S. Worms & Parasites
Parasitic Worms and other Parasites, both internal and external, can cause numerous diseases.
Typically, Worms are gastrointestinal, and may be associated with mild malnutrition. However, in tropical and third-world countries, various severe parasites which can prove fatal, are encountered.
Catechu, Pyrethrum, Winter Cherry, Purslane, Hyssop flower, Wild Rue seed, Goat’s Rue, Mugwort seed, Ammi seed, Rhubarb, Senna leaf
From Eastern systems:
Adhatoda vasica, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Mallotus phillipinensis, Psoralea seed, Torreya seed, Omphalia, Tinospora, Stinking Elm fruit paste, Swertia, Lead oxide
Chinese Classification