Saraca, Ashok
Sorrowless TreeAshoka, Hempushpa (Ayurveda)
Asoku (Siddha)
Saraca asoca
Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, Houtte, 1853
Botanical name:
Saraca indica, S. asoca
Parts used:
Bark; less commonly seed, leaf, flower
Temperature & Taste:
Cold, dry. Bitter, astringent
1. Clears Heat, Stops Bleeding:
-menorrhagia, metrorrhagia; all cases of excess menstrual. bleeding (especially useful in these indications)
-other types of bleeding from Heat
2. Moves the Blood, Regulates Menstruation:
-pain and spasms of the Uterus; Dysmenorrhea
-PMS, Menopausal symptoms, depression associated with Menstruation
-Cysts, Fibroids and Endometriosis
-has anti-implantation effect
-also Heart weakness and Arrhythmia
3. Stops Leakages:
-Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colitis
-Leukorrhea (internally and in douches)
-bleeding Piles
-has also been used to prevent Miscarriage
-flowers are used for Diabetes (Unani)
4. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:
-painful or obstructed Urine
-seeds have also been used for Stones and suppressed Urine
Bark in Powder: 2–5 grams, up to 9 grams daily
Bark in Decoction: 5–10 grams
Butter, Milk
Catechu; bark of Acacia
Main Combinations:
1. To strengthen and tone the Uterus, Saraca with Withania and Cinnamon
2. To regulate Menstruation, and for Menopause Saraca with Rose and Shatavari
3. To regulate Menstruation and increase Fertility:
i. Saraca with Cyperus rotundus
ii. Saraca with Dang Gui, Agnus Castus
iii. Saraca with Asparagus Shatavari, Withania
4. Premenstrual syndrome, Dysmenorrhea, Irregular Menstruation, Saraca, Asparagus Shatavari, Symplocos, Adhatoda (this is marketed as Evecare)
5. Menopause, Saraca, Asparagus Shatavari, Licorice
6. Uterine Tumors and Fibroids, Endometriosis, Saraca with Myrrh, Madder and Turmeric
7. Vaginal discharge, Saraca with Coriander seed and Long Pepper
8. Diarrhea and Dysentery, Saraca with Emblic Myrobalan and Licorice
9. Leukorrhea, Saraca with Azadiracta Neem as a douche
Not used in Constipation