The following gives a sample of a few of the Gems formulas that were in common use in the Western Tradition.
THE GOA STONE (Lapis de Goa) ‘An Antidote against Plague and Poison, and cures the Bitings of Serpents, Mad Dogs, or any other venomous creature; it Revives the Heart, fortifies Nature, resists Melancholy, restores in Consumptions, prevails against all diseases of the Head and Brain proceeding from Cold and Moisture, causing a lively Presence, nimble Wit, a Pleasant Countenance, and a sweet breath’. (Bates, Pharmacopoeia Bateana, 1700) Dose: 1 scruple-1 dram.
COOLING POWDER OF GEMS (Species de Gemmis Frigidi) A great cordial; a great strengthener of the Heart, Spirit and Brain. It strengthens and Comforts the Natural, Vital and Animal Spirits. Used to refresh the Heart and Spirits when annoyed by Heat. Good for Fainting and Palpitations from Heat of the Heart. Used for Malign, Spotted and Morbid Fevers, Inflammations, and was also used as an auxiliary in Cough and Asthma. This was especially used for Women, for Nervousness, Hysteria, Hyper-emotionalism and PMS. It was also given to promote expulsion of a Dead Child. In addition, it can be used to stop Postpartum Bleeding.
CONFECTION OF HYACINTH (Confectio de Hyacintho) ‘It much helps the Heart and Noble parts in their affections; it cures the Syncope, exhilarates the Heart, emends Palpitations, dulcorates the Breath, takes away Melancholy, and her sister Sadness without a manifest cause; it cures venerate and contagious diseases, and produces the same effects with the Confection of Scarlet grains [ie. Confectio Alkermes]’. (Renodeus)