S. Worms & Parasites

Parasitic Worms and other Parasites, both internal and external, can cause numerous diseases.

Typically, Worms are gastrointestinal, and may be associated with mild malnutrition. However, in tropical and third-world countries, various severe parasites which can prove fatal, are encountered.

                             Pumpkin seed Nan Gua Zi
                             Wild Carrot seed He Shi
                             Quisqualis Shi Jun Zi
                             Melia Ku Lian Pi
                             Omphalia Lei Wan
                             Nigella seed
                             Peach kernel
                             Mulberry root bark
                             Carline Thistle
                             Azadirachta, Neem
                             Castor seed prepared
                             Black Hellebore prepared
Garlic Da Suan
Agrimony Xian He Cao
Betel nut Bing Lang
Torreya Fei Zi
Dryopteris Guan Zhong

Pomegranate root-bark
Croton prepared

Catechu, Pyrethrum, Winter Cherry, Purslane, Hyssop flower, Wild Rue seed, Goat’s Rue, Mugwort seed, Ammi seed, Rhubarb, Senna leaf

From Eastern systems:
Adhatoda vasica, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Mallotus phillipinensis, Psoralea seed, Torreya seed, Omphalia, Tinospora, Stinking Elm fruit paste, Swertia, Lead oxide

Chinese Classification
A. Clear the Exterior
B. Clear Heat
C. Clear Damp and Promote Urine
D. Clear Wind and Damp
E. Laxatives, Purgative and Cathartics
F. Emetics
G. Sedate the Heart, Mind and Spirit
H. Nourish the Heart

I. Settle Internal Wind
J. Regulate the Qi

K. Medicines which Move the Blood
L. Medicines which Stop Bleeding
M. Medicines to Warm to Expel Cold
N. Tonics
O. Medicines which Promote Digestion
P. Clear Phlegm
Q. Medicines for Cough and Wheezing
R. Astringents
S. Medicines for Worms & Parasites
T. External Medicines