1. Clears Heat, Moves the Blood, Clears Stasis, Resolves Masses (TCM, West): -‘possesses the potency of dissolving Induration (hardness)’. (Avicenna) -‘Hard mass due to Blood Stasis’. (Ming Yi Bie Lu) -Lymphatic Swellings, Scrofula, Lymphadenitis etc. -various Tumors and Cancers in both east and west; Matthiolus listed it for Cancer -‘fit to discuss the most obstinate Tumors’ (Medicina Britannica, 1746). -Fistulas (decocted in Wine) -Hemorrhoids -chronic Liver diseases with inflammation. -chronic inflammation with exudation due to low vitality. -chronic Ulcers, Fistulas (int. and topically) -“useful in Rodent and Malignant Ulcers” (Avicenna)
2. Clears Heat and Poison from the Blood (TCM, West): -obstinate and chronic skin diseases including Eczema, Psoriasis, Leprosy, chronic itching -‘redness, spots and freckles in the Face’. -Secondary Syphilis.
3. Clears Heat and Toxin, Benefits the Throat (TCM, West): -heat and toxin type swellings of the throat including Tonsillitis. -chronic Sore Throat, and those with Heat, Toxin, and Yin deficiency.
4. Clears Deficient Heat, Benefits the Yin (TCM, West): -useful for conditions associated with both Yin deficiency and heat, including chronic infections, chronic fevers, and the aftermath of various chronic diseases. -adjunct in the treatment of Diabetes etc.
5. Moves the Blood, Promotes Menstruation (West): -although infrequently used for this purpose, it is useful to relieve the pain of Menstruation if the decoction is taken freely. -restores Lochial Discharge. -female Debility (King’s). -Postpartum Heat by some Chinese authorities (Bensky)
6. Promotes Urine, Benefits the Kidneys (West, TCM): -‘They exert an unusually excellent influence on the Kidneys, moderately promoting the flow of urine, relieving torpor, and imparting a soothed and toned impression to these organs’. (Cooks Dispenstaory) -‘replenishes Kidney Qi’ (Shen Nong Ben Cao) -‘Enhances the Male function and reinforces Vital Essence’. (Ming Yi Bie Lu)
7. Kills Worms (West).
8. Externally: -externally (and internally) as a Wound herb; Wounds, Bruising, Hematomas, inflammations of the Breast etc. -ointment may be used on all Swellings, Nodes, Scrophula, Ringworm, Gout, Eczema, Hemorrhoids etc. -‘Application of its lukewarm plaster twice a day is useful in cancerous swellings, scrofula and other kinds of swellings’. (Avicenna) -‘useful in Rodent and Malignant Ulcers’. (Avicenna) -‘dries up the superfluous moisture of hollow and corroding ulcers’ (Culpeper) -‘virulent Tumors that pit not, and to soften Malignant Tumors, as Scrophulas, &c.’ (Schroder) -‘Its juice cleanses the most putrid Ulcers, even though carcinomatous [cancerous]’ (Medicina Britannica, Thomas Short, 1746) -powdered root is sprinkled on moist Ulcers. -distilled water is used for Pimples and Redness of the Face -Earache, with Saltpeter (Bock)
Often Decocted in Wine or the Powder is taken with wine to move the Blood and resolve Swellings and Tumors. Decoction: 6–15 grams Powder: 1–3 grams Tincture (1:5): 2–4 drams Acid (Vinegar) Tincture: enough is added to water or wine to make it acid.
Comment: 1. The appearance, functions, uses and constituents of the Eastern and Western species of Scrophularia are similar enough to be considered synonymous. The Chinese Xuan Shen may be used in place of European Figwort. 2. According to Zhang Yuan Su it ‘plays an important role in regulating the ascent and descent of all sorts of Qi’. 3. This is one of the ‘Shen‘ roots of TCM which are often tonic medicines and which includes Ginseng (Ren Shen). Older TCM texts recognized more tonic qualities, some claiming it tonifies Qi and Yin.
In treating Fire with Yin deficiency, Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang may be used.
Main Combinations:
Scrofula, Tumors: 1. Scrofula, Neck Swellings: i. from Heat and Yin deficiency, Figwort with Comfrey root ii. from heat and toxin, Figwort with Burdock root and Bittersweet iii. from heat and toxin, Figwort with Black Nightshade iv. with Heat, Figwort with Self Heal v. Heat and Toxin, Figwort with Bittersweet vi. Figwort with China root and Agrimony vii. Figwort, Self Heal, Kelp viii. Scrophularia Xuan Shen with Oyster shell (TCM) ix. Scrophularia Xuan Shen, Self Heal (Xia Ku Cao), Forsythia Lian Qiao (TCM) x. Figwort, Herb Robert, Agrimony, Mugwort, Water Cress, Horseradish, Caraway seed, Fennel seed 2. Lymphadenitis, Figwort with Poke root 3. Hard Swellings, Figwort with Polypody, Betony and Cyclamen (Wirtzung) 4. Cancer, Figwort with Herb Robert, Agrimony, Tormentil, Nettle seed, Elder flower, Rosemary (as in Decoction for Cancer) 5. Lung Cancer, Figwort, Comfrey, Elecampane, Licorice
Heat and Toxin: 6. Chronic Sore Throat: i. from Heat and Toxin, Scrophularia Xuan Shen with Burdock seed and Licorice ii. from Heat and Yin deficiency, Scrophularia Xuan Shen with Rehmannia Sheng Di (TCM) iii. Sore, dry Throat from Yin deficiency and Heat, with Scrophularia Xuan Shen with Ophiopogon Mai Men Dong and Licorice 7. Furuncles, Boils and Abscesses Scrophularia Xuan Shen, Chrysanthemum indicum (Ye Ju Hua), Coptis Huang Lian 8. Erysipelas and Purpuric Rashes, Scrophularia Xuan Shen with Paeonia Mu Dan Pi (TCM) 9. Obstinate skin diseases, Figwort, Borage, Fumitory 10. Psoriasis, Figwort with Red Clover, Nettle, Cleavers 11. Scaly chronic skin conditions, Figwort with Yellow Dock root
Deficienct Heat: 12. Diabetes, Figwort with Mistletoe, Comfrey root, Feverfew 13. Low-Grade fever, thirst, Scrophularia Xuan Shen, Dendrobium Shi Hu, with Rehmannia Sheng Di Huang
Externally: 14. Redness, Spots and Freckles of the Face, distilled Water of Figwort with Saltpeter. (Salmon) 15. As a plaster for Tumors and Swellings, Figwort with Foxglove, Hounds Tongue, White Dead Nettle
Distilled Water of the root, Oil of Figwort, Ointment of Figwort
1. Oil of Figwort. i. Fresh herb and root of Figwort (3 parts), Olive oil (1 part). Infuse in warmth, express.
2. Ointment of Figwort: i. Bruise the roots, put in a jar and add equal parts of Beet suet or Hogs Lard with Olive oil. Sealed in a glass jar and leave in the sun for 15 or 20 days then boil gently on a fire for an hour, strain while hot, and keep in a jar for use. ii. Boil the roots in Oil, then add Wax to form an ointment. Applied to Scrofula, Lymphatic swellings, Hemorrhoids, Tumors, Ulcers, Leprosy etc.
Extra Info
NOTE: The following research is collected from numerous species of Scrophularia. While some indications (such as Diabetes and Breast Cancer) are represented by a number of species, some indications have only been shown in specific species. Nevertheless, the genus supplies many species which have been used medicinally in various countries, and it would appear that a number of species share similar or synonymous uses.