, vol. 1 (1922-1926) |
(Photo by Jonathan Billinger) (Wikimedia)
Botanical name:
Senecio jacobaea (syn. Jacobaea vulgaris)
Greater and Lesser types were known
Parts used:
Herb; sometimes the root
Fresh plant or juice is used topically
Temperature & Taste:
Warm, dry. Bitter, Salty. Slightly Toxic
Cutting, opening, cleansing
Vulnerary, Arthritic, Uterine
1. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation:
-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Chlorosis
-effective when ‘the period is delayed, or difficult, or arrested by cold’. (Herbal Simples, Fernie, 1897)
-’eminent against obstructions of the Womb’ (Salmon)
-takes away coldness and Barrenness’. (Salmon)
2. Moves the Blood, Resolves Stasis, Promotes Healing:
-internal Wounds and Ulcers
-‘it possesses a distinct reputation for the cure of cancer’, (Herbal Simples, Fernie, 1897)
3. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:
-Obstructed Urine, Gravel, Stones
-had a reputation for increasing desire, treating Impotence and inducing Lust
4. Externally:
-Wounds, Fistulas, Scrofula
-Cancers, Fistulas (Essence with Brandy applied)
-‘filthy Ulcers in the privities [genitals]’ (Culpeper)
-Arthritis, Rheumatism, Sciatica (fresh leaves applied have cured chronic cases in a few days)
-chronic aches and pains in the arms, hips or legs (Salmon)
-decoction as a gargle for sores and ulcers of the Mouth and Throat including Tonsillitis
-expressed juice dissolves hardness and discusses tumors
-fresh herb or juice to break Abscesses, cleanse and heal them
Primarily used topically.
Tincture (1:10 in 40% alcohol): 5–15 drops in a spoonful of water.
To promote menstruation it was given 3 times daily for 10–14 days to re-establish a cycle.
Topically: 1 part fresh herb in 5 parts alcohol (10-20%) for topical application.
Its name ‘Ragwort’ is said to be bastardized from Ragewort as it was supposed to induce Lust.
Main Combinations:
1. Cancer:
i. Ragwort, with Burdock, Tormentil, Herb Robert, Agrimony, Houseleek, Fennel, Coriander seed (as in Compound Water of Burdock)
ii. Ragwort, with Angelica, Burdock, Filipendula, Elecampane, Gentian, Herb Robert, Sage, Rue (As in Cancer Ale of Fullers Pharmacopeia)
iii. to either of the above, Millipedes may be infused to make it stronger.
iv. Cancer, beat fresh Ragwort and Cleavers and apply topically; or an extract of the juices.
2. Tumors, Scrofula, Fistulas, make an ointment of Ragwort with Hogs lard and Frankincense
1. Contains potentially toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are generally contraindicated for internal use in modern times. If it is used internally avoid overdose and don’t use for more than 2 weeks without a break in treatment. Avoid in those with Kidney or Liver disease.
2. Not used in Pregnancy.
LD50 (mixed alkaloids): 140 mg/kg oral in rats. (Duke)
–Veno-occlusive liver disease induced by Senecio vulgaris toxicity
–Veno-occlusive liver disease due to intake of Senecio vulgaris tea.
Main Preparations used:
- Extra Info
- Research
–Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial Activity of Essential oil and Chromosome Number of Senecio jacobaea L. from Algeria
–Traditional medicine in Sakarya province (Turkey) and antimicrobial activities of selected species.
–Biological properties of different extracts of two Senecio species
–Biological properties of different extracts of two Senecio species